//! Postfix completions, like `Ok(10).ifl$0` => `if let Ok() = Ok(10) { $0 }`. mod format_like; use hir::{Documentation, HasAttrs}; use ide_db::{imports::insert_use::ImportScope, ty_filter::TryEnum, SnippetCap}; use syntax::{ ast::{self, make, AstNode, AstToken}, SyntaxKind::{BLOCK_EXPR, EXPR_STMT, FOR_EXPR, IF_EXPR, LOOP_EXPR, STMT_LIST, WHILE_EXPR}, TextRange, TextSize, }; use text_edit::TextEdit; use crate::{ completions::postfix::format_like::add_format_like_completions, context::{CompletionContext, DotAccess, DotAccessKind}, item::{Builder, CompletionRelevancePostfixMatch}, CompletionItem, CompletionItemKind, CompletionRelevance, Completions, SnippetScope, }; pub(crate) fn complete_postfix( acc: &mut Completions, ctx: &CompletionContext<'_>, dot_access: &DotAccess, ) { if !ctx.config.enable_postfix_completions { return; } let (dot_receiver, receiver_ty, receiver_is_ambiguous_float_literal) = match dot_access { DotAccess { receiver_ty: Some(ty), receiver: Some(it), kind, .. } => ( it, &ty.original, match *kind { DotAccessKind::Field { receiver_is_ambiguous_float_literal } => { receiver_is_ambiguous_float_literal } DotAccessKind::Method { .. } => false, }, ), _ => return, }; let receiver_text = get_receiver_text(dot_receiver, receiver_is_ambiguous_float_literal); let cap = match ctx.config.snippet_cap { Some(it) => it, None => return, }; let postfix_snippet = match build_postfix_snippet_builder(ctx, cap, dot_receiver) { Some(it) => it, None => return, }; if let Some(drop_trait) = ctx.famous_defs().core_ops_Drop() { if receiver_ty.impls_trait(ctx.db, drop_trait, &[]) { if let &[hir::AssocItem::Function(drop_fn)] = &*drop_trait.items(ctx.db) { cov_mark::hit!(postfix_drop_completion); // FIXME: check that `drop` is in scope, use fully qualified path if it isn't/if shadowed let mut item = postfix_snippet( "drop", "fn drop(&mut self)", &format!("drop($0{receiver_text})"), ); item.set_documentation(drop_fn.docs(ctx.db)); item.add_to(acc); } } } let try_enum = TryEnum::from_ty(&ctx.sema, &receiver_ty.strip_references()); if let Some(try_enum) = &try_enum { match try_enum { TryEnum::Result => { postfix_snippet( "ifl", "if let Ok {}", &format!("if let Ok($1) = {receiver_text} {{\n $0\n}}"), ) .add_to(acc); postfix_snippet( "while", "while let Ok {}", &format!("while let Ok($1) = {receiver_text} {{\n $0\n}}"), ) .add_to(acc); } TryEnum::Option => { postfix_snippet( "ifl", "if let Some {}", &format!("if let Some($1) = {receiver_text} {{\n $0\n}}"), ) .add_to(acc); postfix_snippet( "while", "while let Some {}", &format!("while let Some($1) = {receiver_text} {{\n $0\n}}"), ) .add_to(acc); } } } else if receiver_ty.is_bool() || receiver_ty.is_unknown() { postfix_snippet("if", "if expr {}", &format!("if {receiver_text} {{\n $0\n}}")) .add_to(acc); postfix_snippet("while", "while expr {}", &format!("while {receiver_text} {{\n $0\n}}")) .add_to(acc); postfix_snippet("not", "!expr", &format!("!{receiver_text}")).add_to(acc); } else if let Some(trait_) = ctx.famous_defs().core_iter_IntoIterator() { if receiver_ty.impls_trait(ctx.db, trait_, &[]) { postfix_snippet( "for", "for ele in expr {}", &format!("for ele in {receiver_text} {{\n $0\n}}"), ) .add_to(acc); } } postfix_snippet("ref", "&expr", &format!("&{receiver_text}")).add_to(acc); postfix_snippet("refm", "&mut expr", &format!("&mut {receiver_text}")).add_to(acc); let mut unsafe_should_be_wrapped = true; if dot_receiver.syntax().kind() == BLOCK_EXPR { unsafe_should_be_wrapped = false; if let Some(parent) = dot_receiver.syntax().parent() { if matches!(parent.kind(), IF_EXPR | WHILE_EXPR | LOOP_EXPR | FOR_EXPR) { unsafe_should_be_wrapped = true; } } }; let unsafe_completion_string = if unsafe_should_be_wrapped { format!("unsafe {{ {receiver_text} }}") } else { format!