#![warn(clippy::maybe_misused_cfg)] fn main() { #[cfg(features = "not-really-a-feature")] //~^ ERROR: 'feature' may be misspelled as 'features' //~| NOTE: `-D clippy::maybe-misused-cfg` implied by `-D warnings` let _ = 1 + 2; #[cfg(all(feature = "right", features = "wrong"))] //~^ ERROR: 'feature' may be misspelled as 'features' let _ = 1 + 2; #[cfg(all(features = "wrong1", any(feature = "right", features = "wrong2", feature, features)))] //~^ ERROR: 'feature' may be misspelled as 'features' //~| ERROR: 'feature' may be misspelled as 'features' let _ = 1 + 2; #[cfg(tests)] //~^ ERROR: 'test' may be misspelled as 'tests' let _ = 2; #[cfg(Test)] //~^ ERROR: 'test' may be misspelled as 'Test' let _ = 2; #[cfg(all(tests, Test))] //~^ ERROR: 'test' may be misspelled as 'tests' //~| ERROR: 'test' may be misspelled as 'Test' let _ = 2; }