// run-rustfix #![warn(clippy::crate_in_macro_def)] mod hygienic { #[macro_export] macro_rules! print_message_hygienic { () => { println!("{}", $crate::hygienic::MESSAGE); }; } pub const MESSAGE: &str = "Hello!"; } mod unhygienic { #[macro_export] macro_rules! print_message_unhygienic { () => { println!("{}", crate::unhygienic::MESSAGE); }; } pub const MESSAGE: &str = "Hello!"; } mod unhygienic_intentionally { // For cases where the use of `crate` is intentional, applying `allow` to the macro definition // should suppress the lint. #[allow(clippy::crate_in_macro_def)] #[macro_export] macro_rules! print_message_unhygienic_intentionally { () => { println!("{}", crate::CALLER_PROVIDED_MESSAGE); }; } } #[macro_use] mod not_exported { macro_rules! print_message_not_exported { () => { println!("{}", crate::not_exported::MESSAGE); }; } pub const MESSAGE: &str = "Hello!"; } fn main() { print_message_hygienic!(); print_message_unhygienic!(); print_message_unhygienic_intentionally!(); print_message_not_exported!(); } pub const CALLER_PROVIDED_MESSAGE: &str = "Hello!";