# build-manifest This tool generates the manifests uploaded to static.rust-lang.org and used by rustup. The tool is invoked by the bootstrap tool. ## Testing changes locally In order to test the changes locally you need to have a valid dist directory available locally. If you don't want to build all the compiler, you can easily create one from the nightly artifacts with: ``` #!/bin/bash for cmpn in rust rustc rust-std rust-docs cargo; do wget https://static.rust-lang.org/dist/${cmpn}-nightly-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz done ``` Then, you can generate the manifest and all the packages from `path/to/dist` to `path/to/output` with: ``` $ cargo +nightly run path/to/dist path/to/output 1970-01-01 http://example.com CHANNEL ``` Remember to replace `CHANNEL` with the channel you produced dist artifacts of and `VERSION` with the current Rust version.