// ignore-tidy-filelength use crate::common::{expected_output_path, UI_EXTENSIONS, UI_FIXED, UI_STDERR, UI_STDOUT}; use crate::common::{incremental_dir, output_base_dir, output_base_name, output_testname_unique}; use crate::common::{Assembly, Incremental, JsDocTest, MirOpt, RunMake, RustdocJson, Ui}; use crate::common::{Codegen, CodegenUnits, DebugInfo, Debugger, Rustdoc}; use crate::common::{CompareMode, FailMode, PassMode}; use crate::common::{Config, TestPaths}; use crate::common::{Pretty, RunPassValgrind}; use crate::common::{UI_RUN_STDERR, UI_RUN_STDOUT}; use crate::compute_diff::{write_diff, write_filtered_diff}; use crate::errors::{self, Error, ErrorKind}; use crate::header::TestProps; use crate::json; use crate::read2::read2_abbreviated; use crate::util::{add_dylib_path, dylib_env_var, logv, PathBufExt}; use crate::ColorConfig; use regex::{Captures, Regex}; use rustfix::{apply_suggestions, get_suggestions_from_json, Filter}; use std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher; use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet}; use std::env; use std::ffi::{OsStr, OsString}; use std::fs::{self, create_dir_all, File, OpenOptions}; use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher}; use std::io::prelude::*; use std::io::{self, BufReader}; use std::iter; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::process::{Child, Command, ExitStatus, Output, Stdio}; use std::str; use glob::glob; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use tracing::*; use crate::extract_gdb_version; use crate::is_android_gdb_target; mod debugger; use debugger::{check_debugger_output, DebuggerCommands}; #[cfg(test)] mod tests; const FAKE_SRC_BASE: &str = "fake-test-src-base"; #[cfg(windows)] fn disable_error_reporting R, R>(f: F) -> R { use std::sync::Mutex; use winapi::um::errhandlingapi::SetErrorMode; use winapi::um::winbase::SEM_NOGPFAULTERRORBOX; static LOCK: Mutex<()> = Mutex::new(()); // Error mode is a global variable, so lock it so only one thread will change it let _lock = LOCK.lock().unwrap(); // Tell Windows to not show any UI on errors (such as terminating abnormally). // This is important for running tests, since some of them use abnormal // termination by design. This mode is inherited by all child processes. unsafe { let old_mode = SetErrorMode(SEM_NOGPFAULTERRORBOX); // read inherited flags SetErrorMode(old_mode | SEM_NOGPFAULTERRORBOX); let r = f(); SetErrorMode(old_mode); r } } #[cfg(not(windows))] fn disable_error_reporting R, R>(f: F) -> R { f() } /// The platform-specific library name pub fn get_lib_name(lib: &str, dylib: bool) -> String { // In some casess (e.g. MUSL), we build a static // library, rather than a dynamic library. // In this case, the only path we can pass // with '--extern-meta' is the '.lib' file if !dylib { return format!("lib{}.rlib", lib); } if cfg!(windows) { format!("{}.dll", lib) } else if cfg!(target_os = "macos") { format!("lib{}.dylib", lib) } else { format!("lib{}.so", lib) } } pub fn run(config: Config, testpaths: &TestPaths, revision: Option<&str>) { match &*config.target { "arm-linux-androideabi" | "armv7-linux-androideabi" | "thumbv7neon-linux-androideabi" | "aarch64-linux-android" => { if !config.adb_device_status { panic!("android device not available"); } } _ => { // android has its own gdb handling if config.debugger == Some(Debugger::Gdb) && config.gdb.is_none() { panic!("gdb not available but debuginfo gdb debuginfo test requested"); } } } if config.verbose { // We're going to be dumping a lot of info. Start on a new line. print!("\n\n"); } debug!("running {:?}", testpaths.file.display()); let mut props = TestProps::from_file(&testpaths.file, revision, &config); // For non-incremental (i.e. regular UI) tests, the incremental directory // takes into account the revision name, since the revisions are independent // of each other and can race. if props.incremental { props.incremental_dir = Some(incremental_dir(&config, testpaths, revision)); } let cx = TestCx { config: &config, props: &props, testpaths, revision }; create_dir_all(&cx.output_base_dir()).unwrap(); if props.incremental { cx.init_incremental_test(); } if config.mode == Incremental { // Incremental tests are special because they cannot be run in // parallel. assert!(!props.revisions.is_empty(), "Incremental tests require revisions."); for revision in &props.revisions { let mut revision_props = TestProps::from_file(&testpaths.file, Some(revision), &config); revision_props.incremental_dir = props.incremental_dir.clone(); let rev_cx = TestCx { config: &config, props: &revision_props, testpaths, revision: Some(revision), }; rev_cx.run_revision(); } } else { cx.run_revision(); } cx.create_stamp(); } pub fn compute_stamp_hash(config: &Config) -> String { let mut hash = DefaultHasher::new(); config.stage_id.hash(&mut hash); config.run.hash(&mut hash); match config.debugger { Some(Debugger::Cdb) => { config.cdb.hash(&mut hash); } Some(Debugger::Gdb) => { config.gdb.hash(&mut hash); env::var_os("PATH").hash(&mut hash); env::var_os("PYTHONPATH").hash(&mut hash); } Some(Debugger::Lldb) => { config.python.hash(&mut hash); config.lldb_python_dir.hash(&mut hash); env::var_os("PATH").hash(&mut hash); env::var_os("PYTHONPATH").hash(&mut hash); } None => {} } if let Ui = config.mode { config.force_pass_mode.hash(&mut hash); } format!("{:x}", hash.finish()) } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] struct TestCx<'test> { config: &'test Config, props: &'test TestProps, testpaths: &'test TestPaths, revision: Option<&'test str>, } enum ReadFrom { Path, Stdin(String), } enum TestOutput { Compile, Run, } /// Will this test be executed? Should we use `make_exe_name`? #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)] enum WillExecute { Yes, No, Disabled, } /// What value should be passed to `--emit`? #[derive(Copy, Clone)] enum Emit { None, Metadata, LlvmIr, Asm, } impl<'test> TestCx<'test> { /// Code executed for each revision in turn (or, if there are no /// revisions, exactly once, with revision == None). fn run_revision(&self) { if self.props.should_ice && self.config.mode != Incremental { self.fatal("cannot use should-ice in a test that is not cfail"); } match self.config.mode { RunPassValgrind => self.run_valgrind_test(), Pretty => self.run_pretty_test(), DebugInfo => self.run_debuginfo_test(), Codegen => self.run_codegen_test(), Rustdoc => self.run_rustdoc_test(), RustdocJson => self.run_rustdoc_json_test(), CodegenUnits => self.run_codegen_units_test(), Incremental => self.run_incremental_test(), RunMake => self.run_rmake_test(), Ui => self.run_ui_test(), MirOpt => self.run_mir_opt_test(), Assembly => self.run_assembly_test(), JsDocTest => self.run_js_doc_test(), } } fn pass_mode(&self) -> Option { self.props.pass_mode(self.config) } fn should_run(&self, pm: Option) -> WillExecute { let test_should_run = match self.config.mode { Ui if pm == Some(PassMode::Run) || self.props.fail_mode == Some(FailMode::Run) => true, MirOpt if pm == Some(PassMode::Run) => true, Ui | MirOpt => false, mode => panic!("unimplemented for mode {:?}", mode), }; if test_should_run { self.run_if_enabled() } else { WillExecute::No } } fn run_if_enabled(&self) -> WillExecute { if self.config.run_enabled() { WillExecute::Yes } else { WillExecute::Disabled } } fn should_run_successfully(&self, pm: Option) -> bool { match self.config.mode { Ui | MirOpt => pm == Some(PassMode::Run), mode => panic!("unimplemented for mode {:?}", mode), } } fn should_compile_successfully(&self, pm: Option) -> bool { match self.config.mode { JsDocTest => true, Ui => pm.is_some() || self.props.fail_mode > Some(FailMode::Build), Incremental => { let revision = self.revision.expect("incremental tests require a list of revisions"); if revision.starts_with("rpass") || revision.starts_with("rfail") { true } else if revision.starts_with("cfail") { // FIXME: would be nice if incremental revs could start with "cpass" pm.is_some() } else { panic!("revision name must begin with rpass, rfail, or cfail"); } } mode => panic!("unimplemented for mode {:?}", mode), } } fn check_if_test_should_compile(&self, proc_res: &ProcRes, pm: Option) { if self.should_compile_successfully(pm) { if !proc_res.status.success() { self.fatal_proc_rec("test compilation failed although it shouldn't!", proc_res); } } else { if proc_res.status.success() { self.fatal_proc_rec( &format!("{} test compiled successfully!", self.config.mode)[..], proc_res, ); } self.check_correct_failure_status(proc_res); } } fn run_cfail_test(&self) { let pm = self.pass_mode(); let proc_res = self.compile_test(WillExecute::No, self.should_emit_metadata(pm)); self.check_if_test_should_compile(&proc_res, pm); self.check_no_compiler_crash(&proc_res, self.props.should_ice); let output_to_check = self.get_output(&proc_res); let expected_errors = errors::load_errors(&self.testpaths.file, self.revision); if !expected_errors.is_empty() { if !self.props.error_patterns.is_empty() || !self.props.regex_error_patterns.is_empty() { self.fatal("both error pattern and expected errors specified"); } self.check_expected_errors(expected_errors, &proc_res); } else { self.check_all_error_patterns(&output_to_check, &proc_res, pm); } if self.props.should_ice { match proc_res.status.code() { Some(101) => (), _ => self.fatal("expected ICE"), } } self.check_forbid_output(&output_to_check, &proc_res); } fn run_rfail_test(&self) { let pm = self.pass_mode(); let should_run = self.run_if_enabled(); let proc_res = self.compile_test(should_run, self.should_emit_metadata(pm)); if !proc_res.status.success() { self.fatal_proc_rec("compilation failed!", &proc_res); } if let WillExecute::Disabled = should_run { return; } let proc_res = self.exec_compiled_test(); // The value our Makefile configures valgrind to return on failure const VALGRIND_ERR: i32 = 100; if proc_res.status.code() == Some(VALGRIND_ERR) { self.fatal_proc_rec("run-fail test isn't valgrind-clean!", &proc_res); } let output_to_check = self.get_output(&proc_res); self.check_correct_failure_status(&proc_res); self.check_all_error_patterns(&output_to_check, &proc_res, pm); } fn get_output(&self, proc_res: &ProcRes) -> String { if self.props.check_stdout { format!("{}{}", proc_res.stdout, proc_res.stderr) } else { proc_res.stderr.clone() } } fn check_correct_failure_status(&self, proc_res: &ProcRes) { let expected_status = Some(self.props.failure_status); let received_status = proc_res.status.code(); if expected_status != received_status { self.fatal_proc_rec( &format!( "Error: expected failure status ({:?}) but received status {:?}.", expected_status, received_status ), proc_res, ); } } fn run_rpass_test(&self) { let emit_metadata = self.should_emit_metadata(self.pass_mode()); let should_run = self.run_if_enabled(); let proc_res = self.compile_test(should_run, emit_metadata); if !proc_res.status.success() { self.fatal_proc_rec("compilation failed!", &proc_res); } if let WillExecute::Disabled = should_run { return; } // FIXME(#41968): Move this check to tidy? let expected_errors = errors::load_errors(&self.testpaths.file, self.revision); assert!( expected_errors.is_empty(), "run-pass tests with expected warnings should be moved to ui/" ); let proc_res = self.exec_compiled_test(); if !proc_res.status.success() { self.fatal_proc_rec("test run failed!", &proc_res); } } fn run_valgrind_test(&self) { assert!(self.revision.is_none(), "revisions not relevant here"); if self.config.valgrind_path.is_none() { assert!(!self.config.force_valgrind); return self.run_rpass_test(); } let should_run = self.run_if_enabled(); let mut proc_res = self.compile_test(should_run, Emit::None); if !proc_res.status.success() { self.fatal_proc_rec("compilation failed!", &proc_res); } if let WillExecute::Disabled = should_run { return; } let mut new_config = self.config.clone(); new_config.runtool = new_config.valgrind_path.clone(); let new_cx = TestCx { config: &new_config, ..*self }; proc_res = new_cx.exec_compiled_test(); if !proc_res.status.success() { self.fatal_proc_rec("test run failed!", &proc_res); } } fn run_pretty_test(&self) { if self.props.pp_exact.is_some() { logv(self.config, "testing for exact pretty-printing".to_owned()); } else { logv(self.config, "testing for converging pretty-printing".to_owned()); } let rounds = match self.props.pp_exact { Some(_) => 1, None => 2, }; let src = fs::read_to_string(&self.testpaths.file).unwrap(); let mut srcs = vec![src]; let mut round = 0; while round < rounds { logv( self.config, format!("pretty-printing round {} revision {:?}", round, self.revision), ); let read_from = if round == 0 { ReadFrom::Path } else { ReadFrom::Stdin(srcs[round].to_owned()) }; let proc_res = self.print_source(read_from, &self.props.pretty_mode); if !proc_res.status.success() { self.fatal_proc_rec( &format!( "pretty-printing failed in round {} revision {:?}", round, self.revision ), &proc_res, ); } let ProcRes { stdout, .. } = proc_res; srcs.push(stdout); round += 1; } let mut expected = match self.props.pp_exact { Some(ref file) => { let filepath = self.testpaths.file.parent().unwrap().join(file); fs::read_to_string(&filepath).unwrap() } None => srcs[srcs.len() - 2].clone(), }; let mut actual = srcs[srcs.len() - 1].clone(); if self.props.pp_exact.is_some() { // Now we have to care about line endings let cr = "\r".to_owned(); actual = actual.replace(&cr, ""); expected = expected.replace(&cr, ""); } if !self.config.bless { self.compare_source(&expected, &actual); } else if expected != actual { let filepath_buf; let filepath = match &self.props.pp_exact { Some(file) => { filepath_buf = self.testpaths.file.parent().unwrap().join(file); &filepath_buf } None => &self.testpaths.file, }; fs::write(filepath, &actual).unwrap(); } // If we're only making sure that the output matches then just stop here if self.props.pretty_compare_only { return; } // Finally, let's make sure it actually appears to remain valid code let proc_res = self.typecheck_source(actual); if !proc_res.status.success() { self.fatal_proc_rec("pretty-printed source does not typecheck", &proc_res); } if !self.props.pretty_expanded { return; } // additionally, run `-Zunpretty=expanded` and try to build it. let proc_res = self.print_source(ReadFrom::Path, "expanded"); if !proc_res.status.success() { self.fatal_proc_rec("pretty-printing (expanded) failed", &proc_res); } let ProcRes { stdout: expanded_src, .. } = proc_res; let proc_res = self.typecheck_source(expanded_src); if !proc_res.status.success() { self.fatal_proc_rec("pretty-printed source (expanded) does not typecheck", &proc_res); } } fn print_source(&self, read_from: ReadFrom, pretty_type: &str) -> ProcRes { let aux_dir = self.aux_output_dir_name(); let input: &str = match read_from { ReadFrom::Stdin(_) => "-", ReadFrom::Path => self.testpaths.file.to_str().unwrap(), }; let mut rustc = Command::new(&self.config.rustc_path); rustc .arg(input) .args(&["-Z", &format!