// compile-flags: -Cllvm-args=-not-a-real-llvm-arg // normalize-stderr-test "--help" -> "-help" // normalize-stderr-test "\n(\n|.)*" -> "" // I'm seeing "--help" locally, but "-help" in CI, so I'm normalizing it to just "-help". // Note that the rustc-supplied "program name", given when invoking LLVM, is used by LLVM to // generate user-facing error messages and a usage (--help) messages. If the program name is // `rustc`, the usage message in response to `--llvm-args="--help"` starts with: // ``` // USAGE: rustc [options] // ``` // followed by the list of options not to `rustc` but to `llvm`. // // On the other hand, if the program name is set to `rustc -Cllvm-args="..." with`, the usage // message is more clear: // ``` // USAGE: rustc -Cllvm-args="..." with [options] // ``` // This test captures the effect of the current program name setting on LLVM command line // error messages. fn main() {}