MY-COMMAND(1) NAME my-command - A brief description SYNOPSIS my-command [--abc | --xyz] name my-command [-f file] my-command (-m | -M) [oldbranch] newbranch my-command (-d | -D) [-r] branchnameā€¦ DESCRIPTION A description of the command. o One o Sub one o Sub two o Two o Three OPTIONS Command options --foo-bar Demo emphasis, strong, ~~strike~~ -p spec, --package spec This has multiple flags. named-argā€¦ A named argument. Common Options @filename Load from filename. --foo [bar] Flag with optional value. --foo[=bar] Alternate syntax for optional value (with required = for disambiguation). EXAMPLES 1. An example my-command --abc 2. Another example my-command --xyz SEE ALSO other-command(1) abc(7)