use crate::git_gc::find_index; use cargo_test_support::registry::Package; use cargo_test_support::{basic_manifest, git, paths, project}; enum RepoMode { Shallow, Complete, } #[cargo_test] fn gitoxide_clones_shallow_two_revs_same_deps() { perform_two_revs_same_deps(true) } fn perform_two_revs_same_deps(shallow: bool) { let bar = git::new("meta-dep", |project| { project .file("Cargo.toml", &basic_manifest("bar", "0.0.0")) .file("src/", "pub fn bar() -> i32 { 1 }") }); let repo = git2::Repository::open(&bar.root()).unwrap(); let rev1 = repo.revparse_single("HEAD").unwrap().id(); // Commit the changes and make sure we trigger a recompile bar.change_file("src/", "pub fn bar() -> i32 { 2 }"); git::add(&repo); let rev2 = git::commit(&repo); let foo = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", &format!( r#" [package] name = "foo" version = "0.0.0" authors = [] [] git = '{}' rev = "{}" [dependencies.baz] path = "../baz" "#, bar.url(), rev1 ), ) .file( "src/", r#" extern crate bar; extern crate baz; fn main() { assert_eq!(bar::bar(), 1); assert_eq!(baz::baz(), 2); } "#, ) .build(); let _baz = project() .at("baz") .file( "Cargo.toml", &format!( r#" [package] name = "baz" version = "0.0.0" authors = [] [] git = '{}' rev = "{}" "#, bar.url(), rev2 ), ) .file( "src/", r#" extern crate bar; pub fn baz() -> i32 { bar::bar() } "#, ) .build(); let args = if shallow { "build -v -Zgitoxide=fetch,shallow-deps" } else { "build -v" }; foo.cargo(args) .masquerade_as_nightly_cargo(&["unstable features must be available for -Z gitoxide"]) .run(); assert!(foo.bin("foo").is_file()); foo.process(&foo.bin("foo")).run(); } #[cargo_test] fn two_revs_same_deps() { perform_two_revs_same_deps(false) } #[cargo_test] fn gitoxide_clones_registry_with_shallow_protocol_and_follow_up_with_git2_fetch( ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { Package::new("bar", "1.0.0").publish(); let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "foo" version = "0.1.0" [dependencies] bar = "1.0" "#, ) .file("src/", "") .build(); p.cargo("fetch") .arg("-Zgitoxide=fetch,shallow-index") .masquerade_as_nightly_cargo(&["unstable features must be available for -Z gitoxide"]) .run(); let shallow_repo = gix::open_opts(find_index(), gix::open::Options::isolated())?; assert_eq!( shallow_repo .rev_parse_single("origin/HEAD")? .ancestors() .all()? .count(), 1, "shallow clones always start at depth of 1 to minimize download size" ); assert!(shallow_repo.is_shallow()); Package::new("bar", "1.1.0").publish(); p.cargo("update") .env("__CARGO_USE_GITOXIDE_INSTEAD_OF_GIT2", "0") .run(); let repo = gix::open_opts( find_remote_index(RepoMode::Complete), gix::open::Options::isolated(), )?; assert_eq!( repo.rev_parse_single("origin/HEAD")? .ancestors() .all()? .count(), 3, "an entirely new repo was cloned which is never shallow" ); assert!(!repo.is_shallow()); Ok(()) } #[cargo_test] fn gitoxide_clones_git_dependency_with_shallow_protocol_and_git2_is_used_for_followup_fetches( ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { // Example where an old lockfile with an explicit branch="master" in Cargo.toml. Package::new("bar", "1.0.0").publish(); let (bar, bar_repo) = git::new_repo("bar", |p| { p.file("Cargo.toml", &basic_manifest("bar", "1.0.0")) .file("src/", "") }); bar.change_file("src/", "// change"); git::add(&bar_repo); git::commit(&bar_repo); { let mut walk = bar_repo.revwalk()?; walk.push_head()?; assert_eq!( walk.count(), 2, "original repo has initial commit and change commit" ); } let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", &format!