("unpretty={}", pretty_type)]) .args(&["--target", &self.config.target]) .arg("-L") .arg(&aux_dir) .args(&self.props.compile_flags) .envs(self.props.rustc_env.clone()); self.maybe_add_external_args(&mut rustc, &self.config.target_rustcflags); let src = match read_from { ReadFrom::Stdin(src) => Some(src), ReadFrom::Path => None, }; self.compose_and_run( rustc, self.config.compile_lib_path.to_str().unwrap(), Some(aux_dir.to_str().unwrap()), src, ) } fn compare_source(&self, expected: &str, actual: &str) { if expected != actual { self.fatal(&format!( "pretty-printed source does not match expected source\n\ expected:\n\ ------------------------------------------\n\ {}\n\ ------------------------------------------\n\ actual:\n\ ------------------------------------------\n\ {}\n\ ------------------------------------------\n\ diff:\n\ ------------------------------------------\n\ {}\n", expected, actual, write_diff(expected, actual, 3), )); } } fn set_revision_flags(&self, cmd: &mut Command) { if let Some(revision) = self.revision { // Normalize revisions to be lowercase and replace `-`s with `_`s. // Otherwise the `--cfg` flag is not valid. let normalized_revision = revision.to_lowercase().replace("-", "_"); cmd.args(&["--cfg", &normalized_revision]); } } fn typecheck_source(&self, src: String) -> ProcRes { let mut rustc = Command::new(&self.config.rustc_path); let out_dir = self.output_base_name().with_extension("pretty-out"); let _ = fs::remove_dir_all(&out_dir); create_dir_all(&out_dir).unwrap(); let target = if self.props.force_host { &*self.config.host } else { &*self.config.target }; let aux_dir = self.aux_output_dir_name(); rustc .arg("-") .arg("-Zno-codegen") .arg("--out-dir") .arg(&out_dir) .arg(&format!("--target={}", target)) .arg("-L") .arg(&self.config.build_base) .arg("-L") .arg(aux_dir); self.set_revision_flags(&mut rustc); self.maybe_add_external_args(&mut rustc, &self.config.target_rustcflags); rustc.args(&self.props.compile_flags); self.compose_and_run_compiler(rustc, Some(src)) } fn run_debuginfo_test(&self) { match self.config.debugger.unwrap() { Debugger::Cdb => self.run_debuginfo_cdb_test(), Debugger::Gdb => self.run_debuginfo_gdb_test(), Debugger::Lldb => self.run_debuginfo_lldb_test(), } } fn run_debuginfo_cdb_test(&self) { let config = Config { target_rustcflags: self.cleanup_debug_info_options(&self.config.target_rustcflags), host_rustcflags: self.cleanup_debug_info_options(&self.config.host_rustcflags), ..self.config.clone() }; let test_cx = TestCx { config: &config, ..*self }; test_cx.run_debuginfo_cdb_test_no_opt(); } fn run_debuginfo_cdb_test_no_opt(&self) { let exe_file = self.make_exe_name(); // Existing PDB files are update in-place. When changing the debuginfo // the compiler generates for something, this can lead to the situation // where both the old and the new version of the debuginfo for the same // type is present in the PDB, which is very confusing. // Therefore we delete any existing PDB file before compiling the test // case. // FIXME: If can reliably detect that MSVC's link.exe is used, then // passing `/INCREMENTAL:NO` might be a cleaner way to do this. let pdb_file = exe_file.with_extension(".pdb"); if pdb_file.exists() { std::fs::remove_file(pdb_file).unwrap(); } // compile test file (it should have 'compile-flags:-g' in the header) let should_run = self.run_if_enabled(); let compile_result = self.compile_test(should_run, Emit::None); if !compile_result.status.success() { self.fatal_proc_rec("compilation failed!", &compile_result); } if let WillExecute::Disabled = should_run { return; } let prefixes = { static PREFIXES: &[&str] = &["cdb", "cdbg"]; // No "native rust support" variation for CDB yet. PREFIXES }; // Parse debugger commands etc from test files let DebuggerCommands { commands, check_lines, breakpoint_lines, .. } = match DebuggerCommands::parse_from( &self.testpaths.file, self.config, prefixes, self.revision, ) { Ok(cmds) => cmds, Err(e) => self.fatal(&e), }; // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/debugger/debugger-commands let mut script_str = String::with_capacity(2048); script_str.push_str("version\n"); // List CDB (and more) version info in test output script_str.push_str(".nvlist\n"); // List loaded `*.natvis` files, bulk of custom MSVC debug // If a .js file exists next to the source file being tested, then this is a JavaScript // debugging extension that needs to be loaded. let mut js_extension = self.testpaths.file.clone(); js_extension.set_extension("cdb.js"); if js_extension.exists() { script_str.push_str(&format!(".scriptload \"{}\"\n", js_extension.to_string_lossy())); } // Set breakpoints on every line that contains the string "#break" let source_file_name = self.testpaths.file.file_name().unwrap().to_string_lossy(); for line in &breakpoint_lines { script_str.push_str(&format!("bp `{}:{}`\n", source_file_name, line)); } // Append the other `cdb-command:`s for line in &commands { script_str.push_str(line); script_str.push_str("\n"); } script_str.push_str("qq\n"); // Quit the debugger (including remote debugger, if any) // Write the script into a file debug!("script_str = {}", script_str); self.dump_output_file(&script_str, "debugger.script"); let debugger_script = self.make_out_name("debugger.script"); let cdb_path = &self.config.cdb.as_ref().unwrap(); let mut cdb = Command::new(cdb_path); cdb.arg("-lines") // Enable source line debugging. .arg("-cf") .arg(&debugger_script) .arg(&exe_file); let debugger_run_result = self.compose_and_run( cdb, self.config.run_lib_path.to_str().unwrap(), None, // aux_path None, // input ); if !debugger_run_result.status.success() { self.fatal_proc_rec("Error while running CDB", &debugger_run_result); } if let Err(e) = check_debugger_output(&debugger_run_result, &check_lines) { self.fatal_proc_rec(&e, &debugger_run_result); } } fn run_debuginfo_gdb_test(&self) { let config = Config { target_rustcflags: self.cleanup_debug_info_options(&self.config.target_rustcflags), host_rustcflags: self.cleanup_debug_info_options(&self.config.host_rustcflags), ..self.config.clone() }; let test_cx = TestCx { config: &config, ..*self }; test_cx.run_debuginfo_gdb_test_no_opt(); } fn run_debuginfo_gdb_test_no_opt(&self) { let prefixes = if self.config.gdb_native_rust { // GDB with Rust static PREFIXES: &[&str] = &["gdb", "gdbr"]; println!("NOTE: compiletest thinks it is using GDB with native rust support"); PREFIXES } else { // Generic GDB static PREFIXES: &[&str] = &["gdb", "gdbg"]; println!("NOTE: compiletest thinks it is using GDB without native rust support"); PREFIXES }; let DebuggerCommands { commands, check_lines, breakpoint_lines } = match DebuggerCommands::parse_from( &self.testpaths.file, self.config, prefixes, self.revision, ) { Ok(cmds) => cmds, Err(e) => self.fatal(&e), }; let mut cmds = commands.join("\n"); // compile test file (it should have 'compile-flags:-g' in the header) let should_run = self.run_if_enabled(); let compiler_run_result = self.compile_test(should_run, Emit::None); if !compiler_run_result.status.success() { self.fatal_proc_rec("compilation failed!", &compiler_run_result); } if let WillExecute::Disabled = should_run { return; } let exe_file = self.make_exe_name(); let debugger_run_result; if is_android_gdb_target(&self.config.target) { cmds = cmds.replace("run", "continue"); let tool_path = match self.config.android_cross_path.to_str() { Some(x) => x.to_owned(), None => self.fatal("cannot find android cross path"), }; // write debugger script let mut script_str = String::with_capacity(2048); script_str.push_str(&format!("set charset {}\n", Self::charset())); script_str.push_str(&format!("set sysroot {}\n", tool_path)); script_str.push_str(&format!("file {}\n", exe_file.to_str().unwrap())); script_str.push_str("target remote :5039\n"); script_str.push_str(&format!( "set solib-search-path \ ./{}/stage2/lib/rustlib/{}/lib/\n", self.config.host, self.config.target )); for line in &breakpoint_lines { script_str.push_str( &format!( "break {:?}:{}\n", self.testpaths.file.file_name().unwrap().to_string_lossy(), *line )[..], ); } script_str.push_str(&cmds); script_str.push_str("\nquit\n"); debug!("script_str = {}", script_str); self.dump_output_file(&script_str, "debugger.script"); let adb_path = &self.config.adb_path; Command::new(adb_path) .arg("push") .arg(&exe_file) .arg(&self.config.adb_test_dir) .status() .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("failed to exec `{:?}`", adb_path)); Command::new(adb_path) .args(&["forward", "tcp:5039", "tcp:5039"]) .status() .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("failed to exec `{:?}`", adb_path)); let adb_arg = format!( "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH={}; \ gdbserver{} :5039 {}/{}", self.config.adb_test_dir.clone(), if self.config.target.contains("aarch64") { "64" } else { "" }, self.config.adb_test_dir.clone(), exe_file.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap() ); debug!("adb arg: {}", adb_arg); let mut adb = Command::new(adb_path) .args(&["shell", &adb_arg]) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .stderr(Stdio::inherit()) .spawn() .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("failed to exec `{:?}`", adb_path)); // Wait for the gdbserver to print out "Listening on port ..." // at which point we know that it's started and then we can // execute the debugger below. let mut stdout = BufReader::new(adb.stdout.take().unwrap()); let mut line = String::new(); loop { line.truncate(0); stdout.read_line(&mut line).unwrap(); if line.starts_with("Listening on port 5039") { break; } } drop(stdout); let mut debugger_script = OsString::from("-command="); debugger_script.push(self.make_out_name("debugger.script")); let debugger_opts: &[&OsStr] = &["-quiet".as_ref(), "-batch".as_ref(), "-nx".as_ref(), &debugger_script]; let gdb_path = self.config.gdb.as_ref().unwrap(); let Output { status, stdout, stderr } = Command::new(&gdb_path) .args(debugger_opts) .output() .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("failed to exec `{:?}`", gdb_path)); let cmdline = { let mut gdb = Command::new(&format!("{}-gdb", self.config.target)); gdb.args(debugger_opts); let cmdline = self.make_cmdline(&gdb, ""); logv(self.config, format!("executing {}", cmdline)); cmdline }; debugger_run_result = ProcRes { status, stdout: String::from_utf8(stdout).unwrap(), stderr: String::from_utf8(stderr).unwrap(), cmdline, }; if adb.kill().is_err() { println!("Adb process is already finished."); } } else { let rust_src_root = self.config.find_rust_src_root().expect("Could not find Rust source root"); let rust_pp_module_rel_path = Path::new("./src/etc"); let rust_pp_module_abs_path = rust_src_root.join(rust_pp_module_rel_path).to_str().unwrap().to_owned(); // write debugger script let mut script_str = String::with_capacity(2048); script_str.push_str(&format!("set charset {}\n", Self::charset())); script_str.push_str("show version\n"); match self.config.gdb_version { Some(version) => { println!("NOTE: compiletest thinks it is using GDB version {}", version); if version > extract_gdb_version("7.4").unwrap() { // Add the directory containing the pretty printers to // GDB's script auto loading safe path script_str.push_str(&format!( "add-auto-load-safe-path {}\n", rust_pp_module_abs_path.replace(r"\", r"\\") )); let output_base_dir = self.output_base_dir().to_str().unwrap().to_owned(); // Add the directory containing the output binary to // include embedded pretty printers to GDB's script // auto loading safe path script_str.push_str(&format!( "add-auto-load-safe-path {}\n", output_base_dir.replace(r"\", r"\\") )); } } _ => { println!( "NOTE: compiletest does not know which version of \ GDB it is using" ); } } // The following line actually doesn't have to do anything with // pretty printing, it just tells GDB to print values on one line: script_str.push_str("set print pretty off\n"); // Add the pretty printer directory to GDB's source-file search path script_str .push_str(&format!("directory {}\n", rust_pp_module_abs_path.replace(r"\", r"\\"))); // Load the target executable script_str .push_str(&format!("file {}\n", exe_file.to_str().unwrap().replace(r"\", r"\\"))); // Force GDB to print values in the Rust format. if self.config.gdb_native_rust { script_str.push_str("set language rust\n"); } // Add line breakpoints for line in &breakpoint_lines { script_str.push_str(&format!( "break '{}':{}\n", self.testpaths.file.file_name().unwrap().to_string_lossy(), *line )); } script_str.push_str(&cmds); script_str.push_str("\nquit\n"); debug!