//! This lint is used to collect metadata about clippy lints. This metadata is exported as a json //! file and then used to generate the [clippy lint list](https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html) //! //! This module and therefore the entire lint is guarded by a feature flag called `internal` //! //! The module transforms all lint names to ascii lowercase to ensure that we don't have mismatches //! during any comparison or mapping. (Please take care of this, it's not fun to spend time on such //! a simple mistake) use crate::renamed_lints::RENAMED_LINTS; use crate::utils::internal_lints::lint_without_lint_pass::{extract_clippy_version_value, is_lint_ref_type}; use clippy_utils::diagnostics::span_lint; use clippy_utils::ty::{match_type, walk_ptrs_ty_depth}; use clippy_utils::{last_path_segment, match_def_path, match_function_call, match_path, paths}; use if_chain::if_chain; use rustc_ast as ast; use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashMap; use rustc_hir::{ self as hir, def::DefKind, intravisit, intravisit::Visitor, Closure, ExprKind, Item, ItemKind, Mutability, QPath, }; use rustc_lint::{CheckLintNameResult, LateContext, LateLintPass, LintContext, LintId}; use rustc_middle::hir::nested_filter; use rustc_session::{declare_tool_lint, impl_lint_pass}; use rustc_span::symbol::Ident; use rustc_span::{sym, Loc, Span, Symbol}; use serde::{ser::SerializeStruct, Serialize, Serializer}; use std::collections::BinaryHeap; use std::fmt; use std::fmt::Write as _; use std::fs::{self, OpenOptions}; use std::io::prelude::*; use std::path::Path; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::process::Command; /// This is the output file of the lint collector. const OUTPUT_FILE: &str = "../util/gh-pages/lints.json"; /// These lints are excluded from the export. const BLACK_LISTED_LINTS: &[&str] = &["lint_author", "dump_hir", "internal_metadata_collector"]; /// These groups will be ignored by the lint group matcher. This is useful for collections like /// `clippy::all` const IGNORED_LINT_GROUPS: [&str; 1] = ["clippy::all"]; /// Lints within this group will be excluded from the collection. These groups /// have to be defined without the `clippy::` prefix. const EXCLUDED_LINT_GROUPS: [&str; 1] = ["internal"]; /// Collected deprecated lint will be assigned to this group in the JSON output const DEPRECATED_LINT_GROUP_STR: &str = "deprecated"; /// This is the lint level for deprecated lints that will be displayed in the lint list const DEPRECATED_LINT_LEVEL: &str = "none"; /// This array holds Clippy's lint groups with their corresponding default lint level. The /// lint level for deprecated lints is set in `DEPRECATED_LINT_LEVEL`. const DEFAULT_LINT_LEVELS: &[(&str, &str)] = &[ ("correctness", "deny"), ("suspicious", "warn"), ("restriction", "allow"), ("style", "warn"), ("pedantic", "allow"), ("complexity", "warn"), ("perf", "warn"), ("cargo", "allow"), ("nursery", "allow"), ]; /// This prefix is in front of the lint groups in the lint store. The prefix will be trimmed /// to only keep the actual lint group in the output. const CLIPPY_LINT_GROUP_PREFIX: &str = "clippy::"; const LINT_EMISSION_FUNCTIONS: [&[&str]; 7] = [ &["clippy_utils", "diagnostics", "span_lint"], &["clippy_utils", "diagnostics", "span_lint_and_help"], &["clippy_utils", "diagnostics", "span_lint_and_note"], &["clippy_utils", "diagnostics", "span_lint_hir"], &["clippy_utils", "diagnostics", "span_lint_and_sugg"], &["clippy_utils", "diagnostics", "span_lint_and_then"], &["clippy_utils", "diagnostics", "span_lint_hir_and_then"], ]; const SUGGESTION_DIAGNOSTIC_BUILDER_METHODS: [(&str, bool); 9] = [ ("span_suggestion", false), ("span_suggestion_short", false), ("span_suggestion_verbose", false), ("span_suggestion_hidden", false), ("tool_only_span_suggestion", false), ("multipart_suggestion", true), ("multipart_suggestions", true), ("tool_only_multipart_suggestion", true), ("span_suggestions", true), ]; const SUGGESTION_FUNCTIONS: [&[&str]; 2] = [ &["clippy_utils", "diagnostics", "multispan_sugg"], &["clippy_utils", "diagnostics", "multispan_sugg_with_applicability"], ]; const DEPRECATED_LINT_TYPE: [&str; 3] = ["clippy_lints", "deprecated_lints", "ClippyDeprecatedLint"]; /// The index of the applicability name of `paths::APPLICABILITY_VALUES` const APPLICABILITY_NAME_INDEX: usize = 2; /// This applicability will be set for unresolved applicability values. const APPLICABILITY_UNRESOLVED_STR: &str = "Unresolved"; /// The version that will be displayed if none has been defined const VERSION_DEFAULT_STR: &str = "Unknown"; declare_clippy_lint! { /// ### What it does /// Collects metadata about clippy lints for the website. /// /// This lint will be used to report problems of syntax parsing. You should hopefully never /// see this but never say never I guess ^^ /// /// ### Why is this bad? /// This is not a bad thing but definitely a hacky way to do it. See /// issue [#4310](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-clippy/issues/4310) for a discussion /// about the implementation. /// /// ### Known problems /// Hopefully none. It would be pretty uncool to have a problem here :) /// /// ### Example output /// ```json,ignore /// { /// "id": "internal_metadata_collector", /// "id_span": { /// "path": "clippy_lints/src/utils/internal_lints/metadata_collector.rs", /// "line": 1 /// }, /// "group": "clippy::internal", /// "docs": " ### What it does\nCollects metadata about clippy lints for the website. [...] " /// } /// ``` #[clippy::version = "1.56.0"] pub INTERNAL_METADATA_COLLECTOR, internal_warn, "A busy bee collection metadata about lints" } impl_lint_pass!(MetadataCollector => [INTERNAL_METADATA_COLLECTOR]); #[allow(clippy::module_name_repetitions)] #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct MetadataCollector { /// All collected lints /// /// We use a Heap here to have the lints added in alphabetic order in the export lints: BinaryHeap, applicability_info: FxHashMap, config: Vec, clippy_project_root: PathBuf, } impl MetadataCollector { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { lints: BinaryHeap::::default(), applicability_info: FxHashMap::::default(), config: collect_configs(), clippy_project_root: std::env::current_dir() .expect("failed to get current dir") .ancestors() .nth(1) .expect("failed to get project root") .to_path_buf(), } } fn get_lint_configs(&self, lint_name: &str) -> Option { self.config .iter() .filter(|config| config.lints.iter().any(|lint| lint == lint_name)) .map(ToString::to_string) .reduce(|acc, x| acc + &x) .map(|configurations| { format!( r#" ### Configuration This lint has the following configuration variables: {configurations} "# ) }) } } impl Drop for MetadataCollector { /// You might ask: How hacky is this? /// My answer: YES fn drop(&mut self) { // The metadata collector gets dropped twice, this makes sure that we only write // when the list is full if self.lints.is_empty() { return; } let mut applicability_info = std::mem::take(&mut self.applicability_info); // Mapping the final data let mut lints = std::mem::take(&mut self.lints).into_sorted_vec(); for x in &mut lints { x.applicability = Some(applicability_info.remove(&x.id).unwrap_or_default()); replace_produces(&x.id, &mut x.docs, &self.clippy_project_root); } collect_renames(&mut lints); // Outputting if Path::new(OUTPUT_FILE).exists() { fs::remove_file(OUTPUT_FILE).unwrap(); } let mut file = OpenOptions::new().write(true).create(true).open(OUTPUT_FILE).unwrap(); writeln!