//! `ItemTree` debug printer. use std::fmt::{self, Write}; use crate::{ attr::RawAttrs, generics::{TypeOrConstParamData, WherePredicate, WherePredicateTypeTarget}, pretty::{print_path, print_type_bounds, print_type_ref}, visibility::RawVisibility, }; use super::*; pub(super) fn print_item_tree(tree: &ItemTree) -> String { let mut p = Printer { tree, buf: String::new(), indent_level: 0, needs_indent: true }; if let Some(attrs) = tree.attrs.get(&AttrOwner::TopLevel) { p.print_attrs(attrs, true); } p.blank(); for item in tree.top_level_items() { p.print_mod_item(*item); } let mut s = p.buf.trim_end_matches('\n').to_string(); s.push('\n'); s } macro_rules! w { ($dst:expr, $($arg:tt)*) => { { let _ = write!($dst, $($arg)*); } }; } macro_rules! wln { ($dst:expr) => { { let _ = writeln!($dst); } }; ($dst:expr, $($arg:tt)*) => { { let _ = writeln!($dst, $($arg)*); } }; } struct Printer<'a> { tree: &'a ItemTree, buf: String, indent_level: usize, needs_indent: bool, } impl<'a> Printer<'a> { fn indented(&mut self, f: impl FnOnce(&mut Self)) { self.indent_level += 1; wln!(self); f(self); self.indent_level -= 1; self.buf = self.buf.trim_end_matches('\n').to_string(); } /// Ensures that a blank line is output before the next text. fn blank(&mut self) { let mut iter = self.buf.chars().rev().fuse(); match (iter.next(), iter.next()) { (Some('\n'), Some('\n') | None) | (None, None) => {} (Some('\n'), Some(_)) => { self.buf.push('\n'); } (Some(_), _) => { self.buf.push('\n'); self.buf.push('\n'); } (None, Some(_)) => unreachable!(), } } fn whitespace(&mut self) { match self.buf.chars().next_back() { None | Some('\n' | ' ') => {} _ => self.buf.push(' '), } } fn print_attrs(&mut self, attrs: &RawAttrs, inner: bool) { let inner = if inner { "!" } else { "" }; for attr in &**attrs { wln!( self, "#{}[{}{}]", inner, attr.path, attr.input.as_ref().map(|it| it.to_string()).unwrap_or_default(), ); } } fn print_attrs_of(&mut self, of: impl Into) { if let Some(attrs) = self.tree.attrs.get(&of.into()) { self.print_attrs(attrs, false); } } fn print_visibility(&mut self, vis: RawVisibilityId) { match &self.tree[vis] { RawVisibility::Module(path) => w!(self, "pub({}) ", path), RawVisibility::Public => w!(self, "pub "), }; } fn print_fields(&mut self, fields: &Fields) { match fields { Fields::Record(fields) => { self.whitespace(); w!(self, "{{"); self.indented(|this| { for field in fields.clone() { let Field { visibility, name, type_ref } = &this.tree[field]; this.print_attrs_of(field); this.print_visibility(*visibility); w!(this, "{}: ", name); this.print_type_ref(type_ref); wln!(this, ","); } }); w!(self, "}}"); } Fields::Tuple(fields) => { w!(self, "("); self.indented(|this| { for field in fields.clone() { let Field { visibility, name, type_ref } = &this.tree[field]; this.print_attrs_of(field); this.print_visibility(*visibility); w!(this, "{}: ", name); this.print_type_ref(type_ref); wln!(this, ","); } }); w!(self, ")"); } Fields::Unit => {} } } fn print_fields_and_where_clause(&mut self, fields: &Fields, params: &GenericParams) { match fields { Fields::Record(_) => { if self.print_where_clause(params) { wln!(self); } self.print_fields(fields); } Fields::Unit => { self.print_where_clause(params); self.print_fields(fields); } Fields::Tuple(_) => { self.print_fields(fields); self.print_where_clause(params); } } } fn print_use_tree(&mut self, use_tree: &UseTree) { match &use_tree.kind { UseTreeKind::Single { path, alias } => { w!(self, "{}", path); if let Some(alias) = alias { w!(self, " as {}", alias); } } UseTreeKind::Glob { path } => { if let Some(path) = path { w!(self, "{}::", path); } w!(self, "*"); } UseTreeKind::Prefixed { prefix, list } => { if let Some(prefix) = prefix { w!(self, "{}::", prefix); } w!(self, "{{"); for (i, tree) in list.iter().enumerate() { if i != 0 { w!(self, ", "); } self.print_use_tree(tree); } w!(self, "}}"); } } } fn print_mod_item(&mut self, item: ModItem) { self.print_attrs_of(item); match item { ModItem::Import(it) => { let Import { visibility, use_tree, ast_id: _ } = &self.tree[it]; self.print_visibility(*visibility); w!(self, "use "); self.print_use_tree(use_tree); wln!