("unsafe {receiver_text}") }; postfix_snippet("unsafe", "unsafe {}", &unsafe_completion_string).add_to(acc); // The rest of the postfix completions create an expression that moves an argument, // so it's better to consider references now to avoid breaking the compilation let (dot_receiver, node_to_replace_with) = include_references(dot_receiver); let receiver_text = get_receiver_text(&node_to_replace_with, receiver_is_ambiguous_float_literal); let postfix_snippet = match build_postfix_snippet_builder(ctx, cap, &dot_receiver) { Some(it) => it, None => return, }; if !ctx.config.snippets.is_empty() { add_custom_postfix_completions(acc, ctx, &postfix_snippet, &receiver_text); } match try_enum { Some(try_enum) => match try_enum { TryEnum::Result => { postfix_snippet( "match", "match expr {}", &format!("match {receiver_text} {{\n Ok(${{1:_}}) => {{$2}},\n Err(${{3:_}}) => {{$0}},\n}}"), ) .add_to(acc); } TryEnum::Option => { postfix_snippet( "match", "match expr {}", &format!( "match {receiver_text} {{\n Some(${{1:_}}) => {{$2}},\n None => {{$0}},\n}}" ), ) .add_to(acc); } }, None => { postfix_snippet( "match", "match expr {}", &format!("match {receiver_text} {{\n ${{1:_}} => {{$0}},\n}}"), ) .add_to(acc); } } postfix_snippet("box", "Box::new(expr)", &format!("Box::new({receiver_text})")).add_to(acc); postfix_snippet("dbg", "dbg!(expr)", &format!("dbg!({receiver_text})")).add_to(acc); // fixme postfix_snippet("dbgr", "dbg!(&expr)", &format!("dbg!(&{receiver_text})")).add_to(acc); postfix_snippet("call", "function(expr)", &format!("${{1}}({receiver_text})")).add_to(acc); if let Some(parent) = dot_receiver.syntax().parent().and_then(|p| p.parent()) { if matches!(parent.kind(), STMT_LIST | EXPR_STMT) { postfix_snippet("let", "let", &format!("let $0 = {receiver_text};")).add_to(acc); postfix_snippet("letm", "let mut", &format!("let mut $0 = {receiver_text};")) .add_to(acc); } } if let ast::Expr::Literal(literal) = dot_receiver.clone() { if let Some(literal_text) = ast::String::cast(literal.token()) { add_format_like_completions(acc, ctx, &dot_receiver, cap, &literal_text); } } } fn get_receiver_text(receiver: &ast::Expr, receiver_is_ambiguous_float_literal: bool) -> String { let text = if receiver_is_ambiguous_float_literal { let text = receiver.syntax().text(); let without_dot = ..text.len() - TextSize::of('.'); text.slice(without_dot).to_string() } else { receiver.to_string() }; // The receiver texts should be interpreted as-is, as they are expected to be // normal Rust expressions. We escape '\' and '$' so they don't get treated as // snippet-specific constructs. // // Note that we don't need to escape the other characters that can be escaped, // because they wouldn't be treated as snippet-specific constructs without '$'. text.replace('\\', "\\\\").replace('$', "\\$") } fn include_references(initial_element: &ast::Expr) -> (ast::Expr, ast::Expr) { let mut resulting_element = initial_element.clone(); while let Some(field_expr) = resulting_element.syntax().parent().and_then(ast::FieldExpr::cast) { resulting_element = ast::Expr::from(field_expr); } let mut new_element_opt = initial_element.clone(); if let Some(first_ref_expr) = resulting_element.syntax().parent().and_then(ast::RefExpr::cast) { if let Some(expr) = first_ref_expr.expr() { resulting_element = expr; } while let Some(parent_ref_element) = resulting_element.syntax().parent().and_then(ast::RefExpr::cast) { resulting_element = ast::Expr::from(parent_ref_element); new_element_opt = make::expr_ref(new_element_opt, false); } } else { // If we do not find any ref expressions, restore // all the progress of tree climbing resulting_element = initial_element.clone(); } (resulting_element, new_element_opt) } fn