(file, "{}", serde_json::to_string_pretty(&lints).unwrap()).unwrap(); } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)] struct LintMetadata { id: String, id_span: SerializableSpan, group: String, level: String, docs: String, version: String, /// This field is only used in the output and will only be /// mapped shortly before the actual output. applicability: Option, } impl LintMetadata { fn new( id: String, id_span: SerializableSpan, group: String, level: &'static str, version: String, docs: String, ) -> Self { Self { id, id_span, group, level: level.to_string(), version, docs, applicability: None, } } } fn replace_produces(lint_name: &str, docs: &mut String, clippy_project_root: &Path) { let mut doc_lines = docs.lines().map(ToString::to_string).collect::>(); let mut lines = doc_lines.iter_mut(); 'outer: loop { // Find the start of the example // ```rust loop { match lines.next() { Some(line) if line.trim_start().starts_with("```rust") => { if line.contains("ignore") || line.contains("no_run") { // A {{produces}} marker may have been put on a ignored code block by mistake, // just seek to the end of the code block and continue checking. if lines.any(|line| line.trim_start().starts_with("```")) { continue; } panic!("lint `{lint_name}` has an unterminated code block") } break; }, Some(line) if line.trim_start() == "{{produces}}" => { panic!("lint `{lint_name}` has marker {{{{produces}}}} with an ignored or missing code block") }, Some(line) => { let line = line.trim(); // These are the two most common markers of the corrections section if line.eq_ignore_ascii_case("Use instead:") || line.eq_ignore_ascii_case("Could be written as:") { break 'outer; } }, None => break 'outer, } } // Collect the example let mut example = Vec::new(); loop { match lines.next() { Some(line) if line.trim_start() == "```" => break, Some(line) => example.push(line), None => panic!("lint `{lint_name}` has an unterminated code block"), } } // Find the {{produces}} and attempt to generate the output loop { match lines.next() { Some(line) if line.is_empty() => {}, Some(line) if line.trim() == "{{produces}}" => { let output = get_lint_output(lint_name, &example, clippy_project_root); line.replace_range( .., &format!( "
\ Produces\n\ \n\ ```text\n\ {output}\n\ ```\n\
" ), ); break; }, // No {{produces}}, we can move on to the next example Some(_) => break, None => break 'outer, } } } *docs = cleanup_docs(&doc_lines); } fn get_lint_output(lint_name: &str, example: &[&mut String], clippy_project_root: &Path) -> String { let dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("failed to create temp dir: {e}")); let file = dir.path().join("lint_example.rs"); let mut source = String::new(); let unhidden = example .iter() .map(|line| line.trim_start().strip_prefix("# ").unwrap_or(line)); // Get any attributes let mut lines = unhidden.peekable(); while let Some(line) = lines.peek() { if line.starts_with("#!") { source.push_str(line); source.push('\n'); lines.next(); } else { break; } } let needs_main = !example.iter().any(|line| line.contains("fn main")); if needs_main { source.push_str("fn main() {\n"); } for line in lines { source.push_str(line); source.push('\n'); } if needs_main { source.push_str("}\n"); } if let Err(e) = fs::write(&file, &source) { panic!("failed to write to `{}`: {e}", file.as_path().to_string_lossy()); } let prefixed_name = format!("{CLIPPY_LINT_GROUP_PREFIX}{lint_name}"); let mut cmd = Command::new("cargo"); cmd.current_dir(clippy_project_root) .env("CARGO_INCREMENTAL", "0") .env("CLIPPY_ARGS", "") .env("CLIPPY_DISABLE_DOCS_LINKS", "1") // We need to disable this to enable all lints .env("ENABLE_METADATA_COLLECTION", "0") .args(["run", "--bin", "clippy-driver"]) .args(["--target-dir", "./clippy_lints/target"]) .args(["--", "--error-format=json"]) .args(["--edition", "2021"]) .arg("-Cdebuginfo=0") .args(["-A", "clippy::all"]) .args(["-W", &prefixed_name]) .args(["-L", "./target/debug"]) .args(["-Z", "no-codegen"]); let output = cmd .arg(file.as_path()) .output() .unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("failed to run `{cmd:?}`: {e}")); let tmp_file_path = file.to_string_lossy(); let stderr = std::str::from_utf8(&output.stderr).unwrap(); let msgs = stderr .lines() .filter(|line| line.starts_with('{')) .map(|line| serde_json::from_str(line).unwrap()) .collect::>(); let mut rendered = String::new(); let iter = msgs .iter() .filter(|msg| matches!