//! Read configurations files. #![allow(clippy::module_name_repetitions)] use serde::de::{Deserializer, IgnoredAny, IntoDeserializer, MapAccess, Visitor}; use serde::Deserialize; use std::error::Error; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::str::FromStr; use std::{cmp, env, fmt, fs, io, iter}; #[rustfmt::skip] const DEFAULT_DOC_VALID_IDENTS: &[&str] = &[ "KiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB", "PiB", "EiB", "DirectX", "ECMAScript", "GPLv2", "GPLv3", "GitHub", "GitLab", "IPv4", "IPv6", "ClojureScript", "CoffeeScript", "JavaScript", "PureScript", "TypeScript", "NaN", "NaNs", "OAuth", "GraphQL", "OCaml", "OpenGL", "OpenMP", "OpenSSH", "OpenSSL", "OpenStreetMap", "OpenDNS", "WebGL", "TensorFlow", "TrueType", "iOS", "macOS", "FreeBSD", "TeX", "LaTeX", "BibTeX", "BibLaTeX", "MinGW", "CamelCase", ]; const DEFAULT_DISALLOWED_NAMES: &[&str] = &["foo", "baz", "quux"]; /// Holds information used by `MISSING_ENFORCED_IMPORT_RENAMES` lint. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize)] pub struct Rename { pub path: String, pub rename: String, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize)] #[serde(untagged)] pub enum DisallowedPath { Simple(String), WithReason { path: String, reason: Option }, } impl DisallowedPath { pub fn path(&self) -> &str { let (Self::Simple(path) | Self::WithReason { path, .. }) = self; path } pub fn reason(&self) -> Option { match self { Self::WithReason { reason: Some(reason), .. } => Some(format!("{reason} (from clippy.toml)")), _ => None, } } } /// Conf with parse errors #[derive(Default)] pub struct TryConf { pub conf: Conf, pub errors: Vec>, pub warnings: Vec>, } impl TryConf { fn from_error(error: impl Error + 'static) -> Self { Self { conf: Conf::default(), errors: vec![Box::new(error)], warnings: vec![], } } } #[derive(Debug)] struct ConfError(String); impl fmt::Display for ConfError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { ::fmt(&self.0, f) } } impl Error for ConfError {} fn conf_error(s: impl Into) -> Box { Box::new(ConfError(s.into())) } macro_rules! define_Conf { ($( $(#[doc = $doc:literal])+ $(#[conf_deprecated($dep:literal, $new_conf:ident)])? ($name:ident: $ty:ty = $default:expr), )*) => { /// Clippy lint configuration pub struct Conf { $($(#[doc = $doc])+ pub $name: $ty,)* } mod defaults { $(pub fn $name() -> $ty { $default })* } impl Default for Conf { fn default() -> Self { Self { $($name: defaults::$name(),)* } } } impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for TryConf { fn deserialize(deserializer: D) -> Result where D: Deserializer<'de> { deserializer.deserialize_map(ConfVisitor) } } #[derive(Deserialize)] #[serde(field_identifier, rename_all = "kebab-case")] #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] enum Field { $($name,)* third_party, } struct ConfVisitor; impl<'de> Visitor<'de> for ConfVisitor { type Value = TryConf; fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { formatter.write_str("Conf") } fn visit_map(self, mut map: V) -> Result where V: MapAccess<'de> { let mut errors = Vec::new(); let mut warnings = Vec::new(); $(let mut $name = None;)* // could get `Field` here directly, but get `str` first for diagnostics while let Some(name) = map.next_key::<&str>()? { match Field::deserialize(name.into_deserializer())? { $(Field::$name => { $(warnings.push(conf_error(format!("deprecated field `{}`. {}", name, $dep)));)? match map.next_value() { Err(e) => errors.push(conf_error(e.to_string())), Ok(value) => match $name { Some(_) => errors.push(conf_error(format!("duplicate field `{}`", name))), None => { $name = Some(value); // $new_conf is the same as one of the defined `$name`s, so // this variable is defined in line 2 of this function. $(match $new_conf { Some(_) => errors.push(conf_error(concat!( "duplicate field `", stringify!($new_conf), "` (provided as `", stringify!