("script_str = {}", script_str); self.dump_output_file(&script_str, "debugger.script"); let mut debugger_script = OsString::from("-command="); debugger_script.push(self.make_out_name("debugger.script")); let debugger_opts: &[&OsStr] = &["-quiet".as_ref(), "-batch".as_ref(), "-nx".as_ref(), &debugger_script]; let mut gdb = Command::new(self.config.gdb.as_ref().unwrap()); gdb.args(debugger_opts).env("PYTHONPATH", rust_pp_module_abs_path); debugger_run_result = self.compose_and_run(gdb, self.config.run_lib_path.to_str().unwrap(), None, None); } if !debugger_run_result.status.success() { self.fatal_proc_rec("gdb failed to execute", &debugger_run_result); } if let Err(e) = check_debugger_output(&debugger_run_result, &check_lines) { self.fatal_proc_rec(&e, &debugger_run_result); } } fn run_debuginfo_lldb_test(&self) { if self.config.lldb_python_dir.is_none() { self.fatal("Can't run LLDB test because LLDB's python path is not set."); } let config = Config { target_rustcflags: self.cleanup_debug_info_options(&self.config.target_rustcflags), host_rustcflags: self.cleanup_debug_info_options(&self.config.host_rustcflags), ..self.config.clone() }; let test_cx = TestCx { config: &config, ..*self }; test_cx.run_debuginfo_lldb_test_no_opt(); } fn run_debuginfo_lldb_test_no_opt(&self) { // compile test file (it should have 'compile-flags:-g' in the header) let should_run = self.run_if_enabled(); let compile_result = self.compile_test(should_run, Emit::None); if !compile_result.status.success() { self.fatal_proc_rec("compilation failed!", &compile_result); } if let WillExecute::Disabled = should_run { return; } let exe_file = self.make_exe_name(); match self.config.lldb_version { Some(ref version) => { println!("NOTE: compiletest thinks it is using LLDB version {}", version); } _ => { println!( "NOTE: compiletest does not know which version of \ LLDB it is using" ); } } let prefixes = if self.config.lldb_native_rust { static PREFIXES: &[&str] = &["lldb", "lldbr"]; println!("NOTE: compiletest thinks it is using LLDB with native rust support"); PREFIXES } else { static PREFIXES: &[&str] = &["lldb", "lldbg"]; println!("NOTE: compiletest thinks it is using LLDB without native rust support"); PREFIXES }; // Parse debugger commands etc from test files let DebuggerCommands { commands, check_lines, breakpoint_lines, .. } = match DebuggerCommands::parse_from( &self.testpaths.file, self.config, prefixes, self.revision, ) { Ok(cmds) => cmds, Err(e) => self.fatal(&e), }; // Write debugger script: // We don't want to hang when calling `quit` while the process is still running let mut script_str = String::from("settings set auto-confirm true\n"); // Make LLDB emit its version, so we have it documented in the test output script_str.push_str("version\n"); // Switch LLDB into "Rust mode" let rust_src_root = self.config.find_rust_src_root().expect("Could not find Rust source root"); let rust_pp_module_rel_path = Path::new("./src/etc/lldb_lookup.py"); let rust_pp_module_abs_path = rust_src_root.join(rust_pp_module_rel_path).to_str().unwrap().to_owned(); let rust_type_regexes = vec![ "^(alloc::([a-z_]+::)+)String$", "^&(mut )?str$", "^&(mut )?\\[.+\\]$", "^(std::ffi::([a-z_]+::)+)OsString$", "^(alloc::([a-z_]+::)+)Vec<.+>$", "^(alloc::([a-z_]+::)+)VecDeque<.+>$", "^(alloc::([a-z_]+::)+)BTreeSet<.+>$", "^(alloc::([a-z_]+::)+)BTreeMap<.+>$", "^(std::collections::([a-z_]+::)+)HashMap<.+>$", "^(std::collections::([a-z_]+::)+)HashSet<.+>$", "^(alloc::([a-z_]+::)+)Rc<.+>$", "^(alloc::([a-z_]+::)+)Arc<.+>$", "^(core::([a-z_]+::)+)Cell<.+>$", "^(core::([a-z_]+::)+)Ref<.+>$", "^(core::([a-z_]+::)+)RefMut<.+>$", "^(core::([a-z_]+::)+)RefCell<.+>$", "^core::num::([a-z_]+::)*NonZero.+$", ]; script_str .push_str(&format!("command script import {}\n", &rust_pp_module_abs_path[..])[..]); script_str.push_str("type synthetic add -l lldb_lookup.synthetic_lookup -x '.*' "); script_str.push_str("--category Rust\n"); for type_regex in rust_type_regexes { script_str.push_str("type summary add -F lldb_lookup.summary_lookup -e -x -h "); script_str.push_str(&format!("'{}' ", type_regex)); script_str.push_str("--category Rust\n"); } script_str.push_str("type category enable Rust\n"); // Set breakpoints on every line that contains the string "#break" let source_file_name = self.testpaths.file.file_name().unwrap().to_string_lossy(); for line in &breakpoint_lines { script_str.push_str(&format!( "breakpoint set --file '{}' --line {}\n", source_file_name, line )); } // Append the other commands for line in &commands { script_str.push_str(line); script_str.push_str("\n"); } // Finally, quit the debugger script_str.push_str("\nquit\n"); // Write the script into a file debug!("script_str = {}", script_str); self.dump_output_file(&script_str, "debugger.script"); let debugger_script = self.make_out_name("debugger.script"); // Let LLDB execute the script via lldb_batchmode.py let debugger_run_result = self.run_lldb(&exe_file, &debugger_script, &rust_src_root); if !debugger_run_result.status.success() { self.fatal_proc_rec("Error while running LLDB", &debugger_run_result); } if let Err(e) = check_debugger_output(&debugger_run_result, &check_lines) { self.fatal_proc_rec(&e, &debugger_run_result); } } fn run_lldb( &self, test_executable: &Path, debugger_script: &Path, rust_src_root: &Path, ) -> ProcRes { // Prepare the lldb_batchmode which executes the debugger script let lldb_script_path = rust_src_root.join("src/etc/lldb_batchmode.py"); self.cmd2procres( Command::new(&self.config.python) .arg(&lldb_script_path) .arg(test_executable) .arg(debugger_script) .env("PYTHONUNBUFFERED", "1") // Help debugging #78665 .env("PYTHONPATH", self.config.lldb_python_dir.as_ref().unwrap()), ) } fn cmd2procres(&self, cmd: &mut Command) -> ProcRes { let (status, out, err) = match cmd.output() { Ok(Output { status, stdout, stderr }) => { (status, String::from_utf8(stdout).unwrap(), String::from_utf8(stderr).unwrap()) } Err(e) => self.fatal(&format!( "Failed to setup Python process for \ LLDB script: {}", e )), }; self.dump_output(&out, &err); ProcRes { status, stdout: out, stderr: err, cmdline: format!("{:?}", cmd) } } fn cleanup_debug_info_options(&self, options: &Vec) -> Vec { // Remove options that are either unwanted (-O) or may lead to duplicates due to RUSTFLAGS. let options_to_remove = ["-O".to_owned(), "-g".to_owned(), "--debuginfo".to_owned()]; options.iter().filter(|x| !options_to_remove.contains(x)).map(|x| x.clone()).collect() } fn maybe_add_external_args(&self, cmd: &mut Command, args: &Vec) { // Filter out the arguments that should not be added by runtest here. // // Notable use-cases are: do not add our optimisation flag if // `compile-flags: -Copt-level=x` and similar for debug-info level as well. const OPT_FLAGS: &[&str] = &["-O", "-Copt-level=", /*-C*/ "opt-level="]; const DEBUG_FLAGS: &[&str] = &["-g", "-Cdebuginfo=", /*-C*/ "debuginfo="]; // FIXME: ideally we would "just" check the `cmd` itself, but it does not allow inspecting // its arguments. They need to be collected separately. For now I cannot be bothered to // implement this the "right" way. let have_opt_flag = self.props.compile_flags.iter().any(|arg| OPT_FLAGS.iter().any(|f| arg.starts_with(f))); let have_debug_flag = self .props .compile_flags .iter() .any(|arg| DEBUG_FLAGS.iter().any(|f| arg.starts_with(f))); for arg in args { if OPT_FLAGS.iter().any(|f| arg.starts_with(f)) && have_opt_flag { continue; } if DEBUG_FLAGS.iter().any(|f| arg.starts_with(f)) && have_debug_flag { continue; } cmd.arg(arg); } } fn check_all_error_patterns( &self, output_to_check: &str, proc_res: &ProcRes, pm: Option, ) { if self.props.error_patterns.is_empty() && self.props.regex_error_patterns.is_empty() { if pm.is_some() { // FIXME(#65865) return; } else { self.fatal(&format!( "no error pattern specified in {:?}", self.testpaths.file.display() )); } } let mut missing_patterns: Vec = Vec::new(); self.check_error_patterns(output_to_check, &mut missing_patterns); self.check_regex_error_patterns(output_to_check, proc_res, &mut missing_patterns); if missing_patterns.is_empty() { return; } if missing_patterns.len() == 1 { self.fatal_proc_rec( &format!("error pattern '{}' not found!", missing_patterns[0]), proc_res, ); } else { for pattern in missing_patterns { self.error(&format!("error pattern '{}' not found!", pattern)); } self.fatal_proc_rec("multiple error patterns not found", proc_res); } } fn check_error_patterns(&self, output_to_check: &str, missing_patterns: &mut Vec) { debug!("check_error_patterns"); for pattern in &self.props.error_patterns { if output_to_check.contains(pattern.trim()) { debug!("found error pattern {}", pattern); } else { missing_patterns.push(pattern.to_string()); } } } fn check_regex_error_patterns( &self, output_to_check: &str, proc_res: &ProcRes, missing_patterns: &mut Vec, ) { debug!("check_regex_error_patterns"); for pattern in &self.props.regex_error_patterns { let pattern = pattern.trim(); let re = match Regex::new(pattern) { Ok(re) => re, Err(err) => { self.fatal_proc_rec( &format!("invalid regex error pattern '{}': {:?}", pattern, err), proc_res, ); } }; if re.is_match(output_to_check) { debug!("found regex error pattern {}", pattern); } else { missing_patterns.push(pattern.to_string()); } } } fn check_no_compiler_crash(&self, proc_res: &ProcRes, should_ice: bool) { match proc_res.status.code() { Some(101) if !should_ice => { self.fatal_proc_rec("compiler encountered internal error", proc_res) } None => self.fatal_proc_rec("compiler terminated by signal", proc_res), _ => (), } } fn check_forbid_output(&self, output_to_check: &str, proc_res: &ProcRes) { for pat in &self.props.forbid_output { if output_to_check.contains(pat) { self.fatal_proc_rec("forbidden pattern found in compiler output", proc_res); } } } fn check_expected_errors(&self, expected_errors: Vec, proc_res: &ProcRes) { debug!( "check_expected_errors: expected_errors={:?} proc_res.status={:?}", expected_errors, proc_res.status ); if proc_res.status.success() && expected_errors.iter().any(|x| x.kind == Some(ErrorKind::Error)) { self.fatal_proc_rec("process did not return an error status", proc_res); } if self.props.known_bug { if !expected_errors.is_empty() { self.fatal_proc_rec( "`known_bug` tests should not have an expected errors", proc_res, ); } return; } // On Windows, translate all '\' path separators to '/' let file_name = format!("{}", self.testpaths.file.display()).replace(r"\", "/"); // On Windows, keep all '\' path separators to match the paths reported in the JSON output // from the compiler let diagnostic_file_name = if self.props.remap_src_base { let mut p = PathBuf::from(FAKE_SRC_BASE); p.push(&self.testpaths.relative_dir); p.push(self.testpaths.file.file_name().unwrap()); p.display().to_string() } else { self.testpaths.file.display().to_string() }; // If the testcase being checked contains at least one expected "help" // message, then we'll ensure that all "help" messages are expected. // Otherwise, all "help" messages reported by the compiler will be ignored. // This logic also applies to "note" messages. let expect_help = expected_errors.iter().any(|ee| ee.kind == Some(ErrorKind::Help)); let expect_note = expected_errors.iter().any(|ee| ee.kind == Some(ErrorKind::Note)); // Parse the JSON output from the compiler and extract out the messages. let actual_errors = json::parse_output(&diagnostic_file_name, &proc_res.stderr, proc_res); let mut unexpected = Vec::new(); let mut found = vec![false; expected_errors.len()]; for actual_error in &actual_errors { let opt_index = expected_errors.iter().enumerate().position(|(index, expected_error)| { !found[index] && actual_error.line_num == expected_error.line_num && (expected_error.kind.is_none() || actual_error.kind == expected_error.kind) && actual_error.msg.contains(&expected_error.msg) }); match opt_index { Some(index) => { // found a match, everybody is happy assert!(!found[index]); found[index] = true; } None => { // If the test is a known bug, don't require that the error is annotated if self.is_unexpected_compiler_message(actual_error, expect_help, expect_note) { self.error(&format!( "{}:{}: unexpected {}: '{}'", file_name, actual_error.line_num, actual_error .kind .as_ref() .map_or(String::from("message"), |k| k.to_string()), actual_error.msg )); unexpected.push(actual_error); } } } } let mut not_found = Vec::new(); // anything not yet found is a problem for (index, expected_error) in expected_errors.iter().enumerate() { if !found[index] { self.error(&format!( "{}:{}: expected {} not found: {}", file_name, expected_error.line_num, expected_error.kind.as_ref().map_or("message".into(), |k| k.to_string()), expected_error.msg )); not_found.push(expected_error); } } if !unexpected.is_empty() || !not_found.is_empty() { self.error(&format!( "{} unexpected errors found, {} expected errors not found", unexpected.len(), not_found.len() )); println!("status: {}\ncommand: {}", proc_res.status, proc_res.cmdline); if !unexpected.is_empty() { println!("unexpected errors (from JSON output): {:#?}\n", unexpected); } if !not_found.is_empty() { println!("not found errors (from test file): {:#?}\n", not_found); } panic!