// Regression test for sanitizer function instrumentation passes not // being run when compiling with new LLVM pass manager and ThinLTO. // Note: The issue occurred only on non-zero opt-level. // // needs-sanitizer-support // needs-sanitizer-address // // no-prefer-dynamic // revisions: opt0 opt1 // compile-flags: -Znew-llvm-pass-manager=yes -Zsanitizer=address -Clto=thin //[opt0]compile-flags: -Copt-level=0 //[opt1]compile-flags: -Copt-level=1 // run-fail // error-pattern: ERROR: AddressSanitizer: stack-use-after-scope static mut P: *mut usize = std::ptr::null_mut(); fn main() { unsafe { { let mut x = 0; P = &mut x; } std::ptr::write_volatile(P, 123); } }