// check-pass struct Ctxt { v: usize, } trait GetCtxt { // Here the `&` is bound in the method definition: fn get_ctxt(&self) -> &Ctxt; } struct HasCtxt<'a> { c: &'a Ctxt, } impl<'a> GetCtxt for HasCtxt<'a> { // Ok: Have implied bound of WF(&'b HasCtxt<'a>) // so know 'a: 'b // so know &'a Ctxt <: &'b Ctxt fn get_ctxt<'b>(&'b self) -> &'a Ctxt { self.c } } fn get_v(gc: Box) -> usize { gc.get_ctxt().v } fn main() { let ctxt = Ctxt { v: 22 }; let hc = HasCtxt { c: &ctxt }; assert_eq!(get_v(Box::new(hc) as Box), 22); }