(&msg["code"]["code"], serde_json::Value::String(s) if s == &prefixed_name)); for message in iter { let rendered_part = message["rendered"].as_str().expect("rendered field should exist"); rendered.push_str(rendered_part); } if rendered.is_empty() { let rendered: Vec<&str> = msgs.iter().filter_map(|msg| msg["rendered"].as_str()).collect(); let non_json: Vec<&str> = stderr.lines().filter(|line| !line.starts_with('{')).collect(); panic!( "did not find lint `{lint_name}` in output of example, got:\n{}\n{}", non_json.join("\n"), rendered.join("\n") ); } // The reader doesn't need to see `/tmp/.tmpfiy2Qd/lint_example.rs` :) rendered.trim_end().replace(&*tmp_file_path, "lint_example.rs") } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)] struct SerializableSpan { path: String, line: usize, } impl fmt::Display for SerializableSpan { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "{}:{}", self.path.rsplit('/').next().unwrap_or_default(), self.line) } } impl SerializableSpan { fn from_item(cx: &LateContext<'_>, item: &Item<'_>) -> Self { Self::from_span(cx, item.ident.span) } fn from_span(cx: &LateContext<'_>, span: Span) -> Self { let loc: Loc = cx.sess().source_map().lookup_char_pos(span.lo()); Self { path: format!("{}", loc.file.name.prefer_remapped()), line: loc.line, } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)] struct ApplicabilityInfo { /// Indicates if any of the lint emissions uses multiple spans. This is related to /// [rustfix#141](https://github.com/rust-lang/rustfix/issues/141) as such suggestions can /// currently not be applied automatically. is_multi_part_suggestion: bool, applicability: Option, } impl Serialize for ApplicabilityInfo { fn serialize(&self, serializer: S) -> Result where S: Serializer, { let mut s = serializer.serialize_struct("ApplicabilityInfo", 2)?; s.serialize_field("is_multi_part_suggestion", &self.is_multi_part_suggestion)?; if let Some(index) = self.applicability { s.serialize_field( "applicability", &paths::APPLICABILITY_VALUES[index][APPLICABILITY_NAME_INDEX], )?; } else { s.serialize_field("applicability", APPLICABILITY_UNRESOLVED_STR)?; } s.end() } } // ================================================================== // Configuration // ================================================================== #[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)] pub struct ClippyConfiguration { name: String, config_type: &'static str, default: String, lints: Vec, doc: String, #[allow(dead_code)] deprecation_reason: Option<&'static str>, } impl ClippyConfiguration { pub fn new( name: &'static str, config_type: &'static str, default: String, doc_comment: &'static str, deprecation_reason: Option<&'static str>, ) -> Self { let (lints, doc) = parse_config_field_doc(doc_comment) .unwrap_or_else(|| (vec![], "[ERROR] MALFORMED DOC COMMENT".to_string())); Self { name: to_kebab(name), lints, doc, config_type, default, deprecation_reason, } } } fn collect_configs() -> Vec { crate::utils::conf::metadata::get_configuration_metadata() } /// This parses the field documentation of the config struct. /// /// ```rust, ignore /// parse_config_field_doc(cx, "Lint: LINT_NAME_1, LINT_NAME_2. Papa penguin, papa penguin") /// ``` /// /// Would yield: /// ```rust, ignore /// Some(["lint_name_1", "lint_name_2"], "Papa penguin, papa penguin") /// ``` fn parse_config_field_doc(doc_comment: &str) -> Option<(Vec, String)> { const DOC_START: &str = " Lint: "; if_chain! { if doc_comment.starts_with(DOC_START); if let Some(split_pos) = doc_comment.find('.'); then { let mut doc_comment = doc_comment.to_string(); let mut documentation = doc_comment.split_off(split_pos); // Extract lints doc_comment.make_ascii_lowercase(); let lints: Vec = doc_comment .split_off(DOC_START.len()) .split(", ") .map(str::to_string) .collect(); // Format documentation correctly // split off leading `.