use clippy_utils::diagnostics::span_lint_and_then; use clippy_utils::higher::VecArgs; use clippy_utils::last_path_segment; use clippy_utils::macros::root_macro_call_first_node; use clippy_utils::paths; use clippy_utils::source::{indent_of, snippet}; use clippy_utils::ty::match_type; use rustc_errors::Applicability; use rustc_hir::{Expr, ExprKind, QPath, TyKind}; use rustc_lint::{LateContext, LateLintPass}; use rustc_session::{declare_lint_pass, declare_tool_lint}; use rustc_span::{sym, Span, Symbol}; declare_clippy_lint! { /// ### What it does /// Checks for reference-counted pointers (`Arc`, `Rc`, `rc::Weak`, and `sync::Weak`) /// in `vec![elem; len]` /// /// ### Why is this bad? /// This will create `elem` once and clone it `len` times - doing so with `Arc`/`Rc`/`Weak` /// is a bit misleading, as it will create references to the same pointer, rather /// than different instances. /// /// ### Example /// ```rust /// let v = vec![std::sync::Arc::new("some data".to_string()); 100]; /// // or /// let v = vec![std::rc::Rc::new("some data".to_string()); 100]; /// ``` /// Use instead: /// ```rust /// // Initialize each value separately: /// let mut data = Vec::with_capacity(100); /// for _ in 0..100 { /// data.push(std::rc::Rc::new("some data".to_string())); /// } /// /// // Or if you want clones of the same reference, /// // Create the reference beforehand to clarify that /// // it should be cloned for each value /// let data = std::rc::Rc::new("some data".to_string()); /// let v = vec![data; 100]; /// ``` #[clippy::version = "1.63.0"] pub RC_CLONE_IN_VEC_INIT, suspicious, "initializing reference-counted pointer in `vec![elem; len]`" } declare_lint_pass!(RcCloneInVecInit => [RC_CLONE_IN_VEC_INIT]); impl LateLintPass<'_> for RcCloneInVecInit { fn check_expr(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'_>, expr: &Expr<'_>) { let Some(macro_call) = root_macro_call_first_node(cx, expr) else { return; }; let Some(VecArgs::Repeat(elem, len)) = VecArgs::hir(cx, expr) else { return; }; let Some((symbol, func_span)) = ref_init(cx, elem) else { return; }; emit_lint(cx, symbol, macro_call.span, elem, len, func_span); } } fn loop_init_suggestion(elem: &str, len: &str, indent: &str) -> String { format!( r#"{{ {indent} let mut v = Vec::with_capacity({len}); {indent} (0..{len}).for_each(|_| v.push({elem})); {indent} v {indent}}}"# ) } fn extract_suggestion(elem: &str, len: &str, indent: &str) -> String { format!( "{{ {indent} let data = {elem}; {indent} vec![data; {len}] {indent}}}" ) } fn emit_lint(cx: &LateContext<'_>, symbol: Symbol, lint_span: Span, elem: &Expr<'_>, len: &Expr<'_>, func_span: Span) { let symbol_name = symbol.as_str(); span_lint_and_then( cx, RC_CLONE_IN_VEC_INIT, lint_span, "initializing a reference-counted pointer in `vec![elem; len]`", |diag| { let len_snippet = snippet(cx, len.span, ".."); let elem_snippet = format!("{}(..)", snippet(cx, elem.span.with_hi(func_span.hi()), "..")); let indentation = " ".repeat(indent_of(cx, lint_span).unwrap_or(0)); let loop_init_suggestion = loop_init_suggestion(&elem_snippet, len_snippet.as_ref(), &indentation); let extract_suggestion = extract_suggestion(&elem_snippet, len_snippet.as_ref(), &indentation); diag.note(format!("each element will point to the same `{symbol_name}` instance")); diag.span_suggestion( lint_span, format!("consider initializing each `{symbol_name}` element individually"), loop_init_suggestion, Applicability::HasPlaceholders, ); diag.span_suggestion( lint_span, format!( "or if this is intentional, consider extracting the `{symbol_name}` initialization to a variable" ), extract_suggestion, Applicability::HasPlaceholders, ); }, ); } /// Checks whether the given `expr` is a call to `Arc::new`, `Rc::new`, or evaluates to a `Weak` fn ref_init(cx: &LateContext<'_>, expr: &Expr<'_>) -> Option<(Symbol, Span)> { if_chain! { if let ExprKind::Call(func, _args) = expr.kind; if let ExprKind::Path(ref func_path @ QPath::TypeRelative(ty, _)) = func.kind; if let TyKind::Path(ref ty_path) = ty.kind; if let Some(def_id) = cx.qpath_res(ty_path, ty.hir_id).opt_def_id(); then { if last_path_segment(func_path) == sym::new && let Some(symbol) = cx .tcx .get_diagnostic_name(def_id) .filter(|symbol| symbol == &sym::Arc || symbol == &sym::Rc) { return Some((symbol, func.span)); } let ty_path = cx.typeck_results().expr_ty(expr); if match_type(cx, ty_path, &paths::WEAK_RC) || match_type(cx, ty_path, &paths::WEAK_ARC) { return Some((Symbol::intern("Weak"), func.span)); } } } None }