( r#" [package] name = "foo" version = "0.1.0" [dependencies] bar = {{ version = "1.0", git = "{}", branch = "master" }} "#, bar.url() ), ) .file("src/", "") .build(); p.cargo("update") .arg("-Zgitoxide=fetch,shallow-deps") .masquerade_as_nightly_cargo(&["unstable features must be available for -Z gitoxide"]) .run(); let db_clone = gix::open_opts( find_bar_db(RepoMode::Shallow), gix::open::Options::isolated(), )?; assert!(db_clone.is_shallow()); assert_eq!( db_clone .rev_parse_single("origin/master")? .ancestors() .all()? .count(), 1, "db clones are shallow and have a shortened history" ); let dep_checkout = gix::open_opts( find_lexicographically_first_bar_checkout(), gix::open::Options::isolated(), )?; assert!(dep_checkout.is_shallow()); assert_eq!( dep_checkout.head_id()?.ancestors().all()?.count(), 1, "db checkouts are hard-linked clones with the shallow file copied separately." ); bar.change_file("src/", "// another change"); git::add(&bar_repo); git::commit(&bar_repo); { let mut walk = bar_repo.revwalk()?; walk.push_head()?; assert_eq!( walk.count(), 3, "original repo has initial commit and change commit, and another change" ); } p.cargo("update") .env("__CARGO_USE_GITOXIDE_INSTEAD_OF_GIT2", "0") .run(); let db_clone = gix::open_opts( find_bar_db(RepoMode::Complete), gix::open::Options::isolated(), )?; assert_eq!( db_clone .rev_parse_single("origin/master")? .ancestors() .all()? .count(), 3, "the db clone was re-initialized and has all commits" ); assert!( !db_clone.is_shallow(), "shallow-ness was removed as git2 does not support it" ); assert_eq!( dep_checkout.head_id()?.ancestors().all()?.count(), 1, "the original dep checkout didn't change - there is a new one for each update we get locally" ); let max_history_depth = glob::glob( paths::home() .join(".cargo/git/checkouts/bar-*/*/.git") .to_str() .unwrap(), )? .map(|path| -> anyhow::Result { let dep_checkout = gix::open_opts(path?, gix::open::Options::isolated())?; let depth = dep_checkout.head_id()?.ancestors().all()?.count(); assert_eq!(dep_checkout.is_shallow(), depth == 1, "the first checkout is done with gitoxide and shallow, the second one is git2 non-shallow"); Ok(depth) }) .map(Result::unwrap) .max() .expect("two checkout repos"); assert_eq!( max_history_depth, 3, "the new checkout sees all commits of the non-shallow DB repository" ); Ok(()) } #[cargo_test] fn gitoxide_shallow_clone_followed_by_non_shallow_update() -> anyhow::Result<()> { Package::new("bar", "1.0.0").publish(); let (bar, bar_repo) = git::new_repo("bar", |p| { p.file("Cargo.toml", &basic_manifest("bar", "1.0.0")) .file("src/", "") }); bar.change_file("src/", "// change"); git::add(&bar_repo); git::commit(&bar_repo); { let mut walk = bar_repo.revwalk()?; walk.push_head()?; assert_eq!( walk.count(), 2, "original repo has initial commit and change commit" ); } let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", &format!( r#" [package] name = "foo" version = "0.1.0" [dependencies] bar = {{ version = "1.0", git = "{}", branch = "master" }} "#, bar.url() ), ) .file("src/", "") .build(); p.cargo("update") .arg("-Zgitoxide=fetch,shallow-deps") .masquerade_as_nightly_cargo(&["unstable features must be available for -Z gitoxide"]) .run(); let shallow_db_clone = gix::open_opts( find_bar_db(RepoMode::Shallow), gix::open::Options::isolated(), )?; assert!(shallow_db_clone.is_shallow()); assert_eq!( shallow_db_clone .rev_parse_single("origin/master")? .ancestors() .all()? .count(), 1, "db clones are shallow and have a shortened history" ); let dep_checkout = gix::open_opts( find_lexicographically_first_bar_checkout(), gix::open::Options::isolated(), )?; assert!