#![warn(clippy::trailing_empty_array)] // Do lint: struct RarelyUseful { field: i32, last: [usize; 0], } struct OnlyField { first_and_last: [usize; 0], } struct GenericArrayType { field: i32, last: [T; 0], } #[must_use] struct OnlyAnotherAttribute { field: i32, last: [usize; 0], } #[derive(Debug)] struct OnlyADeriveAttribute { field: i32, last: [usize; 0], } const ZERO: usize = 0; struct ZeroSizedWithConst { field: i32, last: [usize; ZERO], } #[allow(clippy::eq_op)] const fn compute_zero() -> usize { (4 + 6) - (2 * 5) } struct ZeroSizedWithConstFunction { field: i32, last: [usize; compute_zero()], } const fn compute_zero_from_arg(x: usize) -> usize { x - 1 } struct ZeroSizedWithConstFunction2 { field: i32, last: [usize; compute_zero_from_arg(1)], } struct ZeroSizedArrayWrapper([usize; 0]); struct TupleStruct(i32, [usize; 0]); struct LotsOfFields { f1: u32, f2: u32, f3: u32, f4: u32, f5: u32, f6: u32, f7: u32, f8: u32, f9: u32, f10: u32, f11: u32, f12: u32, f13: u32, f14: u32, f15: u32, f16: u32, last: [usize; 0], } // Don't lint #[repr(C)] struct GoodReason { field: i32, last: [usize; 0], } #[repr(C)] struct OnlyFieldWithReprC { first_and_last: [usize; 0], } struct NonZeroSizedArray { field: i32, last: [usize; 1], } struct NotLastField { f1: u32, zero_sized: [usize; 0], last: i32, } const ONE: usize = 1; struct NonZeroSizedWithConst { field: i32, last: [usize; ONE], } #[derive(Debug)] #[repr(C)] struct AlsoADeriveAttribute { field: i32, last: [usize; 0], } #[must_use] #[repr(C)] struct AlsoAnotherAttribute { field: i32, last: [usize; 0], } #[repr(packed)] struct ReprPacked { field: i32, last: [usize; 0], } #[repr(C, packed)] struct ReprCPacked { field: i32, last: [usize; 0], } #[repr(align(64))] struct ReprAlign { field: i32, last: [usize; 0], } #[repr(C, align(64))] struct ReprCAlign { field: i32, last: [usize; 0], } // NOTE: because of https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/reference/type-layout.html#primitive-representation-of-enums-with-fields and I'm not sure when in the compilation pipeline that would happen #[repr(C)] enum DontLintAnonymousStructsFromDesuraging { A(u32), B(f32, [u64; 0]), C { x: u32, y: [u64; 0] }, } #[repr(C)] struct TupleStructReprC(i32, [usize; 0]); type NamedTuple = (i32, [usize; 0]); struct ConstParamZeroDefault { field: i32, last: [usize; N], } struct ConstParamNoDefault { field: i32, last: [usize; N], } struct ConstParamNonZeroDefault { field: i32, last: [usize; N], } struct TwoGenericParams { field: i32, last: [T; N], } type A = ConstParamZeroDefault; type B = ConstParamZeroDefault<0>; type C = ConstParamNoDefault<0>; type D = ConstParamNonZeroDefault<0>; fn main() {}