### What it does When sorting primitive values (integers, bools, chars, as well as arrays, slices, and tuples of such items), it is typically better to use an unstable sort than a stable sort. ### Why is this bad? Typically, using a stable sort consumes more memory and cpu cycles. Because values which compare equal are identical, preserving their relative order (the guarantee that a stable sort provides) means nothing, while the extra costs still apply. ### Known problems As pointed out in [issue #8241](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-clippy/issues/8241), a stable sort can instead be significantly faster for certain scenarios (eg. when a sorted vector is extended with new data and resorted). For more information and benchmarking results, please refer to the issue linked above. ### Example ``` let mut vec = vec![2, 1, 3]; vec.sort(); ``` Use instead: ``` let mut vec = vec![2, 1, 3]; vec.sort_unstable(); ```