(dep_checkout.is_shallow()); assert_eq!( dep_checkout.head_id()?.ancestors().all()?.count(), 1, "db checkouts are hard-linked clones with the shallow file copied separately." ); bar.change_file("src/", "// another change"); git::add(&bar_repo); git::commit(&bar_repo); { let mut walk = bar_repo.revwalk()?; walk.push_head()?; assert_eq!( walk.count(), 3, "original repo has initial commit and change commit, and another change" ); } p.cargo("update") .arg("-Zgitoxide=fetch") // shallow-deps is omitted intentionally .masquerade_as_nightly_cargo(&["unstable features must be available for -Z gitoxide"]) .run(); let db_clone = gix::open_opts( find_bar_db(RepoMode::Complete), gix::open::Options::isolated(), )?; assert_eq!( db_clone .rev_parse_single("origin/master")? .ancestors() .all()? .count(), 3, "we created an entirely new non-shallow clone" ); assert!(!db_clone.is_shallow()); assert_eq!( dep_checkout.head_id()?.ancestors().all()?.count(), 1, "the original dep checkout didn't change - there is a new one for each update we get locally" ); let max_history_depth = glob::glob( paths::home() .join(".cargo/git/checkouts/bar-*/*/.git") .to_str() .unwrap(), )? .map(|path| -> anyhow::Result { let path = path?; let dep_checkout = gix::open_opts(&path, gix::open::Options::isolated())?; assert_eq!( dep_checkout.is_shallow(), path.to_string_lossy().contains("-shallow"), "checkouts of shallow db repos are shallow as well" ); let depth = dep_checkout.head_id()?.ancestors().all()?.count(); Ok(depth) }) .map(Result::unwrap) .max() .expect("two checkout repos"); assert_eq!( max_history_depth, 3, "we see the previous shallow checkout as well as new new unshallow one" ); Ok(()) } #[cargo_test] fn gitoxide_clones_registry_with_shallow_protocol_and_follow_up_fetch_maintains_shallowness( ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { Package::new("bar", "1.0.0").publish(); let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "foo" version = "0.1.0" [dependencies] bar = "1.0" "#, ) .file("src/", "") .build(); p.cargo("fetch") .arg("-Zgitoxide=fetch,shallow-index") .masquerade_as_nightly_cargo(&["unstable features must be available for -Z gitoxide"]) .run(); let repo = gix::open_opts(find_index(), gix::open::Options::isolated())?; assert_eq!( repo.rev_parse_single("origin/HEAD")? .ancestors() .all()? .count(), 1, "shallow clones always start at depth of 1 to minimize download size" ); assert!(repo.is_shallow()); Package::new("bar", "1.1.0").publish(); p.cargo("update") .arg("-Zgitoxide=fetch,shallow-index") // NOTE: the flag needs to be consistent or else a different index is created .masquerade_as_nightly_cargo(&["unstable features must be available for -Z gitoxide"]) .run(); assert_eq!( repo.rev_parse_single("origin/HEAD")? .ancestors() .all()? .count(), 1, "subsequent shallow fetches wont' fetch what's inbetween, only the single commit that we need while leveraging existing commits" ); assert!(repo.is_shallow()); Package::new("bar", "1.2.0").publish(); Package::new("bar", "1.3.0").publish(); p.cargo("update") .arg("-Zgitoxide=fetch,shallow-index") .masquerade_as_nightly_cargo(&["unstable features must be available for -Z gitoxide"]) .run(); assert_eq!( repo.rev_parse_single("origin/HEAD")? .ancestors() .all()? .count(), 1, "shallow boundaries are moved with each fetch to maintain only a single commit of history" ); assert!