use hir::HirDisplay; use syntax::{ ast::{Expr, GenericArg, GenericArgList}, ast::{LetStmt, Type::InferType}, AstNode, TextRange, }; use crate::{ assist_context::{AssistContext, Assists}, AssistId, AssistKind, }; // Assist: replace_turbofish_with_explicit_type // // Converts `::<_>` to an explicit type assignment. // // ``` // fn make() -> T { ) } // fn main() { // let a = make$0::(); // } // ``` // -> // ``` // fn make() -> T { ) } // fn main() { // let a: i32 = make(); // } // ``` pub(crate) fn replace_turbofish_with_explicit_type( acc: &mut Assists, ctx: &AssistContext<'_>, ) -> Option<()> { let let_stmt = ctx.find_node_at_offset::()?; let initializer = let_stmt.initializer()?; let generic_args = generic_arg_list(&initializer)?; // Find range of ::<_> let colon2 = generic_args.coloncolon_token()?; let r_angle = generic_args.r_angle_token()?; let turbofish_range = TextRange::new(colon2.text_range().start(), r_angle.text_range().end()); let turbofish_args: Vec = generic_args.generic_args().collect(); // Find type of ::<_> if turbofish_args.len() != 1 { cov_mark::hit!(not_applicable_if_not_single_arg); return None; } // An improvement would be to check that this is correctly part of the return value of the // function call, or sub in the actual return type. let returned_type = match ctx.sema.type_of_expr(&initializer) { Some(returned_type) if !returned_type.original.contains_unknown() => { let module = ctx.sema.scope(let_stmt.syntax())?.module(); returned_type.original.display_source_code(ctx.db(), module.into()).ok()? } _ => { cov_mark::hit!(fallback_to_turbofish_type_if_type_info_not_available); turbofish_args[0].to_string() } }; let initializer_start = initializer.syntax().text_range().start(); if ctx.offset() > turbofish_range.end() || ctx.offset() < initializer_start { cov_mark::hit!(not_applicable_outside_turbofish); return None; } if let None = let_stmt.colon_token() { // If there's no colon in a let statement, then there is no explicit type. // let x = fn::<...>(); let ident_range = let_stmt.pat()?.syntax().text_range(); return acc.add( AssistId("replace_turbofish_with_explicit_type", AssistKind::RefactorRewrite), "Replace turbofish with explicit type", TextRange::new(initializer_start, turbofish_range.end()), |builder| { builder.insert(ident_range.end(), format!(": {returned_type}")); builder.delete(turbofish_range); }, ); } else if let Some(InferType(t)) = let_stmt.ty() { // If there's a type inference underscore, we can offer to replace it with the type in // the turbofish. // let x: _ = fn::<...>(); let underscore_range = t.syntax().text_range(); return acc.add( AssistId("replace_turbofish_with_explicit_type", AssistKind::RefactorRewrite), "Replace `_` with turbofish type", turbofish_range, |builder| { builder.replace(underscore_range, returned_type); builder.delete(turbofish_range); }, ); } None } fn generic_arg_list(expr: &Expr) -> Option { match expr { Expr::MethodCallExpr(expr) => expr.generic_arg_list(), Expr::CallExpr(expr) => { if let Expr::PathExpr(pe) = expr.expr()? { pe.path()?.segment()?.generic_arg_list() } else { cov_mark::hit!(not_applicable_if_non_path_function_call); return None; } } Expr::AwaitExpr(expr) => generic_arg_list(&expr.expr()?), Expr::TryExpr(expr) => generic_arg_list(&expr.expr()?), _ => { cov_mark::hit!(not_applicable_if_non_function_call_initializer); None } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::tests::{check_assist, check_assist_not_applicable, check_assist_target}; #[test] fn replaces_turbofish_for_vec_string() { cov_mark::check!(fallback_to_turbofish_type_if_type_info_not_available); check_assist( replace_turbofish_with_explicit_type, r#" fn make() -> T {} fn main() { let a = make$0::>(); } "#, r#" fn make() -> T {} fn main() { let a: Vec = make(); } "#, ); } #[test] fn replaces_method_calls() { // foo.make() is a method call which uses a different expr in the let initializer cov_mark::check!(fallback_to_turbofish_type_if_type_info_not_available); check_assist( replace_turbofish_with_explicit_type, r#" fn make() -> T {} fn main() { let a = foo.make$0::>(); } "#, r#" fn make() -> T {} fn main() { let a: Vec = foo.make(); } "#, ); } #[test] fn replace_turbofish_target() { check_assist_target( replace_turbofish_with_explicit_type, r#" fn make() -> T {} fn main() { let a = $0make::>(); } "#, r#"make::>"#, ); } #[test] fn not_applicable_outside_turbofish() { cov_mark::check!(not_applicable_outside_turbofish); check_assist_not_applicable( replace_turbofish_with_explicit_type, r#" fn make() -> T {} fn main() { let $0a = make::>(); } "#, ); } #[test] fn replace_inferred_type_placeholder() { check_assist( replace_turbofish_with_explicit_type, r#" fn make() -> T {} fn main() { let a: _ = make$0::>(); } "#, r#" fn make() -> T {} fn main() { let a: Vec = make(); } "#, ); } #[test] fn not_applicable_constant_initializer() { cov_mark::check!(not_applicable_if_non_function_call_initializer); check_assist_not_applicable( replace_turbofish_with_explicit_type, r#" fn make() -> T {} fn main() { let a = "foo"$0; } "#, ); } #[test] fn not_applicable_non_path_function_call() { cov_mark::check!(not_applicable_if_non_path_function_call); check_assist_not_applicable( replace_turbofish_with_explicit_type, r#" fn make() -> T {} fn main() { $0let a = (|| {})(); } "#, ); } #[test] fn non_applicable_multiple_generic_args() { cov_mark::check!(not_applicable_if_not_single_arg); check_assist_not_applicable( replace_turbofish_with_explicit_type, r#" fn make() -> T {} fn main() { let a = make$0::, i32>(); } "#, ); } #[test] fn replaces_turbofish_for_known_type() { check_assist( replace_turbofish_with_explicit_type, r#" fn make() -> T {} fn main() { let a = make$0::(); } "#, r#" fn make() -> T {} fn main() { let a: i32 = make(); } "#, ); check_assist( replace_turbofish_with_explicit_type, r#" //- minicore: option fn make() -> T {} fn main() { let a = make$0::>(); } "#, r#" fn make() -> T {} fn main() { let a: Option = make(); } "#, ); } #[test] fn replaces_turbofish_not_same_type() { check_assist( replace_turbofish_with_explicit_type, r#" //- minicore: option fn make() -> Option {} fn main() { let a = make$0::(); } "#, r#" fn make() -> Option {} fn main() { let a: Option = make(); } "#, ); } #[test] fn replaces_turbofish_for_type_with_defaulted_generic_param() { check_assist( replace_turbofish_with_explicit_type, r#" struct HasDefault(T, U); fn make() -> HasDefault {} fn main() { let a = make$0::(); } "#, r#" struct HasDefault(T, U); fn make() -> HasDefault {} fn main() { let a: HasDefault = make(); } "#, ); } #[test] fn replaces_turbofish_try_await() { check_assist( replace_turbofish_with_explicit_type, r#" //- minicore: option, future struct Fut(T); impl core::future::Future for Fut { type Output = Option; } fn make() -> Fut {} fn main() { let a = make$0::().await?; } "#, r#" struct Fut(T); impl core::future::Future for Fut { type Output = Option; } fn make() -> Fut {} fn main() { let a: bool = make().await?; } "#, ); } }