// check-pass // Check that taking the address of a place that contains a dereference is // allowed. #![feature(raw_ref_op, type_ascription)] const PAIR_REF: &(i32, i64) = &(1, 2); const ARRAY_REF: &[i32; 2] = &[3, 4]; const SLICE_REF: &[i32] = &[5, 6]; fn main() { // These are all OK, we're not taking the address of the temporary let deref_ref = &raw const *PAIR_REF; let field_deref_ref = &raw const PAIR_REF.0; let deref_ref = &raw const *ARRAY_REF; let index_deref_ref = &raw const ARRAY_REF[0]; let deref_ref = &raw const *SLICE_REF; let index_deref_ref = &raw const SLICE_REF[1]; let x = 0; let ascribe_ref = &raw const (x: i32); let ascribe_deref = &raw const (*ARRAY_REF: [i32; 2]); let ascribe_index_deref = &raw const (ARRAY_REF[0]: i32); }