use ide_db::{ assists::{AssistId, AssistKind}, famous_defs::FamousDefs, }; use syntax::{ ast::{self, make, Expr, HasArgList}, AstNode, }; use crate::{AssistContext, Assists}; // Assist: replace_or_with_or_else // // Replace `unwrap_or` with `unwrap_or_else` and `ok_or` with `ok_or_else`. // // ``` // # //- minicore:option // fn foo() { // let a = Some(1); // a.unwra$0p_or(2); // } // ``` // -> // ``` // fn foo() { // let a = Some(1); // a.unwrap_or_else(|| 2); // } // ``` pub(crate) fn replace_or_with_or_else(acc: &mut Assists, ctx: &AssistContext<'_>) -> Option<()> { let call: ast::MethodCallExpr = ctx.find_node_at_offset()?; let kind = is_option_or_result(call.receiver()?, ctx)?; let (name, arg_list) = (call.name_ref()?, call.arg_list()?); let mut map_or = false; let replace = match &*name.text() { "unwrap_or" => "unwrap_or_else".to_string(), "or" => "or_else".to_string(), "ok_or" if kind == Kind::Option => "ok_or_else".to_string(), "map_or" => { map_or = true; "map_or_else".to_string() } _ => return None, }; let arg = match arg_list.args().collect::>().as_slice() { [] => make::arg_list(Vec::new()), [first] => { let param = into_closure(first); make::arg_list(vec![param]) } [first, second] if map_or => { let param = into_closure(first); make::arg_list(vec![param, second.clone()]) } _ => return None, }; acc.add( AssistId("replace_or_with_or_else", AssistKind::RefactorRewrite), format!("Replace {name} with {replace}"), call.syntax().text_range(), |builder| { builder.replace(name.syntax().text_range(), replace); builder.replace_ast(arg_list, arg) }, ) } fn into_closure(param: &Expr) -> Expr { (|| { if let ast::Expr::CallExpr(call) = param { if call.arg_list()?.args().count() == 0 { Some(call.expr()?.clone()) } else { None } } else { None } })() .unwrap_or_else(|| make::expr_closure(None, param.clone())) } // Assist: replace_or_else_with_or // // Replace `unwrap_or_else` with `unwrap_or` and `ok_or_else` with `ok_or`. // // ``` // # //- minicore:option // fn foo() { // let a = Some(1); // a.unwra$0p_or_else(|| 2); // } // ``` // -> // ``` // fn foo() { // let a = Some(1); // a.unwrap_or(2); // } // ``` pub(crate) fn replace_or_else_with_or(acc: &mut Assists, ctx: &AssistContext<'_>) -> Option<()> { let call: ast::MethodCallExpr = ctx.find_node_at_offset()?; let kind = is_option_or_result(call.receiver()?, ctx)?; let (name, arg_list) = (call.name_ref()?, call.arg_list()?); let mut map_or = false; let replace = match &*name.text() { "unwrap_or_else" => "unwrap_or".to_string(), "or_else" => "or".to_string(), "ok_or_else" if kind == Kind::Option => "ok_or".to_string(), "map_or_else" => { map_or = true; "map_or".to_string() } _ => return None, }; let arg = match arg_list.args().collect::>().as_slice() { [] => make::arg_list(Vec::new()), [first] => { let param = into_call(first); make::arg_list(vec![param]) } [first, second] if map_or => { let param = into_call(first); make::arg_list(vec![param, second.clone()]) } _ => return None, }; acc.add( AssistId("replace_or_else_with_or", AssistKind::RefactorRewrite), format!("Replace {name} with {replace}"), call.syntax().text_range(), |builder| { builder.replace(name.syntax().text_range(), replace); builder.replace_ast(arg_list, arg) }, ) } fn into_call(param: &Expr) -> Expr { (|| { if let ast::Expr::ClosureExpr(closure) = param { if closure.param_list()?.params().count() == 0 { Some(closure.body()?.clone()) } else { None } } else { None } })() .unwrap_or_else(|| make::expr_call(param.clone(), make::arg_list(Vec::new()))) } #[derive(PartialEq, Eq)] enum Kind { Option, Result, } fn is_option_or_result(receiver: Expr, ctx: &AssistContext<'_>) -> Option { let ty = ctx.sema.type_of_expr(&receiver)?.adjusted().as_adt()?.as_enum()?; let option_enum = FamousDefs(&ctx.sema, ctx.sema.scope(receiver.syntax())?.krate()).core_option_Option(); if let Some(option_enum) = option_enum { if ty == option_enum { return Some(Kind::Option); } } let result_enum = FamousDefs(&ctx.sema, ctx.sema.scope(receiver.syntax())?.krate()).core_result_Result(); if let Some(result_enum) = result_enum { if ty == result_enum { return Some(Kind::Result); } } None } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use crate::tests::{check_assist, check_assist_not_applicable}; use super::*; #[test] fn replace_or_with_or_else_simple() { check_assist( replace_or_with_or_else, r#" //- minicore: option fn foo() { let foo = Some(1); return foo.unwrap_$0or(2); } "#, r#" fn foo() { let foo = Some(1); return foo.unwrap_or_else(|| 2); } "#, ) } #[test] fn replace_or_with_or_else_call() { check_assist( replace_or_with_or_else, r#" //- minicore: option fn foo() { let foo = Some(1); return foo.unwrap_$0or(x()); } "#, r#" fn foo() { let foo = Some(1); return foo.unwrap_or_else(x); } "#, ) } #[test] fn replace_or_with_or_else_block() { check_assist( replace_or_with_or_else, r#" //- minicore: option fn foo() { let foo = Some(1); return foo.unwrap_$0or({ let mut x = bar(); for i in 0..10 { x += i; } x }); } "#, r#" fn foo() { let foo = Some(1); return foo.unwrap_or_else(|| { let mut x = bar(); for i in 0..10 { x += i; } x }); } "#, ) } #[test] fn replace_or_else_with_or_simple() { check_assist( replace_or_else_with_or, r#" //- minicore: option fn foo() { let foo = Some(1); return foo.unwrap_$0or_else(|| 2); } "#, r#" fn foo() { let foo = Some(1); return foo.unwrap_or(2); } "#, ) } #[test] fn replace_or_else_with_or_call() { check_assist( replace_or_else_with_or, r#" //- minicore: option fn foo() { let foo = Some(1); return foo.unwrap_$0or_else(x); } "#, r#" fn foo() { let foo = Some(1); return foo.unwrap_or(x()); } "#, ) } #[test] fn replace_or_else_with_or_result() { check_assist( replace_or_else_with_or, r#" //- minicore: result fn foo() { let foo = Ok(1); return foo.unwrap_$0or_else(x); } "#, r#" fn foo() { let foo = Ok(1); return foo.unwrap_or(x()); } "#, ) } #[test] fn replace_or_else_with_or_map() { check_assist( replace_or_else_with_or, r#" //- minicore: result fn foo() { let foo = Ok("foo"); return$0_or_else(|| 42, |v| v.len()); } "#, r#" fn foo() { let foo = Ok("foo"); return foo.map_or(42, |v| v.len()); } "#, ) } #[test] fn replace_or_else_with_or_not_applicable() { check_assist_not_applicable( replace_or_else_with_or, r#" fn foo() { let foo = Ok(1); return foo.unwrap_$0or_else(x); } "#, ) } }