// run-pass #![allow(dead_code)] use std::mem::{size_of, align_of}; use std::os::raw::c_int; // The two enums that follow are designed so that bugs trigger layout optimization. // Specifically, if either of the following reprs used here is not detected by the compiler, // then the sizes will be wrong. #[repr(C, u8)] enum E1 { A(u8, u16, u8), B(u8, u16, u8) } #[repr(u8, C)] enum E2 { A(u8, u16, u8), B(u8, u16, u8) } // Check that repr(int) and repr(C) are in fact different from the above #[repr(u8)] enum E3 { A(u8, u16, u8), B(u8, u16, u8) } #[repr(u16)] enum E4 { A(u8, u16, u8), B(u8, u16, u8) } #[repr(u32)] enum E5 { A(u8, u16, u8), B(u8, u16, u8) } #[repr(u64)] enum E6 { A(u8, u16, u8), B(u8, u16, u8) } #[repr(C)] enum E7 { A(u8, u16, u8), B(u8, u16, u8) } // From pr 37429 #[repr(C,packed)] pub struct p0f_api_query { pub magic: u32, pub addr_type: u8, pub addr: [u8; 16], } pub fn main() { assert_eq!(size_of::(), 8); assert_eq!(size_of::(), 8); assert_eq!(size_of::(), 6); assert_eq!(size_of::(), 8); assert_eq!(size_of::(), align_size(10, align_of::())); assert_eq!(size_of::(), align_size(14, align_of::())); assert_eq!(size_of::(), align_size(6 + size_of::(), align_of::())); assert_eq!(size_of::(), 21); } fn align_size(size: usize, align: usize) -> usize { if size % align != 0 { size + (align - (size % align)) } else { size } }