(); } } /// Returns `true` if we should report an error about `actual_error`, /// which did not match any of the expected error. We always require /// errors/warnings to be explicitly listed, but only require /// helps/notes if there are explicit helps/notes given. fn is_unexpected_compiler_message( &self, actual_error: &Error, expect_help: bool, expect_note: bool, ) -> bool { !actual_error.msg.is_empty() && match actual_error.kind { Some(ErrorKind::Help) => expect_help, Some(ErrorKind::Note) => expect_note, Some(ErrorKind::Error) | Some(ErrorKind::Warning) => true, Some(ErrorKind::Suggestion) | None => false, } } fn should_emit_metadata(&self, pm: Option) -> Emit { match (pm, self.props.fail_mode, self.config.mode) { (Some(PassMode::Check), ..) | (_, Some(FailMode::Check), Ui) => Emit::Metadata, _ => Emit::None, } } fn compile_test(&self, will_execute: WillExecute, emit: Emit) -> ProcRes { self.compile_test_general(will_execute, emit, self.props.local_pass_mode()) } fn compile_test_general( &self, will_execute: WillExecute, emit: Emit, local_pm: Option, ) -> ProcRes { // Only use `make_exe_name` when the test ends up being executed. let output_file = match will_execute { WillExecute::Yes => TargetLocation::ThisFile(self.make_exe_name()), WillExecute::No | WillExecute::Disabled => { TargetLocation::ThisDirectory(self.output_base_dir()) } }; let allow_unused = match self.config.mode { Ui => { // UI tests tend to have tons of unused code as // it's just testing various pieces of the compile, but we don't // want to actually assert warnings about all this code. Instead // let's just ignore unused code warnings by defaults and tests // can turn it back on if needed. if !self.is_rustdoc() // Note that we use the local pass mode here as we don't want // to set unused to allow if we've overridden the pass mode // via command line flags. && local_pm != Some(PassMode::Run) { AllowUnused::Yes } else { AllowUnused::No } } _ => AllowUnused::No, }; let rustc = self.make_compile_args( &self.testpaths.file, output_file, emit, allow_unused, LinkToAux::Yes, ); self.compose_and_run_compiler(rustc, None) } fn document(&self, out_dir: &Path) -> ProcRes { if self.props.build_aux_docs { for rel_ab in &self.props.aux_builds { let aux_testpaths = self.compute_aux_test_paths(rel_ab); let aux_props = self.props.from_aux_file(&aux_testpaths.file, self.revision, self.config); let aux_cx = TestCx { config: self.config, props: &aux_props, testpaths: &aux_testpaths, revision: self.revision, }; // Create the directory for the stdout/stderr files. create_dir_all(aux_cx.output_base_dir()).unwrap(); let auxres = aux_cx.document(out_dir); if !auxres.status.success() { return auxres; } } } let aux_dir = self.aux_output_dir_name(); let rustdoc_path = self.config.rustdoc_path.as_ref().expect("--rustdoc-path not passed"); let mut rustdoc = Command::new(rustdoc_path); rustdoc .arg("-L") .arg(self.config.run_lib_path.to_str().unwrap()) .arg("-L") .arg(aux_dir) .arg("-o") .arg(out_dir) .arg("--deny") .arg("warnings") .arg(&self.testpaths.file) .args(&self.props.compile_flags); if self.config.mode == RustdocJson { rustdoc.arg("--output-format").arg("json").arg("-Zunstable-options"); } if let Some(ref linker) = self.config.linker { rustdoc.arg(format!("-Clinker={}", linker)); } self.compose_and_run_compiler(rustdoc, None) } fn exec_compiled_test(&self) -> ProcRes { let env = &self.props.exec_env; let proc_res = match &*self.config.target { // This is pretty similar to below, we're transforming: // // program arg1 arg2 // // into // // remote-test-client run program 2 support-lib.so support-lib2.so arg1 arg2 // // The test-client program will upload `program` to the emulator // along with all other support libraries listed (in this case // `support-lib.so` and `support-lib2.so`. It will then execute // the program on the emulator with the arguments specified // (in the environment we give the process) and then report back // the same result. _ if self.config.remote_test_client.is_some() => { let aux_dir = self.aux_output_dir_name(); let ProcArgs { prog, args } = self.make_run_args(); let mut support_libs = Vec::new(); if let Ok(entries) = aux_dir.read_dir() { for entry in entries { let entry = entry.unwrap(); if !entry.path().is_file() { continue; } support_libs.push(entry.path()); } } let mut test_client = Command::new(self.config.remote_test_client.as_ref().unwrap()); test_client .args(&["run", &support_libs.len().to_string(), &prog]) .args(support_libs) .args(args) .envs(env.clone()); self.compose_and_run( test_client, self.config.run_lib_path.to_str().unwrap(), Some(aux_dir.to_str().unwrap()), None, ) } _ if self.config.target.contains("vxworks") => { let aux_dir = self.aux_output_dir_name(); let ProcArgs { prog, args } = self.make_run_args(); let mut wr_run = Command::new("wr-run"); wr_run.args(&[&prog]).args(args).envs(env.clone()); self.compose_and_run( wr_run, self.config.run_lib_path.to_str().unwrap(), Some(aux_dir.to_str().unwrap()), None, ) } _ => { let aux_dir = self.aux_output_dir_name(); let ProcArgs { prog, args } = self.make_run_args(); let mut program = Command::new(&prog); program.args(args).current_dir(&self.output_base_dir()).envs(env.clone()); self.compose_and_run( program, self.config.run_lib_path.to_str().unwrap(), Some(aux_dir.to_str().unwrap()), None, ) } }; if proc_res.status.success() { // delete the executable after running it to save space. // it is ok if the deletion failed. let _ = fs::remove_file(self.make_exe_name()); } proc_res } /// For each `aux-build: foo/bar` annotation, we check to find the /// file in an `auxiliary` directory relative to the test itself. fn compute_aux_test_paths(&self, rel_ab: &str) -> TestPaths { let test_ab = self .testpaths .file .parent() .expect("test file path has no parent") .join("auxiliary") .join(rel_ab); if !test_ab.exists() { self.fatal(&format!("aux-build `{}` source not found", test_ab.display())) } TestPaths { file: test_ab, relative_dir: self .testpaths .relative_dir .join(self.output_testname_unique()) .join("auxiliary") .join(rel_ab) .parent() .expect("aux-build path has no parent") .to_path_buf(), } } fn is_vxworks_pure_static(&self) -> bool { if self.config.target.contains("vxworks") { match env::var("RUST_VXWORKS_TEST_DYLINK") { Ok(s) => s != "1", _ => true, } } else { false } } fn is_vxworks_pure_dynamic(&self) -> bool { self.config.target.contains("vxworks") && !self.is_vxworks_pure_static() } fn build_all_auxiliary(&self, rustc: &mut Command) -> PathBuf { let aux_dir = self.aux_output_dir_name(); if !self.props.aux_builds.is_empty() { let _ = fs::remove_dir_all(&aux_dir); create_dir_all(&aux_dir).unwrap(); } for rel_ab in &self.props.aux_builds { self.build_auxiliary(rel_ab, &aux_dir); } for (aux_name, aux_path) in &self.props.aux_crates { let is_dylib = self.build_auxiliary(&aux_path, &aux_dir); let lib_name = get_lib_name(&aux_path.trim_end_matches(".rs").replace('-', "_"), is_dylib); rustc.arg("--extern").arg(format!("{}={}/{}", aux_name, aux_dir.display(), lib_name)); } aux_dir } fn compose_and_run_compiler(&self, mut rustc: Command, input: Option) -> ProcRes { let aux_dir = self.build_all_auxiliary(&mut rustc); self.props.unset_rustc_env.iter().fold(&mut rustc, Command::env_remove); rustc.envs(self.props.rustc_env.clone()); self.compose_and_run( rustc, self.config.compile_lib_path.to_str().unwrap(), Some(aux_dir.to_str().unwrap()), input, ) } /// Builds an aux dependency. /// /// Returns whether or not it is a dylib. fn build_auxiliary(&self, source_path: &str, aux_dir: &Path) -> bool { let aux_testpaths = self.compute_aux_test_paths(source_path); let aux_props = self.props.from_aux_file(&aux_testpaths.file, self.revision, self.config); let aux_output = TargetLocation::ThisDirectory(self.aux_output_dir_name()); let aux_cx = TestCx { config: self.config, props: &aux_props, testpaths: &aux_testpaths, revision: self.revision, }; // Create the directory for the stdout/stderr files. create_dir_all(aux_cx.output_base_dir()).unwrap(); let input_file = &aux_testpaths.file; let mut aux_rustc = aux_cx.make_compile_args( input_file, aux_output, Emit::None, AllowUnused::No, LinkToAux::No, ); for key in &aux_props.unset_rustc_env { aux_rustc.env_remove(key); } aux_rustc.envs(aux_props.rustc_env.clone()); let (dylib, crate_type) = if aux_props.no_prefer_dynamic { (true, None) } else if self.config.target.contains("emscripten") || (self.config.target.contains("musl") && !aux_props.force_host && !self.config.host.contains("musl")) || self.config.target.contains("wasm32") || self.config.target.contains("nvptx") || self.is_vxworks_pure_static() || self.config.target.contains("sgx") || self.config.target.contains("bpf") { // We primarily compile all auxiliary libraries as dynamic libraries // to avoid code size bloat and large binaries as much as possible // for the test suite (otherwise including libstd statically in all // executables takes up quite a bit of space). // // For targets like MUSL or Emscripten, however, there is no support for // dynamic libraries so we just go back to building a normal library. Note, // however, that for MUSL if the library is built with `force_host` then // it's ok to be a dylib as the host should always support dylibs. (false, Some("lib")) } else { (true, Some("dylib")) }; if let Some(crate_type) = crate_type { aux_rustc.args(&["--crate-type", crate_type]); } aux_rustc.arg("-L").arg(&aux_dir); let auxres = aux_cx.compose_and_run( aux_rustc, aux_cx.config.compile_lib_path.to_str().unwrap(), Some(aux_dir.to_str().unwrap()), None, ); if !auxres.status.success() { self.fatal_proc_rec( &format!( "auxiliary build of {:?} failed to compile: ", aux_testpaths.file.display() ), &auxres, ); } dylib } fn read2_abbreviated(&self, child: Child) -> Output { let mut filter_paths_from_len = Vec::new(); let mut add_path = |path: &Path| { let path = path.display().to_string(); let windows = path.replace("\\", "\\\\"); if windows != path { filter_paths_from_len.push(windows); } filter_paths_from_len.push(path); }; // List of paths that will not be measured when determining whether the output is larger // than the output truncation threshold. // // Note: avoid adding a subdirectory of an already filtered directory here, otherwise the // same slice of text will be double counted and the truncation might not happen. add_path(&self.config.src_base); add_path(&self.config.build_base); read2_abbreviated(child, &filter_paths_from_len).expect("failed to read output") } fn compose_and_run( &self, mut command: Command, lib_path: &str, aux_path: Option<&str>, input: Option, ) -> ProcRes { let cmdline = { let cmdline = self.make_cmdline(&command, lib_path); logv(self.config, format!("executing {}", cmdline)); cmdline }; command.stdout(Stdio::piped()).stderr(Stdio::piped()).stdin(Stdio::piped()); // Need to be sure to put both the lib_path and the aux path in the dylib // search path for the child. add_dylib_path(&mut command, iter::once(lib_path).chain(aux_path)); let mut child = disable_error_reporting(|| command.spawn()) .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("failed to exec `{:?}`", &command)); if let Some(input) = input { child.stdin.as_mut().unwrap().write_all(input.as_bytes()).unwrap(); } let Output { status, stdout, stderr } = self.read2_abbreviated(child); let result = ProcRes { status, stdout: String::from_utf8_lossy(&stdout).into_owned(), stderr: String::from_utf8_lossy(&stderr).into_owned(), cmdline, }; self.dump_output(&result.stdout, &result.stderr); result } fn is_rustdoc(&self) -> bool { self.config.src_base.ends_with("rustdoc-ui") || self.config.src_base.ends_with("rustdoc-js") || self.config.src_base.ends_with("rustdoc-json") } fn make_compile_args( &self, input_file: &Path, output_file: TargetLocation, emit: Emit, allow_unused: AllowUnused, link_to_aux: LinkToAux, ) -> Command { let is_aux = input_file.components().map(|c| c.as_os_str()).any(|c| c == "auxiliary"); let is_rustdoc = self.is_rustdoc() && !is_aux; let mut rustc = if !is_rustdoc { Command::new(&self.config.rustc_path) } else { Command::new(&self.config.rustdoc_path.clone().expect("no rustdoc built yet")) }; rustc.arg(input_file); // Use a single thread for efficiency and a deterministic error message order rustc.arg("-Zthreads=1"); // Optionally prevent default --target if specified in test compile-flags. let custom_target = self.props.compile_flags.iter().any(|x| x.starts_with("--target")); if !custom_target { let target = if self.props.force_host { &*self.config.host } else { &*self.config.target }; rustc.arg(&format!("--target={}", target)); } self.set_revision_flags(&mut rustc); if !is_rustdoc { if let Some(ref incremental_dir) = self.props.incremental_dir { rustc.args(&["-C", &format!("incremental={}", incremental_dir.display())]); rustc.args(&["-Z", "incremental-verify-ich"]); } if self.config.mode == CodegenUnits { rustc.args(&["-Z", "human_readable_cgu_names"]); } } if self.config.optimize_tests && !is_rustdoc { match self.config.mode { Ui => { // If optimize-tests is true we still only want to optimize tests that actually get // executed and that don't specify their own optimization levels. // Note: aux libs don't have a pass-mode, so they won't get optimized // unless compile-flags are set in the aux file. if self.config.optimize_tests && self.props.pass_mode(&self.config) == Some(PassMode::Run) && !self .props .compile_flags .iter() .any(|arg| arg == "-O" || arg.contains("opt-level")) { rustc.arg("-O"); } } DebugInfo => { /* debuginfo tests must be unoptimized */ } _ => { rustc.arg("-O"); } } } match self.config.mode { Incremental => { // If we are extracting and matching errors in the new // fashion, then you want JSON mode. Old-skool error // patterns still match the raw compiler output. if self.props.error_patterns.is_empty() && self.props.regex_error_patterns.is_empty() { rustc.args(&["--error-format", "json"]); rustc.args(&["--json", "future-incompat"]); } rustc.arg("-Zui-testing"); rustc.arg("-Zdeduplicate-diagnostics=no"); } Ui => { if !self.props.compile_flags.iter().any(|s| s.starts_with("--error-format")) { rustc.args(&["--error-format", "json"]); rustc.args(&["--json", "future-incompat"]); } rustc.arg("-Ccodegen-units=1"); // Hide line numbers to reduce churn rustc.arg("-Zui-testing"); // Hide libstd sources from ui tests to make sure we generate the stderr // output that users will see. // Without this, we may be producing good diagnostics in-tree but users // will not see half the information. rustc.arg("-Zsimulate-remapped-rust-src-base=/rustc/FAKE_PREFIX"); rustc.arg("-Ztranslate-remapped-path-to-local-path=no"); rustc.arg("-Zdeduplicate-diagnostics=no"); // FIXME: use this for other modes too, for perf? rustc.arg("-Cstrip=debuginfo"); } MirOpt => { rustc.args(&[ "-Copt-level=1", "-Zdump-mir=all", "-Zvalidate-mir", "-Zdump-mir-exclude-pass-number", "-Zmir-pretty-relative-line-numbers=yes", ]); if let Some(pass) = &self.props.mir_unit_test { rustc.args(&["-Zmir-opt-level=0", &format!