($name), "`)" ))), None => $new_conf = $name.clone(), })? }, } } })* // white-listed; ignore Field::third_party => drop(map.next_value::()) } } let conf = Conf { $($name: $name.unwrap_or_else(defaults::$name),)* }; Ok(TryConf { conf, errors, warnings }) } } #[cfg(feature = "internal")] pub mod metadata { use crate::utils::internal_lints::metadata_collector::ClippyConfiguration; macro_rules! wrap_option { () => (None); ($x:literal) => (Some($x)); } pub(crate) fn get_configuration_metadata() -> Vec { vec![ $( { let deprecation_reason = wrap_option!($($dep)?); ClippyConfiguration::new( stringify!($name), stringify!($ty), format!("{:?}", super::defaults::$name()), concat!($($doc, '\n',)*), deprecation_reason, ) }, )+ ] } } }; } define_Conf! { /// Lint: ARITHMETIC_SIDE_EFFECTS. /// /// Suppress checking of the passed type names in all types of operations. /// /// If a specific operation is desired, consider using `arithmetic_side_effects_allowed_binary` or `arithmetic_side_effects_allowed_unary` instead. /// /// #### Example /// /// ```toml /// arithmetic-side-effects-allowed = ["SomeType", "AnotherType"] /// ``` /// /// #### Noteworthy /// /// A type, say `SomeType`, listed in this configuration has the same behavior of `["SomeType" , "*"], ["*", "SomeType"]` in `arithmetic_side_effects_allowed_binary`. (arithmetic_side_effects_allowed: rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashSet = <_>::default()), /// Lint: ARITHMETIC_SIDE_EFFECTS. /// /// Suppress checking of the passed type pair names in binary operations like addition or /// multiplication. /// /// Supports the "*" wildcard to indicate that a certain type won't trigger the lint regardless /// of the involved counterpart. For example, `["SomeType", "*"]` or `["*", "AnotherType"]`. /// /// Pairs are asymmetric, which means that `["SomeType", "AnotherType"]` is not the same as /// `["AnotherType", "SomeType"]`. /// /// #### Example /// /// ```toml /// arithmetic-side-effects-allowed-binary = [["SomeType" , "f32"], ["AnotherType", "*"]] /// ``` (arithmetic_side_effects_allowed_binary: Vec<[String; 2]> = <_>::default()), /// Lint: ARITHMETIC_SIDE_EFFECTS. /// /// Suppress checking of the passed type names in unary operations like "negation" (`-`). /// /// #### Example /// /// ```toml /// arithmetic-side-effects-allowed-unary = ["SomeType", "AnotherType"] /// ``` (arithmetic_side_effects_allowed_unary: rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashSet = <_>::default()), /// Lint: ENUM_VARIANT_NAMES, LARGE_TYPES_PASSED_BY_VALUE, TRIVIALLY_COPY_PASS_BY_REF, UNNECESSARY_WRAPS, UNUSED_SELF, UPPER_CASE_ACRONYMS, WRONG_SELF_CONVENTION, BOX_COLLECTION, REDUNDANT_ALLOCATION, RC_BUFFER, VEC_BOX, OPTION_OPTION, LINKEDLIST, RC_MUTEX. /// /// Suppress lints whenever the suggested change would cause breakage for other crates. (avoid_breaking_exported_api: bool = true), /// Lint: MANUAL_SPLIT_ONCE, MANUAL_STR_REPEAT, CLONED_INSTEAD_OF_COPIED, REDUNDANT_FIELD_NAMES, REDUNDANT_STATIC_LIFETIMES, FILTER_MAP_NEXT, CHECKED_CONVERSIONS, MANUAL_RANGE_CONTAINS, USE_SELF, MEM_REPLACE_WITH_DEFAULT, MANUAL_NON_EXHAUSTIVE, OPTION_AS_REF_DEREF, MAP_UNWRAP_OR, MATCH_LIKE_MATCHES_MACRO, MANUAL_STRIP, MISSING_CONST_FOR_FN, UNNESTED_OR_PATTERNS, FROM_OVER_INTO, PTR_AS_PTR, IF_THEN_SOME_ELSE_NONE, APPROX_CONSTANT, DEPRECATED_CFG_ATTR, INDEX_REFUTABLE_SLICE, MAP_CLONE, BORROW_AS_PTR, MANUAL_BITS, ERR_EXPECT, CAST_ABS_TO_UNSIGNED, UNINLINED_FORMAT_ARGS, MANUAL_CLAMP, MANUAL_LET_ELSE, UNCHECKED_DURATION_SUBTRACTION. /// /// The minimum rust version that the project supports (msrv: Option = None), /// DEPRECATED LINT: BLACKLISTED_NAME. /// /// Use the Disallowed Names lint instead #[conf_deprecated("Please use `disallowed-names` instead", disallowed_names)] (blacklisted_names: Vec = Vec::new()), /// Lint: COGNITIVE_COMPLEXITY. /// /// The maximum cognitive complexity a function can have (cognitive_complexity_threshold: u64 = 25), /// DEPRECATED LINT: CYCLOMATIC_COMPLEXITY. /// /// Use the Cognitive Complexity lint instead. #[conf_deprecated("Please use `cognitive-complexity-threshold` instead", cognitive_complexity_threshold)] (cyclomatic_complexity_threshold: u64 = 25), /// Lint: DISALLOWED_NAMES. /// /// The list of disallowed names to lint about. NB: `bar` is not here since it has legitimate uses. The value /// `".."