use std::collections::HashMap; use base_db::fixture::WithFixture; use chalk_ir::{AdtId, TyKind}; use hir_def::{ db::DefDatabase, layout::{Layout, LayoutError}, }; use crate::{db::HirDatabase, test_db::TestDB, Interner, Substitution}; use super::layout_of_ty; fn current_machine_data_layout() -> String { project_model::target_data_layout::get(None, None, &HashMap::default()).unwrap() } fn eval_goal(ra_fixture: &str, minicore: &str) -> Result { let target_data_layout = current_machine_data_layout(); let ra_fixture = format!( "{minicore}//- / crate:test target_data_layout:{target_data_layout}\n{ra_fixture}", ); let (db, file_id) = TestDB::with_single_file(&ra_fixture); let module_id = db.module_for_file(file_id); let def_map = module_id.def_map(&db); let scope = &def_map[module_id.local_id].scope; let adt_id = scope .declarations() .find_map(|x| match x { hir_def::ModuleDefId::AdtId(x) => { let name = match x { hir_def::AdtId::StructId(x) => db.struct_data(x).name.to_smol_str(), hir_def::AdtId::UnionId(x) => db.union_data(x).name.to_smol_str(), hir_def::AdtId::EnumId(x) => db.enum_data(x).name.to_smol_str(), }; (name == "Goal").then_some(x) } _ => None, }) .unwrap(); let goal_ty = TyKind::Adt(AdtId(adt_id), Substitution::empty(Interner)).intern(Interner); layout_of_ty(&db, &goal_ty, module_id.krate()) } /// A version of `eval_goal` for types that can not be expressed in ADTs, like closures and `impl Trait` fn eval_expr(ra_fixture: &str, minicore: &str) -> Result { let target_data_layout = current_machine_data_layout(); let ra_fixture = format!( "{minicore}//- / crate:test target_data_layout:{target_data_layout}\nfn main(){{let goal = {{{ra_fixture}}};}}", ); let (db, file_id) = TestDB::with_single_file(&ra_fixture); let module_id = db.module_for_file(file_id); let def_map = module_id.def_map(&db); let scope = &def_map[module_id.local_id].scope; let adt_id = scope .declarations() .find_map(|x| match x { hir_def::ModuleDefId::FunctionId(x) => { let name = db.function_data(x).name.to_smol_str(); (name == "main").then_some(x) } _ => None, }) .unwrap(); let hir_body = db.body(adt_id.into()); let pat = hir_body .pats .iter() .find(|x| match x.1 { hir_def::expr::Pat::Bind { name, .. } => name.to_smol_str() == "goal", _ => false, }) .unwrap() .0; let infer = db.infer(adt_id.into()); let goal_ty = infer.type_of_pat[pat].clone(); layout_of_ty(&db, &goal_ty, module_id.krate()) } #[track_caller] fn check_size_and_align(ra_fixture: &str, minicore: &str, size: u64, align: u64) { let l = eval_goal(ra_fixture, minicore).unwrap(); assert_eq!(l.size.bytes(), size); assert_eq!(l.align.abi.bytes(), align); } #[track_caller] fn check_size_and_align_expr(ra_fixture: &str, minicore: &str, size: u64, align: u64) { let l = eval_expr(ra_fixture, minicore).unwrap(); assert_eq!(l.size.bytes(), size); assert_eq!(l.align.abi.bytes(), align); } #[track_caller] fn check_fail(ra_fixture: &str, e: LayoutError) { let r = eval_goal(ra_fixture, ""); assert_eq!(r, Err(e)); } macro_rules! size_and_align { (minicore: $($x:tt),*;$($t:tt)*) => { { #[allow(dead_code)] $($t)* check_size_and_align( stringify!($($t)*), &format!("//- minicore: {}\n", stringify!($($x),*)), ::std::mem::size_of::() as u64, ::std::mem::align_of::() as u64, ); } }; ($($t:tt)*) => { { #[allow(dead_code)] $($t)* check_size_and_align( stringify!($($t)*), "", ::std::mem::size_of::() as u64, ::std::mem::align_of::() as u64, ); } }; } macro_rules! size_and_align_expr { ($($t:tt)*) => { { #[allow(dead_code)] { let val = { $($t)* }; check_size_and_align_expr( stringify!($($t)*), "", ::std::mem::size_of_val(&val) as u64, ::std::mem::align_of_val(&val) as u64, ); } } }; } #[test] fn hello_world() { size_and_align! { struct Goal(i32); } size_and_align_expr! { 2i32 } } #[test] fn field_order_optimization() { size_and_align! { struct Goal(u8, i32, u8); } size_and_align! { #[repr(C)] struct Goal(u8, i32, u8); } } #[test] fn recursive() { size_and_align! { struct Goal { left: &'static Goal, right: &'static Goal, } } size_and_align! { struct BoxLike(*mut T); struct Goal(BoxLike); } check_fail( r#"struct Goal(Goal);"#, LayoutError::UserError("infinite sized recursive type".to_string()), ); check_fail( r#" struct Foo(Foo); struct Goal(Foo); "#, LayoutError::UserError("infinite sized recursive type".to_string()), ); } #[test] fn generic() { size_and_align! { struct Pair(A, B); struct Goal(Pair, i64>); } size_and_align! { struct X { field1: [i32; N], field2: [u8; N], } struct Goal(X<1000>); } } #[test] fn return_position_impl_trait() { size_and_align_expr! { trait T {} impl T for i32 {} impl T for i64 {} fn foo() -> impl T { 2i64 } foo() } size_and_align_expr! { trait T {} impl T for i32 {} impl T for i64 {} fn foo() -> (impl T, impl T, impl T) { (2i64, 5i32, 7i32) } foo() } size_and_align_expr! { struct Foo(T, T, (T, T)); trait T {} impl T for Foo {} impl T for Foo {} fn foo() -> Foo { Foo( Foo(1i64, 2, (3, 4)), Foo(5, 6, (7, 8)), ( Foo(1i64, 2, (3, 4)), Foo(5, 6, (7, 8)), ), ) } foo() } } #[test] fn enums() { size_and_align! { enum Goal { Quit, Move { x: i32, y: i32 }, ChangeColor(i32, i32, i32), } } } #[test] fn primitives() { size_and_align! { struct Goal(i32, i128, isize, usize, f32, f64, bool, char); } } #[test] fn tuple() { size_and_align! { struct Goal((), (i32, u64, bool)); } } #[test] fn non_zero() { size_and_align! { minicore: non_zero, option; use core::num::NonZeroU8; struct Goal(Option); } } #[test] fn niche_optimization() { size_and_align! { minicore: option; struct Goal(Option<&'static i32>); } size_and_align! { minicore: option; struct Goal(Option>); } } #[test] fn enums_with_discriminants() { size_and_align! { enum Goal { A = 1000, B = 2000, C = 3000, } } size_and_align! { enum Goal { A = 254, B, C, // implicitly becomes 256, so we need two bytes } } }