("-Zmir-enable-passes=+{}", pass)]); } else { rustc.arg("-Zmir-opt-level=4"); } let mir_dump_dir = self.get_mir_dump_dir(); let _ = fs::remove_dir_all(&mir_dump_dir); create_dir_all(mir_dump_dir.as_path()).unwrap(); let mut dir_opt = "-Zdump-mir-dir=".to_string(); dir_opt.push_str(mir_dump_dir.to_str().unwrap()); debug!("dir_opt: {:?}", dir_opt); rustc.arg(dir_opt); } RunPassValgrind | Pretty | DebugInfo | Codegen | Rustdoc | RustdocJson | RunMake | CodegenUnits | JsDocTest | Assembly => { // do not use JSON output } } if self.props.remap_src_base { rustc.arg(format!( "--remap-path-prefix={}={}", self.config.src_base.display(), FAKE_SRC_BASE, )); } match emit { Emit::None => {} Emit::Metadata if is_rustdoc => {} Emit::Metadata => { rustc.args(&["--emit", "metadata"]); } Emit::LlvmIr => { rustc.args(&["--emit", "llvm-ir"]); } Emit::Asm => { rustc.args(&["--emit", "asm"]); } } if !is_rustdoc { if self.config.target == "wasm32-unknown-unknown" || self.is_vxworks_pure_static() { // rustc.arg("-g"); // get any backtrace at all on errors } else if !self.props.no_prefer_dynamic { rustc.args(&["-C", "prefer-dynamic"]); } } match output_file { TargetLocation::ThisFile(path) => { rustc.arg("-o").arg(path); } TargetLocation::ThisDirectory(path) => { if is_rustdoc { // `rustdoc` uses `-o` for the output directory. rustc.arg("-o").arg(path); } else { rustc.arg("--out-dir").arg(path); } } } match self.config.compare_mode { Some(CompareMode::Polonius) => { rustc.args(&["-Zpolonius"]); } Some(CompareMode::Chalk) => { rustc.args(&["-Ztrait-solver=chalk"]); } Some(CompareMode::NextSolver) => { rustc.args(&["-Ztrait-solver=next"]); } Some(CompareMode::SplitDwarf) if self.config.target.contains("windows") => { rustc.args(&["-Csplit-debuginfo=unpacked", "-Zunstable-options"]); } Some(CompareMode::SplitDwarf) => { rustc.args(&["-Csplit-debuginfo=unpacked"]); } Some(CompareMode::SplitDwarfSingle) => { rustc.args(&["-Csplit-debuginfo=packed"]); } None => {} } // Add `-A unused` before `config` flags and in-test (`props`) flags, so that they can // overwrite this. if let AllowUnused::Yes = allow_unused { rustc.args(&["-A", "unused"]); } if self.props.force_host { self.maybe_add_external_args(&mut rustc, &self.config.host_rustcflags); } else { self.maybe_add_external_args(&mut rustc, &self.config.target_rustcflags); if !is_rustdoc { if let Some(ref linker) = self.config.linker { rustc.arg(format!("-Clinker={}", linker)); } } } // Use dynamic musl for tests because static doesn't allow creating dylibs if self.config.host.contains("musl") || self.is_vxworks_pure_dynamic() { rustc.arg("-Ctarget-feature=-crt-static"); } if let LinkToAux::Yes = link_to_aux { rustc.arg("-L").arg(self.aux_output_dir_name()); } rustc.args(&self.props.compile_flags); rustc } fn make_exe_name(&self) -> PathBuf { // Using a single letter here to keep the path length down for // Windows. Some test names get very long. rustc creates `rcgu` // files with the module name appended to it which can more than // double the length. let mut f = self.output_base_dir().join("a"); // FIXME: This is using the host architecture exe suffix, not target! if self.config.target.contains("emscripten") { f = f.with_extra_extension("js"); } else if self.config.target.contains("wasm32") { f = f.with_extra_extension("wasm"); } else if self.config.target.contains("spirv") { f = f.with_extra_extension("spv"); } else if !env::consts::EXE_SUFFIX.is_empty() { f = f.with_extra_extension(env::consts::EXE_SUFFIX); } f } fn make_run_args(&self) -> ProcArgs { // If we've got another tool to run under (valgrind), // then split apart its command let mut args = self.split_maybe_args(&self.config.runtool); // If this is emscripten, then run tests under nodejs if self.config.target.contains("emscripten") { if let Some(ref p) = self.config.nodejs { args.push(p.clone()); } else { self.fatal("no NodeJS binary found (--nodejs)"); } // If this is otherwise wasm, then run tests under nodejs with our // shim } else if self.config.target.contains("wasm32") { if let Some(ref p) = self.config.nodejs { args.push(p.clone()); } else { self.fatal("no NodeJS binary found (--nodejs)"); } let src = self .config .src_base .parent() .unwrap() // chop off `ui` .parent() .unwrap(); // chop off `tests` args.push(src.join("src/etc/wasm32-shim.js").display().to_string()); } let exe_file = self.make_exe_name(); // FIXME (#9639): This needs to handle non-utf8 paths args.push(exe_file.to_str().unwrap().to_owned()); // Add the arguments in the run_flags directive args.extend(self.split_maybe_args(&self.props.run_flags)); let prog = args.remove(0); ProcArgs { prog, args } } fn split_maybe_args(&self, argstr: &Option) -> Vec { match *argstr { Some(ref s) => s .split(' ') .filter_map(|s| { if s.chars().all(|c| c.is_whitespace()) { None } else { Some(s.to_owned()) } }) .collect(), None => Vec::new(), } } fn make_cmdline(&self, command: &Command, libpath: &str) -> String { use crate::util; // Linux and mac don't require adjusting the library search path if cfg!(unix) { format!("{:?}", command) } else { // Build the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable as it would be seen on the command line // for diagnostic purposes fn lib_path_cmd_prefix(path: &str) -> String { format!("{}=\"{}\"", util::lib_path_env_var(), util::make_new_path(path)) } format!("{} {:?}", lib_path_cmd_prefix(libpath), command) } } fn dump_output(&self, out: &str, err: &str) { let revision = if let Some(r) = self.revision { format!("{}.", r) } else { String::new() }; self.dump_output_file(out, &format!("{}out", revision)); self.dump_output_file(err, &format!("{}err", revision)); self.maybe_dump_to_stdout(out, err); } fn dump_output_file(&self, out: &str, extension: &str) { let outfile = self.make_out_name(extension); fs::write(&outfile, out).unwrap(); } /// Creates a filename for output with the given extension. /// E.g., `/.../testname.revision.mode/testname.extension`. fn make_out_name(&self, extension: &str) -> PathBuf { self.output_base_name().with_extension(extension) } /// Gets the directory where auxiliary files are written. /// E.g., `/.../testname.revision.mode/auxiliary/`. fn aux_output_dir_name(&self) -> PathBuf { self.output_base_dir() .join("auxiliary") .with_extra_extension(self.config.mode.disambiguator()) } /// Generates a unique name for the test, such as `testname.revision.mode`. fn output_testname_unique(&self) -> PathBuf { output_testname_unique(self.config, self.testpaths, self.safe_revision()) } /// The revision, ignored for incremental compilation since it wants all revisions in /// the same directory. fn safe_revision(&self) -> Option<&str> { if self.config.mode == Incremental { None } else { self.revision } } /// Gets the absolute path to the directory where all output for the given /// test/revision should reside. /// E.g., `/path/to/build/host-triple/test/ui/relative/testname.revision.mode/`. fn output_base_dir(&self) -> PathBuf { output_base_dir(self.config, self.testpaths, self.safe_revision()) } /// Gets the absolute path to the base filename used as output for the given /// test/revision. /// E.g., `/.../relative/testname.revision.mode/testname`. fn output_base_name(&self) -> PathBuf { output_base_name(self.config, self.testpaths, self.safe_revision()) } fn maybe_dump_to_stdout(&self, out: &str, err: &str) { if self.config.verbose { println!("------stdout------------------------------"); println!("{}", out); println!("------stderr------------------------------"); println!("{}", err); println!("------------------------------------------"); } } fn error(&self, err: &str) { match self.revision { Some(rev) => println!("\nerror in revision `{}`: {}", rev, err), None => println!("\nerror: {}", err), } } fn fatal(&self, err: &str) -> ! { self.error(err); error!("fatal error, panic: {:?}", err); panic!("fatal error"); } fn fatal_proc_rec(&self, err: &str, proc_res: &ProcRes) -> ! { self.error(err); proc_res.fatal(None, || ()); } fn fatal_proc_rec_with_ctx( &self, err: &str, proc_res: &ProcRes, on_failure: impl FnOnce(Self), ) -> ! { self.error(err); proc_res.fatal(None, || on_failure(*self)); } // codegen tests (using FileCheck) fn compile_test_and_save_ir(&self) -> ProcRes { let output_file = TargetLocation::ThisDirectory(self.output_base_dir()); let input_file = &self.testpaths.file; let rustc = self.make_compile_args( input_file, output_file, Emit::LlvmIr, AllowUnused::No, LinkToAux::Yes, ); self.compose_and_run_compiler(rustc, None) } fn compile_test_and_save_assembly(&self) -> (ProcRes, PathBuf) { // This works with both `--emit asm` (as default output name for the assembly) // and `ptx-linker` because the latter can write output at requested location. let output_path = self.output_base_name().with_extension("s"); let output_file = TargetLocation::ThisFile(output_path.clone()); let input_file = &self.testpaths.file; let mut emit = Emit::None; match self.props.assembly_output.as_ref().map(AsRef::as_ref) { Some("emit-asm") => { emit = Emit::Asm; } Some("ptx-linker") => { // No extra flags needed. } Some(_) => self.fatal("unknown 'assembly-output' header"), None => self.fatal("missing 'assembly-output' header"), } let rustc = self.make_compile_args(input_file, output_file, emit, AllowUnused::No, LinkToAux::Yes); (self.compose_and_run_compiler(rustc, None), output_path) } fn verify_with_filecheck(&self, output: &Path) -> ProcRes { let mut filecheck = Command::new(self.config.llvm_filecheck.as_ref().unwrap()); filecheck.arg("--input-file").arg(output).arg(&self.testpaths.file); // It would be more appropriate to make most of the arguments configurable through // a comment-attribute similar to `compile-flags`. For example, --check-prefixes is a very // useful flag. // // For now, though… let prefix_for_target = if self.config.target.contains("msvc") { "MSVC" } else { "NONMSVC" }; let prefixes = if let Some(rev) = self.revision { format!("CHECK,{},{}", prefix_for_target, rev) } else { format!("CHECK,{}", prefix_for_target) }; if self.config.llvm_version.unwrap_or(0) >= 130000 { filecheck.args(&["--allow-unused-prefixes", "--check-prefixes", &prefixes]); } else { filecheck.args(&["--check-prefixes", &prefixes]); } // Provide more context on failures. filecheck.args(&["--dump-input-context", "100"]); self.compose_and_run(filecheck, "", None, None) } fn run_codegen_test(&self) { if self.config.llvm_filecheck.is_none() { self.fatal("missing --llvm-filecheck"); } let proc_res = self.compile_test_and_save_ir(); if !proc_res.status.success() { self.fatal_proc_rec("compilation failed!", &proc_res); } let output_path = self.output_base_name().with_extension("ll"); let proc_res = self.verify_with_filecheck(&output_path); if !proc_res.status.success() { self.fatal_proc_rec("verification with 'FileCheck' failed", &proc_res); } } fn run_assembly_test(&self) { if self.config.llvm_filecheck.is_none() { self.fatal("missing --llvm-filecheck"); } let (proc_res, output_path) = self.compile_test_and_save_assembly(); if !proc_res.status.success() { self.fatal_proc_rec("compilation failed!", &proc_res); } let proc_res = self.verify_with_filecheck(&output_path); if !proc_res.status.success() { self.fatal_proc_rec("verification with 'FileCheck' failed", &proc_res); } } fn charset() -> &'static str { // FreeBSD 10.1 defaults to GDB 6.1.1 which doesn't support "auto" charset if cfg!(target_os = "freebsd") { "ISO-8859-1" } else { "UTF-8" } } fn run_rustdoc_test(&self) { assert!(self.revision.is_none(), "revisions not relevant here"); let out_dir = self.output_base_dir(); let _ = fs::remove_dir_all(&out_dir); create_dir_all(&out_dir).unwrap(); let proc_res = self.document(&out_dir); if !proc_res.status.success() { self.fatal_proc_rec("rustdoc failed!", &proc_res); } if self.props.check_test_line_numbers_match { self.check_rustdoc_test_option(proc_res); } else { let root = self.config.find_rust_src_root().unwrap(); let mut cmd = Command::new(&self.config.python); cmd.arg(root.join("src/etc/htmldocck.py")).arg(&out_dir).arg(&self.testpaths.file); if self.config.bless { cmd.arg("--bless"); } let res = self.cmd2procres(&mut cmd); if !res.status.success() { self.fatal_proc_rec_with_ctx("htmldocck failed!", &res, |mut this| { this.compare_to_default_rustdoc(&out_dir) }); } } } fn compare_to_default_rustdoc(&mut self, out_dir: &Path) { if !self.config.has_tidy { return; } println!("info: generating a diff against nightly rustdoc"); let suffix = self.safe_revision().map_or("nightly".into(), |path| path.to_owned() + "-nightly"); let compare_dir = output_base_dir(self.config, self.testpaths, Some(&suffix)); // Don't give an error if the directory didn't already exist let _ = fs::remove_dir_all(&compare_dir); create_dir_all(&compare_dir).unwrap(); // We need to create a new struct for the lifetimes on `config` to work. let new_rustdoc = TestCx { config: &Config { // FIXME: use beta or a user-specified rustdoc instead of // hardcoding the default toolchain rustdoc_path: Some("rustdoc".into()), // Needed for building auxiliary docs below rustc_path: "rustc".into(), ..self.config.clone() }, ..*self }; let output_file = TargetLocation::ThisDirectory(new_rustdoc.aux_output_dir_name()); let mut rustc = new_rustdoc.make_compile_args( &new_rustdoc.testpaths.file, output_file, Emit::None, AllowUnused::Yes, LinkToAux::Yes, ); new_rustdoc.build_all_auxiliary(&mut rustc); let proc_res = new_rustdoc.document(&compare_dir); if !proc_res.status.success() { eprintln!("failed to run nightly rustdoc"); return; } #[rustfmt::skip] let tidy_args = [ "--indent", "yes", "--indent-spaces", "2", "--wrap", "0", "--show-warnings", "no", "--markup", "yes", "--quiet", "yes", "-modify", ]; let tidy_dir = |dir| { for entry in walkdir::WalkDir::new(dir) { let entry = entry.expect("failed to read file"); if entry.file_type().is_file() && entry.path().extension().and_then(|p| p.to_str()) == Some("html".into()) { let status = Command::new("tidy").args(&tidy_args).arg(entry.path()).status().unwrap(); // `tidy` returns 1 if it modified the file. assert!