(self, ";"); } ModItem::ExternCrate(it) => { let ExternCrate { name, alias, visibility, ast_id: _ } = &self.tree[it]; self.print_visibility(*visibility); w!(self, "extern crate {}", name); if let Some(alias) = alias { w!(self, " as {}", alias); } wln!(self, ";"); } ModItem::ExternBlock(it) => { let ExternBlock { abi, ast_id: _, children } = &self.tree[it]; w!(self, "extern "); if let Some(abi) = abi { w!(self, "\"{}\" ", abi); } w!(self, "{{"); self.indented(|this| { for child in &**children { this.print_mod_item(*child); } }); wln!(self, "}}"); } ModItem::Function(it) => { let Function { name, visibility, explicit_generic_params, abi, params, ret_type, async_ret_type: _, ast_id: _, flags, } = &self.tree[it]; self.print_visibility(*visibility); if flags.contains(FnFlags::HAS_DEFAULT_KW) { w!(self, "default "); } if flags.contains(FnFlags::HAS_CONST_KW) { w!(self, "const "); } if flags.contains(FnFlags::HAS_ASYNC_KW) { w!(self, "async "); } if flags.contains(FnFlags::HAS_UNSAFE_KW) { w!(self, "unsafe "); } if let Some(abi) = abi { w!(self, "extern \"{}\" ", abi); } w!(self, "fn {}", name); self.print_generic_params(explicit_generic_params); w!(self, "("); if !params.is_empty() { self.indented(|this| { for (i, param) in params.clone().enumerate() { this.print_attrs_of(param); match &this.tree[param] { Param::Normal(name, ty) => { match name { Some(name) => w!(this, "{}: ", name), None => w!(this, "_: "), } this.print_type_ref(ty); w!(this, ","); if flags.contains(FnFlags::HAS_SELF_PARAM) && i == 0 { wln!(this, " // self"); } else { wln!(this); } } Param::Varargs => { wln!(this, "..."); } }; } }); } w!(self, ") -> "); self.print_type_ref(ret_type); self.print_where_clause(explicit_generic_params); if flags.contains(FnFlags::HAS_BODY) { wln!(self, " {{ ... }}"); } else { wln!(self, ";"); } } ModItem::Struct(it) => { let Struct { visibility, name, fields, generic_params, ast_id: _ } = &self.tree[it]; self.print_visibility(*visibility); w!(self, "struct {}", name); self.print_generic_params(generic_params); self.print_fields_and_where_clause(fields, generic_params); if matches!(fields, Fields::Record(_)) { wln!(self); } else { wln!(self, ";"); } } ModItem::Union(it) => { let Union { name, visibility, fields, generic_params, ast_id: _ } = &self.tree[it]; self.print_visibility(*visibility); w!(self, "union {}", name); self.print_generic_params(generic_params); self.print_fields_and_where_clause(fields, generic_params); if matches!(fields, Fields::Record(_)) { wln!(self); } else { wln!(self, ";"); } } ModItem::Enum(it) => { let Enum { name, visibility, variants, generic_params, ast_id: _ } = &self.tree[it]; self.print_visibility(*visibility); w!(self, "enum {}", name); self.print_generic_params(generic_params); self.print_where_clause_and_opening_brace(generic_params); self.indented(|this| { for variant in variants.clone() { let Variant { name, fields } = &this.tree[variant]; this.print_attrs_of(variant); w!(this, "{}", name); this.print_fields(fields); wln!(this, ","); } }); wln!(self, "}}"); } ModItem::Const(it) => { let Const { name, visibility, type_ref, ast_id: _ } = &self.tree[it]; self.print_visibility(*visibility); w!(self, "const "); match name { Some(name) => w!(self, "{}", name), None => w!(self, "_"), } w!(self, ": "); self.print_type_ref(type_ref); wln!(self, " = _;"); } ModItem::Static(it) => { let Static { name, visibility, mutable, type_ref, ast_id: _ } = &self.tree[it]; self.print_visibility(*visibility); w!(self, "static "); if *mutable { w!(self, "mut "); } w!(self, "{}: ", name); self.print_type_ref(type_ref); w!(self, " = _;"); wln!(self); } ModItem::Trait(it) => { let Trait { name, visibility, is_auto, is_unsafe, items, generic_params, ast_id: _, } = &self.tree[it]; self.print_visibility(*visibility); if *is_unsafe { w!(self, "unsafe "); } if *is_auto { w!(self, "auto "); } w!(self, "trait {}", name); self.print_generic_params(generic_params); self.print_where_clause_and_opening_brace(generic_params); self.indented(|this| { for item in &**items { this.print_mod_item((*item).into()); } }); wln!(self, "}}"); } ModItem::Impl(it) => { let Impl { target_trait, self_ty, is_negative, items, generic_params, ast_id: _ } = &self.tree[it]; w!