(repo.is_shallow()); Ok(()) } /// If there is shallow *and* non-shallow clones, non-shallow will naturally be returned due to sort order. #[cargo_test] fn gitoxide_clones_registry_without_shallow_protocol_and_follow_up_fetch_uses_shallowness( ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { Package::new("bar", "1.0.0").publish(); let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "foo" version = "0.1.0" [dependencies] bar = "1.0" "#, ) .file("src/", "") .build(); p.cargo("fetch") .arg("-Zgitoxide=fetch") .masquerade_as_nightly_cargo(&["unstable features must be available for -Z gitoxide"]) .run(); let repo = gix::open_opts(find_index(), gix::open::Options::isolated())?; assert_eq!( repo.rev_parse_single("origin/HEAD")? .ancestors() .all()? .count(), 2, "initial commit and the first crate" ); assert!(!repo.is_shallow()); Package::new("bar", "1.1.0").publish(); p.cargo("update") .arg("-Zgitoxide=fetch,shallow-index") .masquerade_as_nightly_cargo(&["unstable features must be available for -Z gitoxide"]) .run(); let shallow_repo = gix::open_opts( find_remote_index(RepoMode::Shallow), gix::open::Options::isolated(), )?; assert_eq!( shallow_repo.rev_parse_single("origin/HEAD")? .ancestors() .all()? .count(), 1, "the follow up clones an entirely new index which is now shallow and which is in its own location" ); assert!(shallow_repo.is_shallow()); Package::new("bar", "1.2.0").publish(); Package::new("bar", "1.3.0").publish(); p.cargo("update") .arg("-Zgitoxide=fetch,shallow-index") .masquerade_as_nightly_cargo(&["unstable features must be available for -Z gitoxide"]) .run(); assert_eq!( shallow_repo .rev_parse_single("origin/HEAD")? .ancestors() .all()? .count(), 1, "subsequent shallow fetches wont' fetch what's inbetween, only the single commit that we need while leveraging existing commits" ); assert!(shallow_repo.is_shallow()); p.cargo("update") .arg("-Zgitoxide=fetch") .masquerade_as_nightly_cargo(&["unstable features must be available for -Z gitoxide"]) .run(); assert_eq!( repo.rev_parse_single("origin/HEAD")? .ancestors() .all()? .count(), 5, "we can separately fetch the non-shallow index as well and it sees all commits" ); Ok(()) } #[cargo_test] fn gitoxide_git_dependencies_switch_from_branch_to_rev() -> anyhow::Result<()> { // db exists from previous build, then dependency changes to refer to revision that isn't // available in the shallow clone. let (bar, bar_repo) = git::new_repo("bar", |p| { p.file("Cargo.toml", &basic_manifest("bar", "1.0.0")) .file("src/", "") }); // this commit would not be available in a shallow clone. let first_commit_pre_change = bar_repo.head().unwrap().target().unwrap(); bar.change_file("src/", "// change"); git::add(&bar_repo); git::commit(&bar_repo); let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", &format!( r#" [package] name = "foo" version = "0.1.0" [dependencies] bar = {{ git = "{}", branch = "master" }} "#, bar.url(), ), ) .file("src/", "") .build(); p.cargo("check") .arg("-Zgitoxide=fetch,shallow-deps") .masquerade_as_nightly_cargo(&["unstable features must be available for -Z gitoxide"]) .run(); let db_clone = gix::open_opts( find_bar_db(RepoMode::Shallow), gix::open::Options::isolated(), )?; assert!(db_clone.is_shallow()); let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", &format!( r#" [package] name = "foo" version = "0.1.0" [dependencies] bar = {{ git = "{}", rev = "{}" }} "#, bar.url(), first_commit_pre_change ), ) .file("src/", "") .build(); p.cargo("check") .arg("-Zgitoxide=fetch,shallow-deps") .masquerade_as_nightly_cargo(&["unstable features must be available for -Z gitoxide"]) .run(); assert!