(status.success() || status.code() == Some(1)); } } }; tidy_dir(out_dir); tidy_dir(&compare_dir); let pager = { let output = Command::new("git").args(&["config", "--get", "core.pager"]).output().ok(); output.and_then(|out| { if out.status.success() { Some(String::from_utf8(out.stdout).expect("invalid UTF8 in git pager")) } else { None } }) }; let diff_filename = format!("build/tmp/rustdoc-compare-{}.diff", std::process::id()); if !write_filtered_diff( &diff_filename, out_dir, &compare_dir, self.config.verbose, |file_type, extension| { file_type.is_file() && (extension == Some("html".into()) || extension == Some("js".into())) }, ) { return; } match self.config.color { ColorConfig::AlwaysColor => colored::control::set_override(true), ColorConfig::NeverColor => colored::control::set_override(false), _ => {} } if let Some(pager) = pager { let pager = pager.trim(); if self.config.verbose { eprintln!("using pager {}", pager); } let output = Command::new(pager) // disable paging; we want this to be non-interactive .env("PAGER", "") .stdin(File::open(&diff_filename).unwrap()) // Capture output and print it explicitly so it will in turn be // captured by libtest. .output() .unwrap(); assert!(output.status.success()); println!("{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout)); eprintln!("{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr)); } else { use colored::Colorize; eprintln!("warning: no pager configured, falling back to unified diff"); eprintln!( "help: try configuring a git pager (e.g. `delta`) with `git config --global core.pager delta`" ); let mut out = io::stdout(); let mut diff = BufReader::new(File::open(&diff_filename).unwrap()); let mut line = Vec::new(); loop { line.truncate(0); match diff.read_until(b'\n', &mut line) { Ok(0) => break, Ok(_) => {} Err(e) => eprintln!("ERROR: {:?}", e), } match String::from_utf8(line.clone()) { Ok(line) => { if line.starts_with("+") { write!(&mut out, "{}", line.green()).unwrap(); } else if line.starts_with("-") { write!(&mut out, "{}", line.red()).unwrap(); } else if line.starts_with("@") { write!(&mut out, "{}", line.blue()).unwrap(); } else { out.write_all(line.as_bytes()).unwrap(); } } Err(_) => { write!(&mut out, "{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&line).reversed()).unwrap(); } } } }; } fn run_rustdoc_json_test(&self) { //FIXME: Add bless option. assert!(self.revision.is_none(), "revisions not relevant here"); let out_dir = self.output_base_dir(); let _ = fs::remove_dir_all(&out_dir); create_dir_all(&out_dir).unwrap(); let proc_res = self.document(&out_dir); if !proc_res.status.success() { self.fatal_proc_rec("rustdoc failed!", &proc_res); } let root = self.config.find_rust_src_root().unwrap(); let mut json_out = out_dir.join(self.testpaths.file.file_stem().unwrap()); json_out.set_extension("json"); let res = self.cmd2procres( Command::new(self.config.jsondocck_path.as_ref().unwrap()) .arg("--doc-dir") .arg(root.join(&out_dir)) .arg("--template") .arg(&self.testpaths.file), ); if !res.status.success() { self.fatal_proc_rec_with_ctx("jsondocck failed!", &res, |_| { println!("Rustdoc Output:"); proc_res.print_info(); }) } let mut json_out = out_dir.join(self.testpaths.file.file_stem().unwrap()); json_out.set_extension("json"); let res = self.cmd2procres( Command::new(self.config.jsondoclint_path.as_ref().unwrap()).arg(&json_out), ); if !res.status.success() { self.fatal_proc_rec("jsondoclint failed!", &res); } } fn get_lines>( &self, path: &P, mut other_files: Option<&mut Vec>, ) -> Vec { let content = fs::read_to_string(&path).unwrap(); let mut ignore = false; content .lines() .enumerate() .filter_map(|(line_nb, line)| { if (line.trim_start().starts_with("pub mod ") || line.trim_start().starts_with("mod ")) && line.ends_with(';') { if let Some(ref mut other_files) = other_files { other_files.push(line.rsplit("mod ").next().unwrap().replace(";", "")); } None } else { let sline = line.rsplit("///").next().unwrap(); let line = sline.trim_start(); if line.starts_with("```") { if ignore { ignore = false; None } else { ignore = true; Some(line_nb + 1) } } else { None } } }) .collect() } fn check_rustdoc_test_option(&self, res: ProcRes) { let mut other_files = Vec::new(); let mut files: HashMap> = HashMap::new(); let cwd = env::current_dir().unwrap(); files.insert( self.testpaths .file .strip_prefix(&cwd) .unwrap_or(&self.testpaths.file) .to_str() .unwrap() .replace('\\', "/"), self.get_lines(&self.testpaths.file, Some(&mut other_files)), ); for other_file in other_files { let mut path = self.testpaths.file.clone(); path.set_file_name(&format!("{}.rs", other_file)); files.insert( path.strip_prefix(&cwd).unwrap_or(&path).to_str().unwrap().replace('\\', "/"), self.get_lines(&path, None), ); } let mut tested = 0; for _ in res.stdout.split('\n').filter(|s| s.starts_with("test ")).inspect(|s| { if let Some((left, right)) = s.split_once(" - ") { let path = left.rsplit("test ").next().unwrap(); if let Some(ref mut v) = files.get_mut(&path.replace('\\', "/")) { tested += 1; let mut iter = right.split("(line "); iter.next(); let line = iter .next() .unwrap_or(")") .split(')') .next() .unwrap_or("0") .parse() .unwrap_or(0); if let Ok(pos) = v.binary_search(&line) { v.remove(pos); } else { self.fatal_proc_rec( &format!("Not found doc test: \"{}\" in \"{}\":{:?}", s, path, v), &res, ); } } } }) {} if tested == 0 { self.fatal_proc_rec(&format!("No test has been found... {:?}", files), &res); } else { for (entry, v) in &files { if !v.is_empty() { self.fatal_proc_rec( &format!( "Not found test at line{} \"{}\":{:?}", if v.len() > 1 { "s" } else { "" }, entry, v ), &res, ); } } } } fn run_codegen_units_test(&self) { assert!(self.revision.is_none(), "revisions not relevant here"); let proc_res = self.compile_test(WillExecute::No, Emit::None); if !proc_res.status.success() { self.fatal_proc_rec("compilation failed!", &proc_res); } self.check_no_compiler_crash(&proc_res, self.props.should_ice); const PREFIX: &str = "MONO_ITEM "; const CGU_MARKER: &str = "@@"; let actual: Vec = proc_res .stdout .lines() .filter(|line| line.starts_with(PREFIX)) .map(|line| str_to_mono_item(line, true)) .collect(); let expected: Vec = errors::load_errors(&self.testpaths.file, None) .iter() .map(|e| str_to_mono_item(&e.msg[..], false)) .collect(); let mut missing = Vec::new(); let mut wrong_cgus = Vec::new(); for expected_item in &expected { let actual_item_with_same_name = actual.iter().find(|ti| ti.name == expected_item.name); if let Some(actual_item) = actual_item_with_same_name { if !expected_item.codegen_units.is_empty() && // Also check for codegen units expected_item.codegen_units != actual_item.codegen_units { wrong_cgus.push((expected_item.clone(), actual_item.clone())); } } else { missing.push(expected_item.string.clone()); } } let unexpected: Vec<_> = actual .iter() .filter(|acgu| !expected.iter().any(|ecgu| acgu.name == ecgu.name)) .map(|acgu| acgu.string.clone()) .collect(); if !missing.is_empty() { missing.sort(); println!("\nThese items should have been contained but were not:\n"); for item in &missing { println!("{}", item); } println!("\n"); } if !unexpected.is_empty() { let sorted = { let mut sorted = unexpected.clone(); sorted.sort(); sorted }; println!("\nThese items were contained but should not have been:\n"); for item in sorted { println!("{}", item); } println!("\n"); } if !wrong_cgus.is_empty() { wrong_cgus.sort_by_key(|pair| pair.0.name.clone()); println!("\nThe following items were assigned to wrong codegen units:\n"); for &(ref expected_item, ref actual_item) in &wrong_cgus { println!("{}", expected_item.name); println!(" expected: {}", codegen_units_to_str(&expected_item.codegen_units)); println!(" actual: {}", codegen_units_to_str(&actual_item.codegen_units)); println!(); } } if !(missing.is_empty() && unexpected.is_empty() && wrong_cgus.is_empty()) { panic!(); } #[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq)] struct MonoItem { name: String, codegen_units: HashSet, string: String, } // [MONO_ITEM] name [@@ (cgu)+] fn str_to_mono_item(s: &str, cgu_has_crate_disambiguator: bool) -> MonoItem { let s = if s.starts_with(PREFIX) { (&s[PREFIX.len()..]).trim() } else { s.trim() }; let full_string = format!("{}{}", PREFIX, s); let parts: Vec<&str> = s.split(CGU_MARKER).map(str::trim).filter(|s| !s.is_empty()).collect(); let name = parts[0].trim(); let cgus = if parts.len() > 1 { let cgus_str = parts[1]; cgus_str .split(' ') .map(str::trim) .filter(|s| !s.is_empty()) .map(|s| { if cgu_has_crate_disambiguator { remove_crate_disambiguators_from_set_of_cgu_names(s) } else { s.to_string() } }) .collect() } else { HashSet::new() }; MonoItem { name: name.to_owned(), codegen_units: cgus, string: full_string } } fn codegen_units_to_str(cgus: &HashSet) -> String { let mut cgus: Vec<_> = cgus.iter().collect(); cgus.sort(); let mut string = String::new(); for cgu in cgus { string.push_str(&cgu[..]); string.push_str(" "); } string } // Given a cgu-name-prefix of the form . or // the form .-in-., // remove all crate-disambiguators. fn remove_crate_disambiguator_from_cgu(cgu: &str) -> String { static RE: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| { Regex::new(r"^[^\.]+(?P\.[[:alnum:]]+)(-in-[^\.]+(?P\.[[:alnum:]]+))?") .unwrap() }); let captures = RE.captures(cgu).unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("invalid cgu name encountered: {}", cgu)); let mut new_name = cgu.to_owned(); if let Some(d2) = captures.name("d2") { new_name.replace_range(d2.start()..d2.end(), ""); } let d1 = captures.name("d1").unwrap(); new_name.replace_range(d1.start()..d1.end(), ""); new_name } // The name of merged CGUs is constructed as the names of the original // CGUs joined with "--". This function splits such composite CGU names // and handles each component individually. fn remove_crate_disambiguators_from_set_of_cgu_names(cgus: &str) -> String { cgus.split("--") .map(|cgu| remove_crate_disambiguator_from_cgu(cgu)) .collect::>() .join("--") } } fn init_incremental_test(&self) { // (See `run_incremental_test` for an overview of how incremental tests work.) // Before any of the revisions have executed, create the // incremental workproduct directory. Delete any old // incremental work products that may be there from prior // runs. let incremental_dir = self.props.incremental_dir.as_ref().unwrap(); if incremental_dir.exists() { // Canonicalizing the path will convert it to the //?/ format // on Windows, which enables paths longer than 260 character let canonicalized = incremental_dir.canonicalize().unwrap(); fs::remove_dir_all(canonicalized).unwrap(); } fs::create_dir_all(&incremental_dir).unwrap(); if self.config.verbose { println!("init_incremental_test: incremental_dir={}", incremental_dir.display()); } } fn run_incremental_test(&self) { // Basic plan for a test incremental/foo/bar.rs: // - load list of revisions rpass1, cfail2, rpass3 // - each should begin with `rpass`, `cfail`, or `rfail` // - if `rpass`, expect compile and execution to succeed // - if `cfail`, expect compilation to fail // - if `rfail`, expect execution to fail // - create a directory build/foo/bar.incremental // - compile foo/bar.rs with -C incremental=.../foo/bar.incremental and -C rpass1 // - because name of revision starts with "rpass", expect success // - compile foo/bar.rs with -C incremental=.../foo/bar.incremental and -C cfail2 // - because name of revision starts with "cfail", expect an error // - load expected errors as usual, but filter for those that end in `[rfail2]` // - compile foo/bar.rs with -C incremental=.../foo/bar.incremental and -C rpass3 // - because name of revision starts with "rpass", expect success // - execute build/foo/bar.exe and save output // // FIXME -- use non-incremental mode as an oracle? That doesn't apply // to #[rustc_dirty] and clean tests I guess let revision = self.revision.expect("incremental tests require a list of revisions"); // Incremental workproduct directory should have already been created. let incremental_dir = self.props.incremental_dir.as_ref().unwrap(); assert!(incremental_dir.exists(), "init_incremental_test failed to create incremental dir"); if self.config.verbose { print!("revision={:?} props={:#?