use clippy_utils::diagnostics::span_lint_and_sugg; use clippy_utils::is_lint_allowed; use clippy_utils::source::snippet; use rustc_ast::ast::LitKind; use rustc_errors::Applicability; use rustc_hir::{Expr, ExprKind, HirId}; use rustc_lint::{LateContext, LateLintPass}; use rustc_session::{declare_lint_pass, declare_tool_lint}; use rustc_span::source_map::Span; use unicode_normalization::UnicodeNormalization; declare_clippy_lint! { /// ### What it does /// Checks for invisible Unicode characters in the code. /// /// ### Why is this bad? /// Having an invisible character in the code makes for all /// sorts of April fools, but otherwise is very much frowned upon. /// /// ### Example /// You don't see it, but there may be a zero-width space or soft hyphen /// some­where in this text. #[clippy::version = "1.49.0"] pub INVISIBLE_CHARACTERS, correctness, "using an invisible character in a string literal, which is confusing" } declare_clippy_lint! { /// ### What it does /// Checks for non-ASCII characters in string and char literals. /// /// ### Why is this bad? /// Yeah, we know, the 90's called and wanted their charset /// back. Even so, there still are editors and other programs out there that /// don't work well with Unicode. So if the code is meant to be used /// internationally, on multiple operating systems, or has other portability /// requirements, activating this lint could be useful. /// /// ### Example /// ```rust /// let x = String::from("€"); /// ``` /// /// Use instead: /// ```rust /// let x = String::from("\u{20ac}"); /// ``` #[clippy::version = "pre 1.29.0"] pub NON_ASCII_LITERAL, restriction, "using any literal non-ASCII chars in a string literal instead of using the `\\u` escape" } declare_clippy_lint! { /// ### What it does /// Checks for string literals that contain Unicode in a form /// that is not equal to its /// [NFC-recomposition]( /// /// ### Why is this bad? /// If such a string is compared to another, the results /// may be surprising. /// /// ### Example /// You may not see it, but "à"" and "à"" aren't the same string. The /// former when escaped is actually `"a\u{300}"` while the latter is `"\u{e0}"`. #[clippy::version = "pre 1.29.0"] pub UNICODE_NOT_NFC, pedantic, "using a Unicode literal not in NFC normal form (see [Unicode tr15]( for further information)" } declare_lint_pass!(Unicode => [INVISIBLE_CHARACTERS, NON_ASCII_LITERAL, UNICODE_NOT_NFC]); impl LateLintPass<'_> for Unicode { fn check_expr(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'_>, expr: &'_ Expr<'_>) { if let ExprKind::Lit(ref lit) = expr.kind { if let LitKind::Str(_, _) | LitKind::Char(_) = lit.node { check_str(cx, lit.span, expr.hir_id); } } } } fn escape>(s: T) -> String { let mut result = String::new(); for c in s { if c as u32 > 0x7F { for d in c.escape_unicode() { result.push(d); } } else { result.push(c); } } result } fn check_str(cx: &LateContext<'_>, span: Span, id: HirId) { let string = snippet(cx, span, ""); if string.chars().any(|c| ['\u{200B}', '\u{ad}', '\u{2060}'].contains(&c)) { span_lint_and_sugg( cx, INVISIBLE_CHARACTERS, span, "invisible character detected", "consider replacing the string with", string .replace('\u{200B}', "\\u{200B}") .replace('\u{ad}', "\\u{AD}") .replace('\u{2060}', "\\u{2060}"), Applicability::MachineApplicable, ); } if string.chars().any(|c| c as u32 > 0x7F) { span_lint_and_sugg( cx, NON_ASCII_LITERAL, span, "literal non-ASCII character detected", "consider replacing the string with", if is_lint_allowed(cx, UNICODE_NOT_NFC, id) { escape(string.chars()) } else { escape(string.nfc()) }, Applicability::MachineApplicable, ); } if is_lint_allowed(cx, NON_ASCII_LITERAL, id) && string.chars().zip(string.nfc()).any(|(a, b)| a != b) { span_lint_and_sugg( cx, UNICODE_NOT_NFC, span, "non-NFC Unicode sequence detected", "consider replacing the string with", string.nfc().collect::(), Applicability::MachineApplicable, ); } }