// Test related to when a region bound is required to be specified. trait IsStatic : 'static { } trait IsSend : Send { } trait Is<'a> : 'a { } trait Is2<'a> : 'a { } trait SomeTrait { } // Bounds on object types: struct Foo<'a,'b,'c> { //~ ERROR parameter `'c` is never used // All of these are ok, because we can derive exactly one bound: a: Box, b: Box>, c: Box>, d: Box, e: Box+Send>, // we can derive two bounds, but one is 'static, so ok f: Box, // OK, defaults to 'static due to RFC 599. g: Box, z: Box+'b+'c>, //~^ ERROR only a single explicit lifetime bound is permitted //~| ERROR lifetime bound not satisfied } fn test< 'a, 'b, A:IsStatic, B:Is<'a>+Is2<'b>, // OK in a parameter, but not an object type. C:'b+Is<'a>+Is2<'b>, D:Is<'a>+Is2<'static>, E:'a+'b // OK in a parameter, but not an object type. >() { } fn main() { }