}", revision, self.props); } if revision.starts_with("rpass") { if self.props.should_ice { self.fatal("can only use should-ice in cfail tests"); } self.run_rpass_test(); } else if revision.starts_with("rfail") { if self.props.should_ice { self.fatal("can only use should-ice in cfail tests"); } self.run_rfail_test(); } else if revision.starts_with("cfail") { self.run_cfail_test(); } else { self.fatal("revision name must begin with rpass, rfail, or cfail"); } } fn run_rmake_test(&self) { let cwd = env::current_dir().unwrap(); let src_root = self.config.src_base.parent().unwrap().parent().unwrap(); let src_root = cwd.join(&src_root); let tmpdir = cwd.join(self.output_base_name()); if tmpdir.exists() { self.aggressive_rm_rf(&tmpdir).unwrap(); } create_dir_all(&tmpdir).unwrap(); let host = &self.config.host; let make = if host.contains("dragonfly") || host.contains("freebsd") || host.contains("netbsd") || host.contains("openbsd") { "gmake" } else { "make" }; let mut cmd = Command::new(make); cmd.current_dir(&self.testpaths.file) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .stderr(Stdio::piped()) .env("TARGET", &self.config.target) .env("PYTHON", &self.config.python) .env("S", src_root) .env("RUST_BUILD_STAGE", &self.config.stage_id) .env("RUSTC", cwd.join(&self.config.rustc_path)) .env("TMPDIR", &tmpdir) .env("LD_LIB_PATH_ENVVAR", dylib_env_var()) .env("HOST_RPATH_DIR", cwd.join(&self.config.compile_lib_path)) .env("TARGET_RPATH_DIR", cwd.join(&self.config.run_lib_path)) .env("LLVM_COMPONENTS", &self.config.llvm_components) // We for sure don't want these tests to run in parallel, so make // sure they don't have access to these vars if we run via `make` // at the top level .env_remove("MAKEFLAGS") .env_remove("MFLAGS") .env_remove("CARGO_MAKEFLAGS"); if let Some(ref rustdoc) = self.config.rustdoc_path { cmd.env("RUSTDOC", cwd.join(rustdoc)); } if let Some(ref rust_demangler) = self.config.rust_demangler_path { cmd.env("RUST_DEMANGLER", cwd.join(rust_demangler)); } if let Some(ref node) = self.config.nodejs { cmd.env("NODE", node); } if let Some(ref linker) = self.config.linker { cmd.env("RUSTC_LINKER", linker); } if let Some(ref clang) = self.config.run_clang_based_tests_with { cmd.env("CLANG", clang); } if let Some(ref filecheck) = self.config.llvm_filecheck { cmd.env("LLVM_FILECHECK", filecheck); } if let Some(ref llvm_bin_dir) = self.config.llvm_bin_dir { cmd.env("LLVM_BIN_DIR", llvm_bin_dir); } if let Some(ref remote_test_client) = self.config.remote_test_client { cmd.env("REMOTE_TEST_CLIENT", remote_test_client); } // We don't want RUSTFLAGS set from the outside to interfere with // compiler flags set in the test cases: cmd.env_remove("RUSTFLAGS"); // Use dynamic musl for tests because static doesn't allow creating dylibs if self.config.host.contains("musl") { cmd.env("RUSTFLAGS", "-Ctarget-feature=-crt-static").env("IS_MUSL_HOST", "1"); } if self.config.bless { cmd.env("RUSTC_BLESS_TEST", "--bless"); // Assume this option is active if the environment variable is "defined", with _any_ value. // As an example, a `Makefile` can use this option by: // // ifdef RUSTC_BLESS_TEST // cp "$(TMPDIR)"/actual_something.ext expected_something.ext // else // $(DIFF) expected_something.ext "$(TMPDIR)"/actual_something.ext // endif } if self.config.target.contains("msvc") && self.config.cc != "" { // We need to pass a path to `lib.exe`, so assume that `cc` is `cl.exe` // and that `lib.exe` lives next to it. let lib = Path::new(&self.config.cc).parent().unwrap().join("lib.exe"); // MSYS doesn't like passing flags of the form `/foo` as it thinks it's // a path and instead passes `C:\msys64\foo`, so convert all // `/`-arguments to MSVC here to `-` arguments. let cflags = self .config .cflags .split(' ') .map(|s| s.replace("/", "-")) .collect::>() .join(" "); let cxxflags = self .config .cxxflags .split(' ') .map(|s| s.replace("/", "-")) .collect::>() .join(" "); cmd.env("IS_MSVC", "1") .env("IS_WINDOWS", "1") .env("MSVC_LIB", format!("'{}' -nologo", lib.display())) .env("CC", format!("'{}' {}", self.config.cc, cflags)) .env("CXX", format!("'{}' {}", &self.config.cxx, cxxflags)); } else { cmd.env("CC", format!("{} {}", self.config.cc, self.config.cflags)) .env("CXX", format!("{} {}", self.config.cxx, self.config.cxxflags)) .env("AR", &self.config.ar); if self.config.target.contains("windows") { cmd.env("IS_WINDOWS", "1"); } } let output = self.read2_abbreviated(cmd.spawn().expect("failed to spawn `make`")); if !output.status.success() { let res = ProcRes { status: output.status, stdout: String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout).into_owned(), stderr: String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr).into_owned(), cmdline: format!("{:?}", cmd), }; self.fatal_proc_rec("make failed", &res); } } fn aggressive_rm_rf(&self, path: &Path) -> io::Result<()> { for e in path.read_dir()? { let entry = e?; let path = entry.path(); if entry.file_type()?.is_dir() { self.aggressive_rm_rf(&path)?; } else { // Remove readonly files as well on windows (by default we can't) fs::remove_file(&path).or_else(|e| { if cfg!(windows) && e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::PermissionDenied { let mut meta = entry.metadata()?.permissions(); meta.set_readonly(false); fs::set_permissions(&path, meta)?; fs::remove_file(&path) } else { Err(e) } })?; } } fs::remove_dir(path) } fn run_js_doc_test(&self) { if let Some(nodejs) = &self.config.nodejs { let out_dir = self.output_base_dir(); self.document(&out_dir); let root = self.config.find_rust_src_root().unwrap(); let file_stem = self.testpaths.file.file_stem().and_then(|f| f.to_str()).expect("no file stem"); let res = self.cmd2procres( Command::new(&nodejs) .arg(root.join("src/tools/rustdoc-js/tester.js")) .arg("--doc-folder") .arg(out_dir) .arg("--crate-name") .arg(file_stem.replace("-", "_")) .arg("--test-file") .arg(self.testpaths.file.with_extension("js")), ); if !res.status.success() { self.fatal_proc_rec("rustdoc-js test failed!", &res); } } else { self.fatal("no nodeJS"); } } fn load_compare_outputs( &self, proc_res: &ProcRes, output_kind: TestOutput, explicit_format: bool, ) -> usize { let stderr_bits = format!("{}bit.stderr", self.config.get_pointer_width()); let (stderr_kind, stdout_kind) = match output_kind { TestOutput::Compile => ( { if self.props.stderr_per_bitwidth { &stderr_bits } else { UI_STDERR } }, UI_STDOUT, ), TestOutput::Run => (UI_RUN_STDERR, UI_RUN_STDOUT), }; let expected_stderr = self.load_expected_output(stderr_kind); let expected_stdout = self.load_expected_output(stdout_kind); let normalized_stdout = match output_kind { TestOutput::Run if self.config.remote_test_client.is_some() => { // When tests are run using the remote-test-client, the string // 'uploaded "$TEST_BUILD_DIR/, waiting for result"' // is printed to stdout by the client and then captured in the ProcRes, // so it needs to be removed when comparing the run-pass test execution output static REMOTE_TEST_RE: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| { Regex::new( "^uploaded \"\\$TEST_BUILD_DIR(/[[:alnum:]_\\-.]+)+\", waiting for result\n" ) .unwrap() }); REMOTE_TEST_RE .replace( &self.normalize_output(&proc_res.stdout, &self.props.normalize_stdout), "", ) .to_string() } _ => self.normalize_output(&proc_res.stdout, &self.props.normalize_stdout), }; let stderr = if explicit_format { proc_res.stderr.clone() } else { json::extract_rendered(&proc_res.stderr) }; let normalized_stderr = self.normalize_output(&stderr, &self.props.normalize_stderr); let mut errors = 0; match output_kind { TestOutput::Compile => { if !self.props.dont_check_compiler_stdout { errors += self.compare_output(stdout_kind, &normalized_stdout, &expected_stdout); } if !self.props.dont_check_compiler_stderr { errors += self.compare_output(stderr_kind, &normalized_stderr, &expected_stderr); } } TestOutput::Run => { errors += self.compare_output(stdout_kind, &normalized_stdout, &expected_stdout); errors += self.compare_output(stderr_kind, &normalized_stderr, &expected_stderr); } } errors } fn run_ui_test(&self) { if let Some(FailMode::Build) = self.props.fail_mode { // Make sure a build-fail test cannot fail due to failing analysis (e.g. typeck). let pm = Some(PassMode::Check); let proc_res = self.compile_test_general(WillExecute::No, Emit::Metadata, pm); self.check_if_test_should_compile(&proc_res, pm); } let pm = self.pass_mode(); let should_run = self.should_run(pm); let emit_metadata = self.should_emit_metadata(pm); let proc_res = self.compile_test(should_run, emit_metadata); self.check_if_test_should_compile(&proc_res, pm); // if the user specified a format in the ui test // print the output to the stderr file, otherwise extract // the rendered error messages from json and print them let explicit = self.props.compile_flags.iter().any(|s| s.contains("--error-format")); let expected_fixed = self.load_expected_output(UI_FIXED); self.check_and_prune_duplicate_outputs(&proc_res, &[], &[]); let mut errors = self.load_compare_outputs(&proc_res, TestOutput::Compile, explicit); let rustfix_input = json::rustfix_diagnostics_only(&proc_res.stderr); if self.config.compare_mode.is_some() { // don't test rustfix with nll right now } else if self.config.rustfix_coverage { // Find out which tests have `MachineApplicable` suggestions but are missing // `run-rustfix` or `run-rustfix-only-machine-applicable` headers. // // This will return an empty `Vec` in case the executed test file has a // `compile-flags: --error-format=xxxx` header with a value other than `json`. let suggestions = get_suggestions_from_json( &rustfix_input, &HashSet::new(), Filter::MachineApplicableOnly, ) .unwrap_or_default(); if !suggestions.is_empty() && !self.props.run_rustfix && !self.props.rustfix_only_machine_applicable { let mut coverage_file_path = self.config.build_base.clone(); coverage_file_path.push("rustfix_missing_coverage.txt"); debug!("coverage_file_path: {}", coverage_file_path.display()); let mut file = OpenOptions::new() .create(true) .append(true) .open(coverage_file_path.as_path()) .expect("could not create or open file"); if writeln!(file, "{}", self.testpaths.file.display()).is_err() { panic!("couldn't write to {}", coverage_file_path.display()); } } } else if self.props.run_rustfix { // Apply suggestions from rustc to the code itself let unfixed_code = self.load_expected_output_from_path(&self.testpaths.file).unwrap(); let suggestions = get_suggestions_from_json( &rustfix_input, &HashSet::new(), if self.props.rustfix_only_machine_applicable { Filter::MachineApplicableOnly } else { Filter::Everything }, ) .unwrap(); let fixed_code = apply_suggestions(&unfixed_code, &suggestions).unwrap_or_else(|e| { panic!( "failed to apply suggestions for {:?} with rustfix: {}", self.testpaths.file, e ) }); errors += self.compare_output("fixed", &fixed_code, &expected_fixed); } else if !expected_fixed.is_empty() { panic!( "the `// run-rustfix` directive wasn't found but a `*.fixed` \ file was found" ); } if errors > 0 { println!("To update references, rerun the tests and pass the `--bless` flag"); let relative_path_to_file = self.testpaths.relative_dir.join(self.testpaths.file.file_name().unwrap()); println!( "To only update this specific test, also pass `--test-args {}`", relative_path_to_file.display(), ); self.fatal_proc_rec( &format!("{} errors occurred comparing output.", errors), &proc_res, ); } let expected_errors = errors::load_errors(&self.testpaths.file, self.revision); if let WillExecute::Yes = should_run { let proc_res = self.exec_compiled_test(); let run_output_errors = if self.props.check_run_results { self.load_compare_outputs(&proc_res, TestOutput::Run, explicit) } else { 0 }; if run_output_errors > 0 { self.fatal_proc_rec( &format!("{} errors occurred comparing run output.", run_output_errors), &proc_res, ); } if self.should_run_successfully(pm) { if !proc_res.status.success() { self.fatal_proc_rec("test run failed!", &proc_res); } } else if proc_res.status.success() { self.fatal_proc_rec("test run succeeded!", &proc_res); } if !self.props.error_patterns.is_empty() || !self.props.regex_error_patterns.is_empty() { // "// error-pattern" comments let output_to_check = self.get_output(&proc_res); self.check_all_error_patterns(&output_to_check, &proc_res, pm); } } debug!( "run_ui_test: explicit={:?} config.compare_mode={:?} expected_errors={:?} \ proc_res.status={:?} props.error_patterns={:?}", explicit, self.config.compare_mode, expected_errors, proc_res.status, self.props.error_patterns ); if !explicit && self.config.compare_mode.is_none() { let check_patterns = should_run == WillExecute::No && (!self.props.error_patterns.is_empty() || !self.props.regex_error_patterns.is_empty()); let check_annotations = !check_patterns || !expected_errors.is_empty(); if check_patterns { // "// error-pattern" comments let output_to_check = self.get_output(&proc_res); self.check_all_error_patterns(&output_to_check, &proc_res, pm); } if check_annotations { // "//~ERROR comments" self.check_expected_errors(expected_errors, &proc_res); } } if self.props.run_rustfix && self.config.compare_mode.is_none() { // And finally, compile the fixed code and make sure it both // succeeds and has no diagnostics. let rustc = self.make_compile_args( &self.testpaths.file.with_extension(UI_FIXED), TargetLocation::ThisFile(self.make_exe_name()), emit_metadata, AllowUnused::No, LinkToAux::Yes, ); let res = self.compose_and_run_compiler(rustc, None); if !res.status.success() { self.fatal_proc_rec("failed to compile fixed code", &res); } if !res.stderr.is_empty() && !self.props.rustfix_only_machine_applicable && !json::rustfix_diagnostics_only(&res.stderr).is_empty() { self.fatal_proc_rec("fixed code is still producing diagnostics", &res); } } } fn run_mir_opt_test(&self) { let pm = self.pass_mode(); let should_run = self.should_run(pm); let emit_metadata = self.should_emit_metadata(pm); let proc_res = self.compile_test(should_run, emit_metadata); if !proc_res.status.success() { self.fatal_proc_rec("compilation failed!", &proc_res); } self.check_mir_dump(); if let WillExecute::Yes = should_run { let proc_res = self.exec_compiled_test(); if !proc_res.status.success() { self.fatal_proc_rec("test run failed!", &proc_res); } } } fn check_mir_dump(&self) { let test_file_contents = fs::read_to_string(&self.testpaths.file).unwrap(); let test_dir = self.testpaths.file.parent().unwrap(); let test_crate = self.testpaths.file.file_stem().unwrap().to_str().unwrap().replace("-", "_"); let mut bit_width = String::new(); if test_file_contents.lines().any(|l| l == "// EMIT_MIR_FOR_EACH_BIT_WIDTH") { bit_width = format!(".{}bit", self.config.get_pointer_width()); } if self.config.bless { for e in glob(&format!("{}/{}.*{}.mir", test_dir.display(), test_crate, bit_width)).unwrap() { std::fs::remove_file(e.unwrap()).unwrap(); } for e in glob(&format!("{}/{}.*{}.diff", test_dir.display(), test_crate, bit_width)).unwrap() { std::fs::remove_file(e.unwrap()).unwrap(); } } let files = miropt_test_tools::files_for_miropt_test( &self.testpaths.file, self.config.get_pointer_width(), ); for miropt_test_tools::MiroptTestFiles { from_file, to_file, expected_file } in files { let dumped_string = if let Some(after) = to_file { self.diff_mir_files(from_file.into(), after.into()) } else { let mut output_file = PathBuf::new(); output_file.push(self.get_mir_dump_dir()); output_file.push(&from_file); debug!( "comparing the contents of: {} with {}", output_file.display(), expected_file.display() ); if !output_file.exists() { panic!