warning: associated type bounds are unstable --> $DIR/constraints-before-generic-args-syntactic-pass.rs:5:19 | LL | foo::(); | ^^^^^^ | = note: see issue #52662 for more information = help: add `#![feature(associated_type_bounds)]` to the crate attributes to enable = warning: unstable syntax can change at any point in the future, causing a hard error! = note: for more information, see issue #65860 warning: associated type bounds are unstable --> $DIR/constraints-before-generic-args-syntactic-pass.rs:8:23 | LL | foo::(); | ^^^^^^ | = note: see issue #52662 for more information = help: add `#![feature(associated_type_bounds)]` to the crate attributes to enable = warning: unstable syntax can change at any point in the future, causing a hard error! = note: for more information, see issue #65860 warning: 2 warnings emitted