// run-rustfix #![allow(unused)] fn foo() { } //! Misplaced comment... //~^ ERROR expected outer doc comment fn bar() { } //~ NOTE the inner doc comment doesn't annotate this function #![test] //~ ERROR an inner attribute is not permitted in this context fn baz() { } //~ NOTE the inner attribute doesn't annotate this function //~^^ NOTE inner attributes, like `#![no_std]`, annotate the item enclosing them, and are usually /*! Misplaced comment... */ //~^ ERROR expected outer doc comment fn bat() { } //~ NOTE the inner doc comment doesn't annotate this function fn main() { } //! Misplaced comment... //~^ ERROR expected outer doc comment //~| NOTE inner doc comments like this (starting with `//!` or `/*!`) can only appear before items //~| NOTE other attributes here /*! Misplaced comment... */ //~^ ERROR expected outer doc comment //~| NOTE this doc comment doesn't document anything //~| ERROR expected item after doc comment //~| NOTE inner doc comments like this (starting with `//!` or `/*!`) can only appear before items