(self, "impl"); self.print_generic_params(generic_params); w!(self, " "); if *is_negative { w!(self, "!"); } if let Some(tr) = target_trait { self.print_path(&tr.path); w!(self, " for "); } self.print_type_ref(self_ty); self.print_where_clause_and_opening_brace(generic_params); self.indented(|this| { for item in &**items { this.print_mod_item((*item).into()); } }); wln!(self, "}}"); } ModItem::TypeAlias(it) => { let TypeAlias { name, visibility, bounds, type_ref, generic_params, ast_id: _ } = &self.tree[it]; self.print_visibility(*visibility); w!(self, "type {}", name); self.print_generic_params(generic_params); if !bounds.is_empty() { w!(self, ": "); self.print_type_bounds(bounds); } if let Some(ty) = type_ref { w!(self, " = "); self.print_type_ref(ty); } self.print_where_clause(generic_params); w!(self, ";"); wln!(self); } ModItem::Mod(it) => { let Mod { name, visibility, kind, ast_id: _ } = &self.tree[it]; self.print_visibility(*visibility); w!(self, "mod {}", name); match kind { ModKind::Inline { items } => { w!(self, " {{"); self.indented(|this| { for item in &**items { this.print_mod_item(*item); } }); wln!(self, "}}"); } ModKind::Outline => { wln!(self, ";"); } } } ModItem::MacroCall(it) => { let MacroCall { path, ast_id: _, expand_to: _ } = &self.tree[it]; wln!(self, "{}!(...);", path); } ModItem::MacroRules(it) => { let MacroRules { name, ast_id: _ } = &self.tree[it]; wln!(self, "macro_rules! {} {{ ... }}", name); } ModItem::MacroDef(it) => { let MacroDef { name, visibility, ast_id: _ } = &self.tree[it]; self.print_visibility(*visibility); wln!(self, "macro {} {{ ... }}", name); } } self.blank(); } fn print_type_ref(&mut self, type_ref: &TypeRef) { print_type_ref(type_ref, self).unwrap(); } fn print_type_bounds(&mut self, bounds: &[Interned]) { print_type_bounds(bounds, self).unwrap(); } fn print_path(&mut self, path: &Path) { print_path(path, self).unwrap(); } fn print_generic_params(&mut self, params: &GenericParams) { if params.type_or_consts.is_empty() && params.lifetimes.is_empty() { return; } w!(self, "<"); let mut first = true; for (_, lt) in params.lifetimes.iter() { if !first { w!(self, ", "); } first = false; w!(self, "{}", lt.name); } for (idx, x) in params.type_or_consts.iter() { if !first { w!(self, ", "); } first = false; match x { TypeOrConstParamData::TypeParamData(ty) => match &ty.name { Some(name) => w!(self, "{}", name), None => w!(self, "_anon_{}", idx.into_raw()), }, TypeOrConstParamData::ConstParamData(konst) => { w!(self, "const {}: ", konst.name); self.print_type_ref(&konst.ty); } } } w!(self, ">"); } fn print_where_clause_and_opening_brace(&mut self, params: &GenericParams) { if self.print_where_clause(params) { w!(self, "\n{{"); } else { self.whitespace(); w!(self, "{{"); } } fn print_where_clause(&mut self, params: &GenericParams) -> bool { if params.where_predicates.is_empty() { return false; } w!(self, "\nwhere"); self.indented(|this| { for (i, pred) in params.where_predicates.iter().enumerate() { if i != 0 { wln!(this, ","); } let (target, bound) = match pred { WherePredicate::TypeBound { target, bound } => (target, bound), WherePredicate::Lifetime { target, bound } => { wln!(this, "{}: {},", target.name, bound.name); continue; } WherePredicate::ForLifetime { lifetimes, target, bound } => { w!(this, "for<"); for (i, lt) in lifetimes.iter().enumerate() { if i != 0 { w!(this, ", "); } w!(this, "{}", lt); } w!(this, "> "); (target, bound) } }; match target { WherePredicateTypeTarget::TypeRef(ty) => this.print_type_ref(ty), WherePredicateTypeTarget::TypeOrConstParam(id) => { match ¶ms.type_or_consts[*id].name() { Some(name) => w!(this, "{}", name), None => w!(this, "_anon_{}", id.into_raw()), } } } w!(this, ": "); this.print_type_bounds(std::slice::from_ref(bound)); } }); true } } impl<'a> Write for Printer<'a> { fn write_str(&mut self, s: &str) -> fmt::Result { for line in s.split_inclusive('\n') { if self.needs_indent { match self.buf.chars().last() { Some('\n') | None => {} _ => self.buf.push('\n'), } self.buf.push_str(&" ".repeat(self.indent_level)); self.needs_indent = false; } self.buf.push_str(line); self.needs_indent = line.ends_with('\n'); } Ok(()) } }