use ide_db::assists::{AssistId, AssistKind, GroupLabel}; use syntax::{ ast::{self, ArithOp, BinaryOp}, AstNode, TextRange, }; use crate::assist_context::{AssistContext, Assists}; // Assist: replace_arith_with_checked // // Replaces arithmetic on integers with the `checked_*` equivalent. // // ``` // fn main() { // let x = 1 $0+ 2; // } // ``` // -> // ``` // fn main() { // let x = 1.checked_add(2); // } // ``` pub(crate) fn replace_arith_with_checked(acc: &mut Assists, ctx: &AssistContext<'_>) -> Option<()> { replace_arith(acc, ctx, ArithKind::Checked) } // Assist: replace_arith_with_saturating // // Replaces arithmetic on integers with the `saturating_*` equivalent. // // ``` // fn main() { // let x = 1 $0+ 2; // } // ``` // -> // ``` // fn main() { // let x = 1.saturating_add(2); // } // ``` pub(crate) fn replace_arith_with_saturating( acc: &mut Assists, ctx: &AssistContext<'_>, ) -> Option<()> { replace_arith(acc, ctx, ArithKind::Saturating) } // Assist: replace_arith_with_wrapping // // Replaces arithmetic on integers with the `wrapping_*` equivalent. // // ``` // fn main() { // let x = 1 $0+ 2; // } // ``` // -> // ``` // fn main() { // let x = 1.wrapping_add(2); // } // ``` pub(crate) fn replace_arith_with_wrapping( acc: &mut Assists, ctx: &AssistContext<'_>, ) -> Option<()> { replace_arith(acc, ctx, ArithKind::Wrapping) } fn replace_arith(acc: &mut Assists, ctx: &AssistContext<'_>, kind: ArithKind) -> Option<()> { let (lhs, op, rhs) = parse_binary_op(ctx)?; if !is_primitive_int(ctx, &lhs) || !is_primitive_int(ctx, &rhs) { return None; } let start = lhs.syntax().text_range().start(); let end = rhs.syntax().text_range().end(); let range = TextRange::new(start, end); acc.add_group( &GroupLabel("replace_arith".into()), kind.assist_id(), kind.label(), range, |builder| { let method_name = kind.method_name(op); builder.replace(range, format!("{lhs}.{method_name}({rhs})")) }, ) } fn is_primitive_int(ctx: &AssistContext<'_>, expr: &ast::Expr) -> bool { match ctx.sema.type_of_expr(expr) { Some(ty) => ty.adjusted().is_int_or_uint(), _ => false, } } /// Extract the operands of an arithmetic expression (e.g. `1 + 2` or `1.checked_add(2)`) fn parse_binary_op(ctx: &AssistContext<'_>) -> Option<(ast::Expr, ArithOp, ast::Expr)> { let expr = ctx.find_node_at_offset::()?; let op = match expr.op_kind() { Some(BinaryOp::ArithOp(ArithOp::Add)) => ArithOp::Add, Some(BinaryOp::ArithOp(ArithOp::Sub)) => ArithOp::Sub, Some(BinaryOp::ArithOp(ArithOp::Mul)) => ArithOp::Mul, Some(BinaryOp::ArithOp(ArithOp::Div)) => ArithOp::Div, _ => return None, }; let lhs = expr.lhs()?; let rhs = expr.rhs()?; Some((lhs, op, rhs)) } pub(crate) enum ArithKind { Saturating, Wrapping, Checked, } impl ArithKind { fn assist_id(&self) -> AssistId { let s = match self { ArithKind::Saturating => "replace_arith_with_saturating", ArithKind::Checked => "replace_arith_with_checked", ArithKind::Wrapping => "replace_arith_with_wrapping", }; AssistId(s, AssistKind::RefactorRewrite) } fn label(&self) -> &'static str { match self { ArithKind::Saturating => "Replace arithmetic with call to saturating_*", ArithKind::Checked => "Replace arithmetic with call to checked_*", ArithKind::Wrapping => "Replace arithmetic with call to wrapping_*", } } fn method_name(&self, op: ArithOp) -> String { let prefix = match self { ArithKind::Checked => "checked_", ArithKind::Wrapping => "wrapping_", ArithKind::Saturating => "saturating_", }; let suffix = match op { ArithOp::Add => "add", ArithOp::Sub => "sub", ArithOp::Mul => "mul", ArithOp::Div => "div", _ => unreachable!("this function should only be called with +, -, / or *"), }; format!("{prefix}{suffix}") } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use crate::tests::check_assist; use super::*; #[test] fn arith_kind_method_name() { assert_eq!(ArithKind::Saturating.method_name(ArithOp::Add), "saturating_add"); assert_eq!(ArithKind::Checked.method_name(ArithOp::Sub), "checked_sub"); } #[test] fn replace_arith_with_checked_add() { check_assist( replace_arith_with_checked, r#" fn main() { let x = 1 $0+ 2; } "#, r#" fn main() { let x = 1.checked_add(2); } "#, ) } #[test] fn replace_arith_with_saturating_add() { check_assist( replace_arith_with_saturating, r#" fn main() { let x = 1 $0+ 2; } "#, r#" fn main() { let x = 1.saturating_add(2); } "#, ) } #[test] fn replace_arith_with_wrapping_add() { check_assist( replace_arith_with_wrapping, r#" fn main() { let x = 1 $0+ 2; } "#, r#" fn main() { let x = 1.wrapping_add(2); } "#, ) } }