Tests that specialization is working correctly: - Dispatch - [On methods](specialization-basics.rs), includes: - Specialization via adding a trait bound - Including both remote and local traits - Specialization via pure structure (e.g. `(T, U)` vs `(T, T)`) - Specialization via concrete types vs unknown types - In top level of the trait reference - Embedded within another type (`Vec` vs `Vec`) - [Specialization based on super trait relationships](specialization-supertraits.rs) - [On assoc fns](specialization-assoc-fns.rs) - [Ensure that impl order doesn't matter](specialization-out-of-order.rs) - Item inheritance - [Correct default cascading for methods](specialization-default-methods.rs) - Inheritance works across impls with varying generics - [With projections](specialization-translate-projections.rs) - [With projections that involve input types](specialization-translate-projections-with-params.rs) - Normalization issues - [Non-default assoc types can be projected](specialization-projection.rs) - Including non-specialized cases - Including specialized cases - [Specialized Impls can happen on projections](specialization-on-projection.rs) - [Projections and aliases play well together](specialization-projection-alias.rs) - [Projections involving specialization allowed in the trait ref for impls, and overlap can still be determined](specialization-overlap-projection.rs) - Only works for the simple case where the most specialized impl directly provides a non-`default` associated type - Across crates - [For traits defined in upstream crate](specialization-allowed-cross-crate.rs) - [Full method dispatch tests, drawing from upstream crate](specialization-cross-crate.rs) - Including *additional* local specializations - [Full method dispatch tests, *without* turning on specialization in local crate](specialization-cross-crate-no-gate.rs) - [Test that defaults cascade correctly from upstream crates](specialization-cross-crate-defaults.rs) - Including *additional* local use of defaults