` can be used as part of the list to indicate, that the configured values should be appended to the /// default configuration of Clippy. By default any configuration will replace the default value. (disallowed_names: Vec = super::DEFAULT_DISALLOWED_NAMES.iter().map(ToString::to_string).collect()), /// Lint: DOC_MARKDOWN. /// /// The list of words this lint should not consider as identifiers needing ticks. The value /// `".."` can be used as part of the list to indicate, that the configured values should be appended to the /// default configuration of Clippy. By default any configuraction will replace the default value. For example: /// * `doc-valid-idents = ["ClipPy"]` would replace the default list with `["ClipPy"]`. /// * `doc-valid-idents = ["ClipPy", ".."]` would append `ClipPy` to the default list. /// /// Default list: (doc_valid_idents: Vec = super::DEFAULT_DOC_VALID_IDENTS.iter().map(ToString::to_string).collect()), /// Lint: TOO_MANY_ARGUMENTS. /// /// The maximum number of argument a function or method can have (too_many_arguments_threshold: u64 = 7), /// Lint: TYPE_COMPLEXITY. /// /// The maximum complexity a type can have (type_complexity_threshold: u64 = 250), /// Lint: MANY_SINGLE_CHAR_NAMES. /// /// The maximum number of single char bindings a scope may have (single_char_binding_names_threshold: u64 = 4), /// Lint: BOXED_LOCAL, USELESS_VEC. /// /// The maximum size of objects (in bytes) that will be linted. Larger objects are ok on the heap (too_large_for_stack: u64 = 200), /// Lint: ENUM_VARIANT_NAMES. /// /// The minimum number of enum variants for the lints about variant names to trigger (enum_variant_name_threshold: u64 = 3), /// Lint: LARGE_ENUM_VARIANT. /// /// The maximum size of an enum's variant to avoid box suggestion (enum_variant_size_threshold: u64 = 200), /// Lint: VERBOSE_BIT_MASK. /// /// The maximum allowed size of a bit mask before suggesting to use 'trailing_zeros' (verbose_bit_mask_threshold: u64 = 1), /// Lint: DECIMAL_LITERAL_REPRESENTATION. /// /// The lower bound for linting decimal literals (literal_representation_threshold: u64 = 16384), /// Lint: TRIVIALLY_COPY_PASS_BY_REF. /// /// The maximum size (in bytes) to consider a `Copy` type for passing by value instead of by reference. (trivial_copy_size_limit: Option = None), /// Lint: LARGE_TYPE_PASS_BY_MOVE. /// /// The minimum size (in bytes) to consider a type for passing by reference instead of by value. (pass_by_value_size_limit: u64 = 256), /// Lint: TOO_MANY_LINES. /// /// The maximum number of lines a function or method can have (too_many_lines_threshold: u64 = 100), /// Lint: LARGE_STACK_ARRAYS, LARGE_CONST_ARRAYS. /// /// The maximum allowed size for arrays on the stack (array_size_threshold: u64 = 512_000), /// Lint: VEC_BOX. /// /// The size of the boxed type in bytes, where boxing in a `Vec` is allowed (vec_box_size_threshold: u64 = 4096), /// Lint: TYPE_REPETITION_IN_BOUNDS. /// /// The maximum number of bounds a trait can have to be linted (max_trait_bounds: u64 = 3), /// Lint: STRUCT_EXCESSIVE_BOOLS. /// /// The maximum number of bool fields a struct can have (max_struct_bools: u64 = 3), /// Lint: FN_PARAMS_EXCESSIVE_BOOLS. /// /// The maximum number of bool parameters a function can have (max_fn_params_bools: u64 = 3), /// Lint: WILDCARD_IMPORTS. /// /// Whether to allow certain wildcard imports (prelude, super in tests). (warn_on_all_wildcard_imports: bool = false), /// Lint: DISALLOWED_MACROS. /// /// The list of disallowed macros, written as fully qualified paths. (disallowed_macros: Vec = Vec::new()), /// Lint: DISALLOWED_METHODS. /// /// The list of disallowed methods, written as fully qualified paths. (disallowed_methods: Vec = Vec::new()), /// Lint: DISALLOWED_TYPES. /// /// The list of disallowed types, written as fully qualified paths. (disallowed_types: Vec = Vec::new()), /// Lint: UNREADABLE_LITERAL. /// /// Should the fraction of a decimal be linted to include separators. (unreadable_literal_lint_fractions: bool = true), /// Lint: UPPER_CASE_ACRONYMS. /// /// Enables verbose mode. Triggers if there is more than one uppercase char next to each other (upper_case_acronyms_aggressive: bool = false), /// Lint: MANUAL_LET_ELSE. /// /// Whether the matches should be considered by the lint, and whether there should /// be filtering for common types. (matches_for_let_else: crate::manual_let_else::MatchLintBehaviour = crate::manual_let_else::MatchLintBehaviour::WellKnownTypes), /// Lint: _CARGO_COMMON_METADATA. /// /// For internal testing only, ignores the current `publish` settings in the Cargo manifest. (cargo_ignore_publish: bool = false), /// Lint: NONSTANDARD_MACRO_BRACES. /// /// Enforce the named macros always use the braces specified. /// /// A `MacroMatcher` can be added like so `{ name = "macro_name", brace = "(" }`. If the macro /// is could be used with a full path two `MacroMatcher`s have to be added one with the full path /// `crate_name::macro_name` and one with just the macro name. (standard_macro_braces: Vec = Vec::new()), /// Lint: MISSING_ENFORCED_IMPORT_RENAMES. /// /// The list of imports to always rename, a fully qualified path followed by the rename. (enforced_import_renames: Vec = Vec::new()), /// Lint: DISALLOWED_SCRIPT_IDENTS. /// /// The list of unicode scripts allowed to be used in the scope. (allowed_scripts: Vec = vec!["Latin".to_string()]), /// Lint: NON_SEND_FIELDS_IN_SEND_TY. /// /// Whether to apply the raw pointer heuristic to determine if a type is `Send`. (enable_raw_pointer_heuristic_for_send: bool = true), /// Lint: INDEX_REFUTABLE_SLICE. /// /// When Clippy suggests using a slice pattern, this is the maximum number of elements allowed in /// the slice pattern that is suggested. If more elements would be necessary, the lint is suppressed. /// For example, `[_, _, _, e, ..]` is a slice pattern with 4 elements. (max_suggested_slice_pattern_length: u64 = 3), /// Lint: AWAIT_HOLDING_INVALID_TYPE (await_holding_invalid_types: Vec = Vec::new()), /// Lint: LARGE_INCLUDE_FILE. /// /// The maximum size of a file included via `include_bytes!()` or `include_str!()`, in bytes (max_include_file_size: u64 = 1_000_000), /// Lint: EXPECT_USED. /// /// Whether `expect` should be allowed within `#[cfg(test)]` (allow_expect_in_tests: bool = false), /// Lint: UNWRAP_USED. /// /// Whether `unwrap` should be allowed in test cfg (allow_unwrap_in_tests: bool = false), /// Lint: DBG_MACRO. /// /// Whether `dbg!` should be allowed in test functions (allow_dbg_in_tests: bool = false), /// Lint: PRINT_STDOUT, PRINT_STDERR. /// /// Whether print macros (ex. `println!`) should be allowed in test functions (allow_print_in_tests: bool = false), /// Lint: RESULT_LARGE_ERR. /// /// The maximum size of the `Err`-variant in a `Result` returned from a function (large_error_threshold: u64 = 128), /// Lint: MUTABLE_KEY. /// /// A list of paths to types that should be treated like `Arc`, i.e. ignored but /// for the generic parameters for determining interior mutability (ignore_interior_mutability: Vec = Vec::from(["bytes::Bytes".into()])), /// Lint: UNINLINED_FORMAT_ARGS. /// /// Whether to allow mixed uninlined format args, e.g. `format!("{} {}", a, foo.bar)` (allow_mixed_uninlined_format_args: bool = true), /// Lint: INDEXING_SLICING /// /// Whether to suppress a restriction lint in constant code. In same /// cases the restructured operation might not be unavoidable, as the /// suggested counterparts are unavailable in constant code. This /// configuration will cause restriction lints to trigger even /// if no suggestion can be made. (suppress_restriction_lint_in_const: bool = false), } /// Search for the configuration file. /// /// # Errors /// /// Returns any unexpected filesystem error encountered when searching for the config file pub fn lookup_conf_file() -> io::Result> { /// Possible filename to search for. const CONFIG_FILE_NAMES: [&str; 2] = [".clippy.toml", "clippy.toml"]; // Start looking for a config file in CLIPPY_CONF_DIR, or failing that, CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR. // If neither of those exist, use ".". let mut current = env::var_os("CLIPPY_CONF_DIR") .or_else(|| env::var_os("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")) .map_or_else(|| PathBuf::from("."), PathBuf::from); let mut found_config: Option = None; loop { for config_file_name in &CONFIG_FILE_NAMES { if let Ok(config_file) = current.join(config_file_name).canonicalize() { match fs::metadata(&config_file) { Err(e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::NotFound => {}, Err(e) => return Err(e), Ok(md) if md.is_dir() => {}, Ok(_) => { // warn if we happen to find two config files #8323 if let Some(ref found_config_) = found_config { eprintln!( "Using config file `{}`\nWarning: `{}` will be ignored.", found_config_.display(), config_file.display(), ); } else { found_config = Some(config_file); } }, } } } if found_config.is_some() { return Ok(found_config); } // If the current directory has no parent, we're done searching. if !current.pop() { return Ok(None); } } } /// Read the `toml` configuration file. /// /// In case of error, the function tries to continue as much as possible. pub fn read(path: &Path) -> TryConf { let content = match fs::read_to_string(path) { Err(e) => return TryConf::from_error(e), Ok(content) => content, }; match toml::from_str::(&content) { Ok(mut conf) => { extend_vec_if_indicator_present(&mut conf.conf.doc_valid_idents, DEFAULT_DOC_VALID_IDENTS); extend_vec_if_indicator_present(&mut conf.conf.disallowed_names, DEFAULT_DISALLOWED_NAMES); conf }, Err(e) => TryConf::from_error(e), } } fn extend_vec_if_indicator_present(vec: &mut Vec, default: &[&str]) { if vec.contains(&"..".to_string()) { vec.extend(default.iter().map(ToString::to_string)); } } const SEPARATOR_WIDTH: usize = 4; // Check whether the error is "unknown field" and, if so, list the available fields sorted and at // least one per line, more if `CLIPPY_TERMINAL_WIDTH` is set and allows it. pub fn format_error(error: Box) -> String { let s = error.to_string(); if_chain! { if error.downcast::().is_ok(); if let Some((prefix, mut fields, suffix)) = parse_unknown_field_message(&s); then { use fmt::Write; fields.sort_unstable(); let (rows, column_widths) = calculate_dimensions(&fields); let mut msg = String::from(prefix); for row in 0..rows { writeln!(msg).unwrap(); for (column, column_width) in column_widths.iter().copied().enumerate() { let index = column * rows + row; let field = fields.get(index).copied().unwrap_or_default(); write!( msg, "{:SEPARATOR_WIDTH$}{field:column_width$}", " " ) .unwrap(); } } write!(msg, "\n{suffix}").unwrap(); msg } else { s } } } // `parse_unknown_field_message` will become unnecessary if // https://github.com/alexcrichton/toml-rs/pull/364 is merged. fn parse_unknown_field_message(s: &str) -> Option<(&str, Vec<&str>, &str)> { // An "unknown field" message has the following form: // unknown field `UNKNOWN`, expected one of `FIELD0`, `FIELD1`, ..., `FIELDN` at line X column Y // ^^ ^^^^ ^^ if_chain! { if s.starts_with("unknown field"); let slices = s.split("`, `").collect::>(); let n = slices.len(); if n >= 2; if let Some((prefix, first_field)) = slices[0].rsplit_once(" `"); if let Some((last_field, suffix)) = slices[n - 1].split_once("` "); then { let fields = iter::once(first_field) .chain(slices[1..n - 1].iter().copied()) .chain(iter::once(last_field)) .collect::>(); Some((prefix, fields, suffix)) } else { None } } } fn calculate_dimensions(fields: &[&str]) -> (usize, Vec) { let columns = env::var("CLIPPY_TERMINAL_WIDTH") .ok() .and_then(|s| ::from_str(&s).ok()) .map_or(1, |terminal_width| { let max_field_width = fields.iter().map(|field| field.len()).max().unwrap(); cmp::max(1, terminal_width / (SEPARATOR_WIDTH + max_field_width)) }); let rows = (fields.len() + (columns - 1)) / columns; let column_widths = (0..columns) .map(|column| { if column < columns - 1 { (0..rows) .map(|row| { let index = column * rows + row; let field = fields.get(index).copied().unwrap_or_default(); field.len() }) .max() .unwrap() } else { // Avoid adding extra space to the last column. 0 } }) .collect::>(); (rows, column_widths) }