// run-pass // This is a regression test for something that only came up while // attempting to bootstrap librustc with new destructor lifetime // semantics. use std::collections::HashMap; use std::cell::RefCell; // This version does not yet work (associated type issues)... #[cfg(cannot_use_this_yet)] fn foo<'a>(map: RefCell>) { let one = [1]; assert_eq!(map.borrow().get("one"), Some(&one[..])); } #[cfg(cannot_use_this_yet_either)] // ... and this version does not work (the lifetime of `one` is // supposed to match the lifetime `'a`) ... fn foo<'a>(map: RefCell>) { let one = [1]; assert_eq!(map.borrow().get("one"), Some(&&one[..])); } #[cfg(all(not(cannot_use_this_yet),not(cannot_use_this_yet_either)))] fn foo<'a>(map: RefCell>) { // ...so instead we walk through the trivial slice and make sure // it contains the element we expect. for (i, &x) in map.borrow().get("one").unwrap().iter().enumerate() { assert_eq!((i, x), (0, 1)); } } fn main() { let zer = [0]; let one = [1]; let two = [2]; let mut map = HashMap::new(); map.insert("zero", &zer[..]); map.insert("one", &one[..]); map.insert("two", &two[..]); let map = RefCell::new(map); foo(map); }