( "Output file `{}` from test does not exist, available files are in `{}`", output_file.display(), output_file.parent().unwrap().display() ); } self.check_mir_test_timestamp(&from_file, &output_file); let dumped_string = fs::read_to_string(&output_file).unwrap(); self.normalize_output(&dumped_string, &[]) }; if self.config.bless { let _ = std::fs::remove_file(&expected_file); std::fs::write(expected_file, dumped_string.as_bytes()).unwrap(); } else { if !expected_file.exists() { panic!("Output file `{}` from test does not exist", expected_file.display()); } let expected_string = fs::read_to_string(&expected_file).unwrap(); if dumped_string != expected_string { print!("{}", write_diff(&expected_string, &dumped_string, 3)); panic!( "Actual MIR output differs from expected MIR output {}", expected_file.display() ); } } } } fn diff_mir_files(&self, before: PathBuf, after: PathBuf) -> String { let to_full_path = |path: PathBuf| { let full = self.get_mir_dump_dir().join(&path); if !full.exists() { panic!( "the mir dump file for {} does not exist (requested in {})", path.display(), self.testpaths.file.display(), ); } full }; let before = to_full_path(before); let after = to_full_path(after); debug!("comparing the contents of: {} with {}", before.display(), after.display()); let before = fs::read_to_string(before).unwrap(); let after = fs::read_to_string(after).unwrap(); let before = self.normalize_output(&before, &[]); let after = self.normalize_output(&after, &[]); let mut dumped_string = String::new(); for result in diff::lines(&before, &after) { use std::fmt::Write; match result { diff::Result::Left(s) => writeln!(dumped_string, "- {}", s).unwrap(), diff::Result::Right(s) => writeln!(dumped_string, "+ {}", s).unwrap(), diff::Result::Both(s, _) => writeln!(dumped_string, " {}", s).unwrap(), } } dumped_string } fn check_mir_test_timestamp(&self, test_name: &str, output_file: &Path) { let t = |file| fs::metadata(file).unwrap().modified().unwrap(); let source_file = &self.testpaths.file; let output_time = t(output_file); let source_time = t(source_file); if source_time > output_time { debug!("source file time: {:?} output file time: {:?}", source_time, output_time); panic!( "test source file `{}` is newer than potentially stale output file `{}`.", source_file.display(), test_name ); } } fn get_mir_dump_dir(&self) -> PathBuf { let mut mir_dump_dir = PathBuf::from(self.config.build_base.as_path()); debug!("input_file: {:?}", self.testpaths.file); mir_dump_dir.push(&self.testpaths.relative_dir); mir_dump_dir.push(self.testpaths.file.file_stem().unwrap()); mir_dump_dir } fn normalize_output(&self, output: &str, custom_rules: &[(String, String)]) -> String { let cflags = self.props.compile_flags.join(" "); let json = cflags.contains("--error-format json") || cflags.contains("--error-format pretty-json") || cflags.contains("--error-format=json") || cflags.contains("--error-format=pretty-json") || cflags.contains("--output-format json") || cflags.contains("--output-format=json"); let mut normalized = output.to_string(); let mut normalize_path = |from: &Path, to: &str| { let mut from = from.display().to_string(); if json { from = from.replace("\\", "\\\\"); } normalized = normalized.replace(&from, to); }; let parent_dir = self.testpaths.file.parent().unwrap(); normalize_path(parent_dir, "$DIR"); if self.props.remap_src_base { let mut remapped_parent_dir = PathBuf::from(FAKE_SRC_BASE); if self.testpaths.relative_dir != Path::new("") { remapped_parent_dir.push(&self.testpaths.relative_dir); } normalize_path(&remapped_parent_dir, "$DIR"); } let source_bases = &[ // Source base on the current filesystem (calculated as parent of `tests/$suite`): Some(self.config.src_base.parent().unwrap().parent().unwrap().into()), // Source base on the sysroot (from the src components downloaded by `download-rustc`): Some(self.config.sysroot_base.join("lib").join("rustlib").join("src").join("rust")), // Virtual `/rustc/$sha` remapped paths (if `remap-debuginfo` is enabled): option_env!("CFG_VIRTUAL_RUST_SOURCE_BASE_DIR").map(PathBuf::from), // Virtual `/rustc/$sha` coming from download-rustc: std::env::var_os("FAKE_DOWNLOAD_RUSTC_PREFIX").map(PathBuf::from), // Tests using -Zsimulate-remapped-rust-src-base should use this fake path Some("/rustc/FAKE_PREFIX".into()), ]; for base_dir in source_bases { if let Some(base_dir) = base_dir { // Paths into the libstd/libcore normalize_path(&base_dir.join("library"), "$SRC_DIR"); // `ui-fulldeps` tests can show paths to the compiler source when testing macros from // `rustc_macros` // eg. /home/user/rust/compiler normalize_path(&base_dir.join("compiler"), "$COMPILER_DIR"); } } // Paths into the build directory let test_build_dir = &self.config.build_base; let parent_build_dir = test_build_dir.parent().unwrap().parent().unwrap().parent().unwrap(); // eg. /home/user/rust/build/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/test/ui normalize_path(test_build_dir, "$TEST_BUILD_DIR"); // eg. /home/user/rust/build normalize_path(parent_build_dir, "$BUILD_DIR"); // Paths into lib directory. normalize_path(&parent_build_dir.parent().unwrap().join("lib"), "$LIB_DIR"); if json { // escaped newlines in json strings should be readable // in the stderr files. There's no point int being correct, // since only humans process the stderr files. // Thus we just turn escaped newlines back into newlines. normalized = normalized.replace("\\n", "\n"); } // If there are `$SRC_DIR` normalizations with line and column numbers, then replace them // with placeholders as we do not want tests needing updated when compiler source code // changes. // eg. $SRC_DIR/libcore/mem.rs:323:14 becomes $SRC_DIR/libcore/mem.rs:LL:COL static SRC_DIR_RE: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| Regex::new("SRC_DIR(.+):\\d+:\\d+(: \\d+:\\d+)?").unwrap()); normalized = SRC_DIR_RE.replace_all(&normalized, "SRC_DIR$1:LL:COL").into_owned(); normalized = Self::normalize_platform_differences(&normalized); normalized = normalized.replace("\t", "\\t"); // makes tabs visible // Remove test annotations like `//~ ERROR text` from the output, // since they duplicate actual errors and make the output hard to read. // This mirrors the regex in src/tools/tidy/src/style.rs, please update // both if either are changed. static ANNOTATION_RE: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| Regex::new("\\s*//(\\[.*\\])?~.*").unwrap()); normalized = ANNOTATION_RE.replace_all(&normalized, "").into_owned(); // This code normalizes various hashes in v0 symbol mangling that is // emitted in the ui and mir-opt tests. static V0_CRATE_HASH_PREFIX_RE: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| Regex::new(r"_R.*?Cs[0-9a-zA-Z]+_").unwrap()); static V0_CRATE_HASH_RE: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| Regex::new(r"Cs[0-9a-zA-Z]+_").unwrap()); const V0_CRATE_HASH_PLACEHOLDER: &str = r"CsCRATE_HASH_"; if V0_CRATE_HASH_PREFIX_RE.is_match(&normalized) { // Normalize crate hash normalized = V0_CRATE_HASH_RE.replace_all(&normalized, V0_CRATE_HASH_PLACEHOLDER).into_owned(); } static V0_BACK_REF_PREFIX_RE: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| Regex::new(r"\(_R.*?B[0-9a-zA-Z]_").unwrap()); static V0_BACK_REF_RE: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| Regex::new(r"B[0-9a-zA-Z]_").unwrap()); const V0_BACK_REF_PLACEHOLDER: &str = r"B_"; if V0_BACK_REF_PREFIX_RE.is_match(&normalized) { // Normalize back references (see RFC 2603) normalized = V0_BACK_REF_RE.replace_all(&normalized, V0_BACK_REF_PLACEHOLDER).into_owned(); } // Custom normalization rules for rule in custom_rules { let re = Regex::new(&rule.0).expect("bad regex in custom normalization rule"); normalized = re.replace_all(&normalized, &rule.1[..]).into_owned(); } normalized } /// Normalize output differences across platforms. Generally changes Windows output to be more /// Unix-like. /// /// Replaces backslashes in paths with forward slashes, and replaces CRLF line endings /// with LF. fn normalize_platform_differences(output: &str) -> String { /// Used to find Windows paths. /// /// It's not possible to detect paths in the error messages generally, but this is a /// decent enough heuristic. static PATH_BACKSLASH_RE: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| { Regex::new( r#"(?x) (?: # Match paths that don't include spaces. (?:\\[\pL\pN\.\-_']+)+\.\pL+ | # If the path starts with a well-known root, then allow spaces. \$(?:DIR|SRC_DIR|TEST_BUILD_DIR|BUILD_DIR|LIB_DIR)(?:\\[\pL\pN\.\-_' ]+)+ )"#, ) .unwrap() }); let output = output.replace(r"\\", r"\"); PATH_BACKSLASH_RE .replace_all(&output, |caps: &Captures<'_>| { println!("{}", &caps[0]); caps[0].replace(r"\", "/") }) .replace("\r\n", "\n") } fn expected_output_path(&self, kind: &str) -> PathBuf { let mut path = expected_output_path(&self.testpaths, self.revision, &self.config.compare_mode, kind); if !path.exists() { if let Some(CompareMode::Polonius) = self.config.compare_mode { path = expected_output_path(&self.testpaths, self.revision, &None, kind); } } if !path.exists() { path = expected_output_path(&self.testpaths, self.revision, &None, kind); } path } fn load_expected_output(&self, kind: &str) -> String { let path = self.expected_output_path(kind); if path.exists() { match self.load_expected_output_from_path(&path) { Ok(x) => x, Err(x) => self.fatal(&x), } } else { String::new() } } fn load_expected_output_from_path(&self, path: &Path) -> Result { fs::read_to_string(path).map_err(|err| { format!("failed to load expected output from `{}`: {}", path.display(), err) }) } fn delete_file(&self, file: &PathBuf) { if !file.exists() { // Deleting a nonexistent file would error. return; } if let Err(e) = fs::remove_file(file) { self.fatal(&format!("failed to delete `{}`: {}", file.display(), e,)); } } fn compare_output(&self, kind: &str, actual: &str, expected: &str) -> usize { if actual == expected { return 0; } if !self.config.bless { if expected.is_empty() { println!("normalized {}:\n{}\n", kind, actual); } else { println!("diff of {}:\n", kind); print!("{}", write_diff(expected, actual, 3)); } } let mode = self.config.compare_mode.as_ref().map_or("", |m| m.to_str()); let output_file = self .output_base_name() .with_extra_extension(self.revision.unwrap_or("")) .with_extra_extension(mode) .with_extra_extension(kind); let mut files = vec![output_file]; if self.config.bless { // Delete non-revision .stderr/.stdout file if revisions are used. // Without this, we'd just generate the new files and leave the old files around. if self.revision.is_some() { let old = expected_output_path(self.testpaths, None, &self.config.compare_mode, kind); self.delete_file(&old); } files.push(expected_output_path( self.testpaths, self.revision, &self.config.compare_mode, kind, )); } for output_file in &files { if actual.is_empty() { self.delete_file(output_file); } else if let Err(err) = fs::write(&output_file, &actual) { self.fatal(&format!( "failed to write {} to `{}`: {}", kind, output_file.display(), err, )); } } println!("\nThe actual {0} differed from the expected {0}.", kind); for output_file in files { println!("Actual {} saved to {}", kind, output_file.display()); } if self.config.bless { 0 } else { 1 } } fn check_and_prune_duplicate_outputs( &self, proc_res: &ProcRes, modes: &[CompareMode], require_same_modes: &[CompareMode], ) { for kind in UI_EXTENSIONS { let canon_comparison_path = expected_output_path(&self.testpaths, self.revision, &None, kind); let canon = match self.load_expected_output_from_path(&canon_comparison_path) { Ok(canon) => canon, _ => continue, }; let bless = self.config.bless; let check_and_prune_duplicate_outputs = |mode: &CompareMode, require_same: bool| { let examined_path = expected_output_path(&self.testpaths, self.revision, &Some(mode.clone()), kind); // If there is no output, there is nothing to do let examined_content = match self.load_expected_output_from_path(&examined_path) { Ok(content) => content, _ => return, }; let is_duplicate = canon == examined_content; match (bless, require_same, is_duplicate) { // If we're blessing and the output is the same, then delete the file. (true, _, true) => { self.delete_file(&examined_path); } // If we want them to be the same, but they are different, then error. // We do this wether we bless or not (_, true, false) => { self.fatal_proc_rec( &format!("`{}` should not have different output from base test!", kind), proc_res, ); } _ => {} } }; for mode in modes { check_and_prune_duplicate_outputs(mode, false); } for mode in require_same_modes { check_and_prune_duplicate_outputs(mode, true); } } } fn create_stamp(&self) { let stamp = crate::stamp(&self.config, self.testpaths, self.revision); fs::write(&stamp, compute_stamp_hash(&self.config)).unwrap(); } } struct ProcArgs { prog: String, args: Vec, } pub struct ProcRes { status: ExitStatus, stdout: String, stderr: String, cmdline: String, } impl ProcRes { pub fn print_info(&self) { fn render(name: &str, contents: &str) -> String { let contents = json::extract_rendered(contents); let contents = contents.trim(); if contents.is_empty() { format!("{name}: none") } else { format!( "\ --- {name} -------------------------------\n\ {contents}\n\ ------------------------------------------", ) } } println!( "status: {}\ncommand: {}\n{}\n{}\n", self.status, self.cmdline, render("stdout", &self.stdout), render("stderr", &self.stderr), ); } pub fn fatal(&self, err: Option<&str>, on_failure: impl FnOnce()) -> ! { if let Some(e) = err { println!("\nerror: {}", e); } self.print_info(); on_failure(); // Use resume_unwind instead of panic!() to prevent a panic message + backtrace from // compiletest, which is unnecessary noise. std::panic::resume_unwind(Box::new(())); } } #[derive(Debug)] enum TargetLocation { ThisFile(PathBuf), ThisDirectory(PathBuf), } enum AllowUnused { Yes, No, } enum LinkToAux { Yes, No, }