` from lint name list and indent for correct formatting documentation = documentation.trim_start_matches('.').trim().replace("\n ", "\n "); Some((lints, documentation)) } else { None } } } /// Transforms a given `snake_case_string` to a tasty `kebab-case-string` fn to_kebab(config_name: &str) -> String { config_name.replace('_', "-") } impl fmt::Display for ClippyConfiguration { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { writeln!( f, "* `{}`: `{}`(defaults to `{}`): {}", self.name, self.config_type, self.default, self.doc ) } } // ================================================================== // Lint pass // ================================================================== impl<'hir> LateLintPass<'hir> for MetadataCollector { /// Collecting lint declarations like: /// ```rust, ignore /// declare_clippy_lint! { /// /// ### What it does /// /// Something IDK. /// pub SOME_LINT, /// internal, /// "Who am I?" /// } /// ``` fn check_item(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'hir>, item: &'hir Item<'_>) { if let ItemKind::Static(ty, Mutability::Not, _) = item.kind { // Normal lint if_chain! { // item validation if is_lint_ref_type(cx, ty); // disallow check let lint_name = sym_to_string(item.ident.name).to_ascii_lowercase(); if !BLACK_LISTED_LINTS.contains(&lint_name.as_str()); // metadata extraction if let Some((group, level)) = get_lint_group_and_level_or_lint(cx, &lint_name, item); if let Some(mut raw_docs) = extract_attr_docs_or_lint(cx, item); then { if let Some(configuration_section) = self.get_lint_configs(&lint_name) { raw_docs.push_str(&configuration_section); } let version = get_lint_version(cx, item); self.lints.push(LintMetadata::new( lint_name, SerializableSpan::from_item(cx, item), group, level, version, raw_docs, )); } } if_chain! { if is_deprecated_lint(cx, ty); // disallow check let lint_name = sym_to_string(item.ident.name).to_ascii_lowercase(); if !BLACK_LISTED_LINTS.contains(&lint_name.as_str()); // Metadata the little we can get from a deprecated lint if let Some(raw_docs) = extract_attr_docs_or_lint(cx, item); then { let version = get_lint_version(cx, item); self.lints.push(LintMetadata::new( lint_name, SerializableSpan::from_item(cx, item), DEPRECATED_LINT_GROUP_STR.to_string(), DEPRECATED_LINT_LEVEL, version, raw_docs, )); } } } } /// Collecting constant applicability from the actual lint emissions /// /// Example: /// ```rust, ignore /// span_lint_and_sugg( /// cx, /// SOME_LINT, /// item.span, /// "Le lint message", /// "Here comes help:", /// "#![allow(clippy::all)]", /// Applicability::MachineApplicable, // <-- Extracts this constant value /// ); /// ``` fn check_expr(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'hir>, expr: &'hir hir::Expr<'_>) { if let Some(args) = match_lint_emission(cx, expr) { let emission_info = extract_emission_info(cx, args); if emission_info.is_empty() { // See: // - src/misc.rs:734:9 // - src/methods/mod.rs:3545:13 // - src/methods/mod.rs:3496:13 // We are basically unable to resolve the lint name itself. return; } for (lint_name, applicability, is_multi_part) in emission_info { let app_info = self.applicability_info.entry(lint_name).or_default(); app_info.applicability = applicability; app_info.is_multi_part_suggestion = is_multi_part; } } } } // ================================================================== // Lint definition extraction // ================================================================== fn sym_to_string(sym: Symbol) -> String { sym.as_str().to_string() } fn extract_attr_docs_or_lint(cx: &LateContext<'_>, item: &Item<'_>) -> Option { extract_attr_docs(cx, item).or_else(|| { lint_collection_error_item(cx, item, "could not collect the lint documentation"); None }) } /// This function collects all documentation that has been added to an item using /// `#[doc = r""]` attributes. Several attributes are aggravated using line breaks /// /// ```ignore /// #[doc = r"Hello world!"] /// #[doc = r"=^.^="] /// struct SomeItem {} /// ``` /// /// Would result in `Hello world!\n=^.