( db_clone.is_shallow(), "we maintain shallowness and never unshallow" ); Ok(()) } #[cargo_test] fn shallow_deps_work_with_revisions_and_branches_mixed_on_same_dependency() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let (bar, bar_repo) = git::new_repo("bar", |p| { p.file("Cargo.toml", &basic_manifest("bar", "1.0.0")) .file("src/", "") }); // this commit would not be available in a shallow clone. let first_commit_pre_change = bar_repo.head().unwrap().target().unwrap(); bar.change_file("src/", "// change"); git::add(&bar_repo); git::commit(&bar_repo); let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", &format!( r#" [package] name = "foo" version = "0.1.0" [dependencies] bar-renamed = {{ package = "bar", git = "{}", rev = "{}" }} bar = {{ git = "{}", branch = "master" }} "#, bar.url(), first_commit_pre_change, bar.url(), ), ) .file("src/", "") .build(); p.cargo("check") .arg("-Zgitoxide=fetch,shallow-deps") .masquerade_as_nightly_cargo(&["unstable features must be available for -Z gitoxide"]) .run(); let db_paths = glob::glob(paths::home().join(".cargo/git/db/bar-*").to_str().unwrap())? .map(Result::unwrap) .collect::>(); assert_eq!( db_paths.len(), 1, "only one db checkout source is used per dependency" ); let db_clone = gix::open_opts(&db_paths[0], gix::open::Options::isolated())?; assert!( db_clone.is_shallow(), "the repo is shallow while having all data it needs" ); Ok(()) } #[cargo_test] fn gitoxide_clones_registry_with_shallow_protocol_and_aborts_and_updates_again( ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { Package::new("bar", "1.0.0").publish(); let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "foo" version = "0.1.0" [dependencies] bar = "1.0" "#, ) .file("src/", "") .build(); p.cargo("fetch") .arg("-Zgitoxide=fetch,shallow-index") .masquerade_as_nightly_cargo(&["unstable features must be available for -Z gitoxide"]) .run(); let repo = gix::open_opts(find_index(), gix::open::Options::isolated())?; assert_eq!( repo.rev_parse_single("origin/HEAD")? .ancestors() .all()? .count(), 1, "shallow clones always start at depth of 1 to minimize download size" ); assert!(repo.is_shallow()); let shallow_lock = repo.shallow_file().with_extension("lock"); // adding a lock file and deleting the original simulates a left-over clone that was aborted, leaving a lock file // in place without ever having moved it to the right location. std::fs::write(&shallow_lock, &[])?; std::fs::remove_file(repo.shallow_file())?; Package::new("bar", "1.1.0").publish(); p.cargo("update") .arg("-Zgitoxide=fetch,shallow-index") .masquerade_as_nightly_cargo(&["unstable features must be available for -Z gitoxide"]) .run(); assert!(!shallow_lock.is_file(), "the repository was re-initialized"); assert!(repo.is_shallow()); assert_eq!( repo.rev_parse_single("origin/HEAD")? .ancestors() .all()? .count(), 1, "it's a fresh shallow clone - otherwise it would have 2 commits if the previous shallow clone would still be present" ); Ok(()) } fn find_lexicographically_first_bar_checkout() -> std::path::PathBuf { glob::glob( paths::home() .join(".cargo/git/checkouts/bar-*/*/.git") .to_str() .unwrap(), ) .unwrap() .next() .unwrap() .unwrap() .to_owned() } fn find_remote_index(mode: RepoMode) -> std::path::PathBuf { glob::glob( paths::home() .join(".cargo/registry/index/*") .to_str() .unwrap(), ) .unwrap() .map(Result::unwrap) .filter(|p| p.to_string_lossy().ends_with("-shallow") == matches!(mode, RepoMode::Shallow)) .next() .unwrap() } /// Find a checkout directory for bar, `shallow` or not. fn find_bar_db(mode: RepoMode) -> std::path::PathBuf { glob::glob(paths::home().join(".cargo/git/db/bar-*").to_str().unwrap()) .unwrap() .map(Result::unwrap) .filter(|p| p.to_string_lossy().ends_with("-shallow") == matches!(mode, RepoMode::Shallow)) .next() .unwrap() .to_owned() }