#![feature(rustc_private)] extern crate rustc_driver; extern crate rustc_session; use std::env; use std::error::Error; use std::fs::{self, File}; use std::io::Write; use std::path::Path; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::str::FromStr; use mdbook::book::{parse_summary, BookItem, Chapter}; use mdbook::{Config, MDBook}; enum OutputFormat { HTML, Markdown, Unknown(String), } impl OutputFormat { fn from(format: &str) -> OutputFormat { match &*format.to_lowercase() { "html" => OutputFormat::HTML, "markdown" => OutputFormat::Markdown, s => OutputFormat::Unknown(s.to_owned()), } } } /// Output an HTML page for the errors in `err_map` to `output_path`. fn render_markdown(output_path: &Path) -> Result<(), Box> { let mut output_file = File::create(output_path)?; write!(output_file, "# Rust Compiler Error Index\n")?; for (err_code, description) in rustc_error_codes::DIAGNOSTICS.iter() { write!(output_file, "## {}\n{}\n", err_code, description)? } Ok(()) } // By default, mdbook doesn't consider code blocks as Rust ones contrary to rustdoc so we have // to manually add `rust` attribute whenever needed. fn add_rust_attribute_on_codeblock(explanation: &str) -> String { // Very hacky way to add the rust attribute on all code blocks. let mut skip = true; explanation.split("\n```").fold(String::new(), |mut acc, part| { if !acc.is_empty() { acc.push_str("\n```"); } if !skip { if let Some(attrs) = part.split('\n').next() { if !attrs.contains("rust") && (attrs.is_empty() || attrs.contains("compile_fail") || attrs.contains("ignore") || attrs.contains("edition")) { if !attrs.is_empty() { acc.push_str("rust,"); } else { acc.push_str("rust"); } } } } skip = !skip; acc.push_str(part); acc }) } fn render_html(output_path: &Path) -> Result<(), Box> { let mut introduction = format!( "# Rust error codes index This page lists all the error codes emitted by the Rust compiler. " ); let err_codes = rustc_error_codes::DIAGNOSTICS; let mut chapters = Vec::with_capacity(err_codes.len()); for (err_code, explanation) in err_codes.iter() { introduction.push_str(&format!(" * [{0}](./{0}.html)\n", err_code)); let content = add_rust_attribute_on_codeblock(explanation); chapters.push(BookItem::Chapter(Chapter { name: err_code.to_string(), content: format!("# Error code {}\n\n{}\n", err_code, content), number: None, sub_items: Vec::new(), // We generate it into the `error_codes` folder. path: Some(PathBuf::from(&format!("{}.html", err_code))), source_path: None, parent_names: Vec::new(), })); } let mut config = Config::from_str(include_str!("book_config.toml"))?; config.build.build_dir = output_path.join("error_codes").to_path_buf(); let mut book = MDBook::load_with_config_and_summary( env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), config, parse_summary("")?, )?; let chapter = Chapter { name: "Rust error codes index".to_owned(), content: introduction, number: None, sub_items: chapters, // Very important: this file is named as `error-index.html` and not `index.html`! path: Some(PathBuf::from("error-index.html")), source_path: None, parent_names: Vec::new(), }; book.book.sections.push(BookItem::Chapter(chapter)); book.build()?; // The error-index used to be generated manually (without mdbook), and the // index was located at the top level. Now that it is generated with // mdbook, error-index.html has moved to error_codes/error-index.html. // This adds a redirect so that old links go to the new location. // // We can't put this content into another file, otherwise `mdbook` will also put it into the // output directory, making a duplicate. fs::write( output_path.join("error-index.html"), r#" Rust error codes index - Error codes index
If you are not automatically redirected to the error code index, please here. "#, )?; Ok(()) } fn main_with_result(format: OutputFormat, dst: &Path) -> Result<(), Box> { match format { OutputFormat::Unknown(s) => panic!("Unknown output format: {}", s), OutputFormat::HTML => render_html(dst), OutputFormat::Markdown => render_markdown(dst), } } fn parse_args() -> (OutputFormat, PathBuf) { let mut args = env::args().skip(1); let format = args.next(); let dst = args.next(); let format = format.map(|a| OutputFormat::from(&a)).unwrap_or(OutputFormat::from("html")); let dst = dst.map(PathBuf::from).unwrap_or_else(|| match format { OutputFormat::HTML => PathBuf::from("doc"), OutputFormat::Markdown => PathBuf::from("doc/error-index.md"), OutputFormat::Unknown(..) => PathBuf::from(""), }); (format, dst) } fn main() { let handler = rustc_session::EarlyErrorHandler::new(rustc_session::config::ErrorOutputType::default()); rustc_driver::init_env_logger(&handler, "RUST_LOG"); let (format, dst) = parse_args(); let result = main_with_result(format, &dst); if let Err(e) = result { panic!("{:?}", e); } }