^=\n` fn extract_attr_docs(cx: &LateContext<'_>, item: &Item<'_>) -> Option { let attrs = cx.tcx.hir().attrs(item.hir_id()); let mut lines = attrs.iter().filter_map(ast::Attribute::doc_str); if let Some(line) = lines.next() { let raw_docs = lines.fold(String::from(line.as_str()) + "\n", |s, line| s + line.as_str() + "\n"); return Some(raw_docs); } None } /// This function may modify the doc comment to ensure that the string can be displayed using a /// markdown viewer in Clippy's lint list. The following modifications could be applied: /// * Removal of leading space after a new line. (Important to display tables) /// * Ensures that code blocks only contain language information fn cleanup_docs(docs_collection: &Vec) -> String { let mut in_code_block = false; let mut is_code_block_rust = false; let mut docs = String::new(); for line in docs_collection { // Rustdoc hides code lines starting with `# ` and this removes them from Clippy's lint list :) if is_code_block_rust && line.trim_start().starts_with("# ") { continue; } // The line should be represented in the lint list, even if it's just an empty line docs.push('\n'); if let Some(info) = line.trim_start().strip_prefix("```") { in_code_block = !in_code_block; is_code_block_rust = false; if in_code_block { let lang = info .trim() .split(',') // remove rustdoc directives .find(|&s| !matches!(s, "" | "ignore" | "no_run" | "should_panic")) // if no language is present, fill in "rust" .unwrap_or("rust"); docs.push_str("```"); docs.push_str(lang); is_code_block_rust = lang == "rust"; continue; } } // This removes the leading space that the macro translation introduces if let Some(stripped_doc) = line.strip_prefix(' ') { docs.push_str(stripped_doc); } else if !line.is_empty() { docs.push_str(line); } } docs } fn get_lint_version(cx: &LateContext<'_>, item: &Item<'_>) -> String { extract_clippy_version_value(cx, item).map_or_else( || VERSION_DEFAULT_STR.to_string(), |version| version.as_str().to_string(), ) } fn get_lint_group_and_level_or_lint( cx: &LateContext<'_>, lint_name: &str, item: &Item<'_>, ) -> Option<(String, &'static str)> { let result = cx.lint_store.check_lint_name( lint_name, Some(sym::clippy), &std::iter::once(Ident::with_dummy_span(sym::clippy)).collect(), ); if let CheckLintNameResult::Tool(Ok(lint_lst)) = result { if let Some(group) = get_lint_group(cx, lint_lst[0]) { if EXCLUDED_LINT_GROUPS.contains(&group.as_str()) { return None; } if let Some(level) = get_lint_level_from_group(&group) { Some((group, level)) } else { lint_collection_error_item( cx, item, &format!("Unable to determine lint level for found group `{group}`"), ); None } } else { lint_collection_error_item(cx, item, "Unable to determine lint group"); None } } else { lint_collection_error_item(cx, item, "Unable to find lint in lint_store"); None } } fn get_lint_group(cx: &LateContext<'_>, lint_id: LintId) -> Option { for (group_name, lints, _) in cx.lint_store.get_lint_groups() { if IGNORED_LINT_GROUPS.contains(&group_name) { continue; } if lints.iter().any(|group_lint| *group_lint == lint_id) { let group = group_name.strip_prefix(CLIPPY_LINT_GROUP_PREFIX).unwrap_or(group_name); return Some((*group).to_string()); } } None } fn get_lint_level_from_group(lint_group: &str) -> Option<&'static str> { DEFAULT_LINT_LEVELS .iter() .find_map(|(group_name, group_level)| (*group_name == lint_group).then_some(*group_level)) } pub(super) fn is_deprecated_lint(cx: &LateContext<'_>, ty: &hir::Ty<'_>) -> bool { if let hir::TyKind::Path(ref path) = ty.kind { if let hir::def::Res::Def(DefKind::Struct, def_id) = cx.qpath_res(path, ty.hir_id) { return match_def_path(cx, def_id, &DEPRECATED_LINT_TYPE); } } false } fn collect_renames(lints: &mut Vec) { for lint in lints { let mut collected = String::new(); let mut names = vec![lint.id.clone()]; loop { if let Some(lint_name) = names.pop() { for (k, v) in RENAMED_LINTS { if_chain! { if let Some(name) = v.strip_prefix(CLIPPY_LINT_GROUP_PREFIX); if name == lint_name; if let Some(past_name) = k.strip_prefix(CLIPPY_LINT_GROUP_PREFIX); then { writeln!