#![allow(dead_code)] // Test that even when `Self` is only used in contravariant position, it // is treated as invariant. trait Get { fn get(&self); } fn get_min_from_max<'min, 'max, G>() where 'max : 'min, G : 'max, &'max G : Get { impls_get::<&'min G>(); //~^ ERROR lifetime may not live long enough } fn get_max_from_min<'min, 'max, G>() where 'max : 'min, G : 'max, &'min G : Get { // Previously OK, but now error because traits are invariant with // respect to all inputs. impls_get::<&'max G>(); //~^ ERROR lifetime may not live long enough } fn impls_get() where G : Get { } fn main() { }