use clippy_utils::diagnostics::span_lint_and_then; use clippy_utils::is_unit_expr; use clippy_utils::source::{expr_block, snippet}; use clippy_utils::sugg::Sugg; use rustc_ast::LitKind; use rustc_errors::Applicability; use rustc_hir::{Arm, Expr, ExprKind, PatKind}; use rustc_lint::LateContext; use rustc_middle::ty; use super::MATCH_BOOL; pub(crate) fn check(cx: &LateContext<'_>, ex: &Expr<'_>, arms: &[Arm<'_>], expr: &Expr<'_>) { // Type of expression is `bool`. if *cx.typeck_results().expr_ty(ex).kind() == ty::Bool { span_lint_and_then( cx, MATCH_BOOL, expr.span, "you seem to be trying to match on a boolean expression", move |diag| { if arms.len() == 2 { // no guards let exprs = if let PatKind::Lit(arm_bool) = arms[0].pat.kind { if let ExprKind::Lit(ref lit) = arm_bool.kind { match lit.node { LitKind::Bool(true) => Some((arms[0].body, arms[1].body)), LitKind::Bool(false) => Some((arms[1].body, arms[0].body)), _ => None, } } else { None } } else { None }; if let Some((true_expr, false_expr)) = exprs { let sugg = match (is_unit_expr(true_expr), is_unit_expr(false_expr)) { (false, false) => Some(format!( "if {} {} else {}", snippet(cx, ex.span, "b"), expr_block(cx, true_expr, None, "..", Some(expr.span)), expr_block(cx, false_expr, None, "..", Some(expr.span)) )), (false, true) => Some(format!( "if {} {}", snippet(cx, ex.span, "b"), expr_block(cx, true_expr, None, "..", Some(expr.span)) )), (true, false) => { let test = Sugg::hir(cx, ex, ".."); Some(format!( "if {} {}", !test, expr_block(cx, false_expr, None, "..", Some(expr.span)) )) }, (true, true) => None, }; if let Some(sugg) = sugg { diag.span_suggestion( expr.span, "consider using an `if`/`else` expression", sugg, Applicability::HasPlaceholders, ); } } } }, ); } }