(collected, "* `{past_name}`").unwrap(); names.push(past_name.to_string()); } } } continue; } break; } if !collected.is_empty() { write!( &mut lint.docs, r#" ### Past names {collected} "# ) .unwrap(); } } } // ================================================================== // Lint emission // ================================================================== fn lint_collection_error_item(cx: &LateContext<'_>, item: &Item<'_>, message: &str) { span_lint( cx, INTERNAL_METADATA_COLLECTOR, item.ident.span, &format!("metadata collection error for `{}`: {message}", item.ident.name), ); } // ================================================================== // Applicability // ================================================================== /// This function checks if a given expression is equal to a simple lint emission function call. /// It will return the function arguments if the emission matched any function. fn match_lint_emission<'hir>(cx: &LateContext<'hir>, expr: &'hir hir::Expr<'_>) -> Option<&'hir [hir::Expr<'hir>]> { LINT_EMISSION_FUNCTIONS .iter() .find_map(|emission_fn| match_function_call(cx, expr, emission_fn)) } fn take_higher_applicability(a: Option, b: Option) -> Option { a.map_or(b, |a| a.max(b.unwrap_or_default()).into()) } fn extract_emission_info<'hir>( cx: &LateContext<'hir>, args: &'hir [hir::Expr<'hir>], ) -> Vec<(String, Option, bool)> { let mut lints = Vec::new(); let mut applicability = None; let mut multi_part = false; for arg in args { let (arg_ty, _) = walk_ptrs_ty_depth(cx.typeck_results().expr_ty(arg)); if match_type(cx, arg_ty, &paths::LINT) { // If we found the lint arg, extract the lint name let mut resolved_lints = resolve_lints(cx, arg); lints.append(&mut resolved_lints); } else if match_type(cx, arg_ty, &paths::APPLICABILITY) { applicability = resolve_applicability(cx, arg); } else if arg_ty.is_closure() { multi_part |= check_is_multi_part(cx, arg); applicability = applicability.or_else(|| resolve_applicability(cx, arg)); } } lints .into_iter() .map(|lint_name| (lint_name, applicability, multi_part)) .collect() } /// Resolves the possible lints that this expression could reference fn resolve_lints<'hir>(cx: &LateContext<'hir>, expr: &'hir hir::Expr<'hir>) -> Vec { let mut resolver = LintResolver::new(cx); resolver.visit_expr(expr); resolver.lints } /// This function tries to resolve the linked applicability to the given expression. fn resolve_applicability<'hir>(cx: &LateContext<'hir>, expr: &'hir hir::Expr<'hir>) -> Option { let mut resolver = ApplicabilityResolver::new(cx); resolver.visit_expr(expr); resolver.complete() } fn check_is_multi_part<'hir>(cx: &LateContext<'hir>, closure_expr: &'hir hir::Expr<'hir>) -> bool { if let ExprKind::Closure(&Closure { body, .. }) = closure_expr.kind { let mut scanner = IsMultiSpanScanner::new(cx); intravisit::walk_body(&mut scanner, cx.tcx.hir().body(body)); return scanner.is_multi_part(); } else if let Some(local) = get_parent_local(cx, closure_expr) { if let Some(local_init) = local.init { return check_is_multi_part(cx, local_init); } } false } struct LintResolver<'a, 'hir> { cx: &'a LateContext<'hir>, lints: Vec, } impl<'a, 'hir> LintResolver<'a, 'hir> { fn new(cx: &'a LateContext<'hir>) -> Self { Self { cx, lints: Vec::::default(), } } } impl<'a, 'hir> intravisit::Visitor<'hir> for LintResolver<'a, 'hir> { type NestedFilter = nested_filter::All; fn nested_visit_map(&mut self) -> Self::Map { self.cx.tcx.hir() } fn visit_expr(&mut self, expr: &'hir hir::Expr<'hir>) { if_chain! { if let ExprKind::Path(qpath) = &expr.kind; if let QPath::Resolved(_, path) = qpath; let (expr_ty, _) = walk_ptrs_ty_depth(self.cx.typeck_results().expr_ty(expr)); if match_type(self.cx, expr_ty, &paths::LINT); then { if let hir::def::Res::Def(DefKind::Static(..), _) = path.res { let lint_name = last_path_segment(qpath).ident.name; self.lints.push(sym_to_string(lint_name).to_ascii_lowercase()); } else if let Some(local) = get_parent_local(self.cx, expr) { if let Some(local_init) = local.init { intravisit::walk_expr(self, local_init); } } } } intravisit::walk_expr(self, expr); } } /// This visitor finds the highest applicability value in the visited expressions struct ApplicabilityResolver<'a, 'hir> { cx: &'a LateContext<'hir>, /// This is the index of highest `Applicability` for `paths::APPLICABILITY_VALUES` applicability_index: Option, } impl<'a, 'hir> ApplicabilityResolver<'a, 'hir> { fn new(cx: &'a LateContext<'hir>) -> Self { Self { cx, applicability_index: None, } } fn add_new_index(&mut self, new_index: usize) { self.applicability_index = take_higher_applicability(self.applicability_index, Some(new_index)); } fn complete(self) -> Option { self.applicability_index } } impl<'a, 'hir> intravisit::Visitor<'hir> for ApplicabilityResolver<'a, 'hir> { type NestedFilter = nested_filter::All; fn nested_visit_map(&mut self) -> Self::Map { self.cx.tcx.hir() } fn visit_path(&mut self, path: &hir::Path<'hir>, _id: hir::HirId) { for (index, enum_value) in paths::APPLICABILITY_VALUES.iter().enumerate() { if match_path(path, enum_value) { self.add_new_index(index); return; } } } fn visit_expr(&mut self, expr: &'hir hir::Expr<'hir>) { let (expr_ty, _) = walk_ptrs_ty_depth(self.cx.typeck_results().expr_ty(expr)); if_chain! { if match_type(self.cx, expr_ty, &paths::APPLICABILITY); if let Some(local) = get_parent_local(self.cx, expr); if let Some(local_init) = local.init; then { intravisit::walk_expr(self, local_init); } }; intravisit::walk_expr(self, expr); } } /// This returns the parent local node if the expression is a reference one fn get_parent_local<'hir>(cx: &LateContext<'hir>, expr: &'hir hir::Expr<'hir>) -> Option<&'hir hir::Local<'hir>> { if let ExprKind::Path(QPath::Resolved(_, path)) = expr.kind { if let hir::def::Res::Local(local_hir) = path.res { return get_parent_local_hir_id(cx, local_hir); } } None } fn get_parent_local_hir_id<'hir>(cx: &LateContext<'hir>, hir_id: hir::HirId) -> Option<&'hir hir::Local<'hir>> { let map = cx.tcx.hir(); match map.find_parent(hir_id) { Some(hir::Node::Local(local)) => Some(local), Some(hir::Node::Pat(pattern)) => get_parent_local_hir_id(cx, pattern.hir_id), _ => None, } } /// This visitor finds the highest applicability value in the visited expressions struct IsMultiSpanScanner<'a, 'hir> { cx: &'a LateContext<'hir>, suggestion_count: usize, } impl<'a, 'hir> IsMultiSpanScanner<'a, 'hir> { fn new(cx: &'a LateContext<'hir>) -> Self { Self { cx, suggestion_count: 0, } } /// Add a new single expression suggestion to the counter fn add_single_span_suggestion(&mut self) { self.suggestion_count += 1; } /// Signals that a suggestion with possible multiple spans was found fn add_multi_part_suggestion(&mut self) { self.suggestion_count += 2; } /// Checks if the suggestions include multiple spans fn is_multi_part(&self) -> bool { self.suggestion_count > 1 } } impl<'a, 'hir> intravisit::Visitor<'hir> for IsMultiSpanScanner<'a, 'hir> { type NestedFilter = nested_filter::All; fn nested_visit_map(&mut self) -> Self::Map { self.cx.tcx.hir() } fn visit_expr(&mut self, expr: &'hir hir::Expr<'hir>) { // Early return if the lint is already multi span if self.is_multi_part() { return; } match &expr.kind { ExprKind::Call(fn_expr, _args) => { let found_function = SUGGESTION_FUNCTIONS .iter() .any(|func_path| match_function_call(self.cx, fn_expr, func_path).is_some()); if found_function { // These functions are all multi part suggestions self.add_single_span_suggestion(); } }, ExprKind::MethodCall(path, recv, _, _arg_span) => { let (self_ty, _) = walk_ptrs_ty_depth(self.cx.typeck_results().expr_ty(recv)); if match_type(self.cx, self_ty, &paths::DIAGNOSTIC_BUILDER) { let called_method = path.ident.name.as_str().to_string(); for (method_name, is_multi_part) in &SUGGESTION_DIAGNOSTIC_BUILDER_METHODS { if *method_name == called_method { if *is_multi_part { self.add_multi_part_suggestion(); } else { self.add_single_span_suggestion(); } break; } } } }, _ => {}, } intravisit::walk_expr(self, expr); } }