build_postfix_snippet_builder<'ctx>( ctx: &'ctx CompletionContext<'_>, cap: SnippetCap, receiver: &'ctx ast::Expr, ) -> Option Builder + 'ctx> { let receiver_range = ctx.sema.original_range_opt(receiver.syntax())?.range; if ctx.source_range().end() < receiver_range.start() { // This shouldn't happen, yet it does. I assume this might be due to an incorrect token mapping. return None; } let delete_range = TextRange::new(receiver_range.start(), ctx.source_range().end()); // Wrapping impl Fn in an option ruins lifetime inference for the parameters in a way that // can't be annotated for the closure, hence fix it by constructing it without the Option first fn build<'ctx>( ctx: &'ctx CompletionContext<'_>, cap: SnippetCap, delete_range: TextRange, ) -> impl Fn(&str, &str, &str) -> Builder + 'ctx { move |label, detail, snippet| { let edit = TextEdit::replace(delete_range, snippet.to_string()); let mut item = CompletionItem::new(CompletionItemKind::Snippet, ctx.source_range(), label); item.detail(detail).snippet_edit(cap, edit); let postfix_match = if ctx.original_token.text() == label { cov_mark::hit!(postfix_exact_match_is_high_priority); Some(CompletionRelevancePostfixMatch::Exact) } else { cov_mark::hit!(postfix_inexact_match_is_low_priority); Some(CompletionRelevancePostfixMatch::NonExact) }; let relevance = CompletionRelevance { postfix_match, ..Default::default() }; item.set_relevance(relevance); item } } Some(build(ctx, cap, delete_range)) } fn add_custom_postfix_completions( acc: &mut Completions, ctx: &CompletionContext<'_>, postfix_snippet: impl Fn(&str, &str, &str) -> Builder, receiver_text: &str, ) -> Option<()> { if ImportScope::find_insert_use_container(&ctx.token.parent()?, &ctx.sema).is_none() { return None; } ctx.config.postfix_snippets().filter(|(_, snip)| snip.scope == SnippetScope::Expr).for_each( |(trigger, snippet)| { let imports = match snippet.imports(ctx) { Some(imports) => imports, None => return, }; let body = snippet.postfix_snippet(receiver_text); let mut builder = postfix_snippet(trigger, snippet.description.as_deref().unwrap_or_default(), &body); builder.documentation(Documentation::new(format!("```rust\n{body}\n```"))); for import in imports.into_iter() { builder.add_import(import); } builder.add_to(acc); }, ); None } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use expect_test::{expect, Expect}; use crate::{ tests::{check_edit, check_edit_with_config, completion_list, TEST_CONFIG}, CompletionConfig, Snippet, }; fn check(ra_fixture: &str, expect: Expect) { let actual = completion_list(ra_fixture); expect.assert_eq(&actual) } #[test] fn postfix_completion_works_for_trivial_path_expression() { check( r#" fn main() { let bar = true; bar.$0 } "#, expect![[r#" sn box Box::new(expr) sn call function(expr) sn dbg dbg!(expr) sn dbgr dbg!(&expr) sn if if expr {} sn let let sn letm let mut sn match match expr {} sn not !expr sn ref &expr sn refm &mut expr sn unsafe unsafe {} sn while while expr {} "#]], ); } #[test] fn postfix_completion_works_for_function_calln() { check( r#" fn foo(elt: bool) -> bool { !elt } fn main() { let bar = true; foo(bar.$0) } "#, expect![[r#" sn box Box::new(expr) sn call function(expr) sn dbg dbg!(expr) sn dbgr dbg!(&expr) sn if if expr {} sn match match expr {} sn not !expr sn ref &expr sn refm &mut expr sn unsafe unsafe {} sn while while expr {} "#]], ); } #[test] fn postfix_type_filtering() { check( r#" fn main() { let bar: u8 = 12; bar.$0 } "#, expect![[r#" sn box Box::new(expr) sn call function(expr) sn dbg dbg!(expr) sn dbgr dbg!(&expr) sn let let sn letm let mut sn match match expr {} sn ref &expr sn refm &mut expr sn unsafe unsafe {} "#]], ) } #[test] fn let_middle_block() { check( r#" fn main() { baz.l$0 res } "#, expect![[r#" sn box Box::new(expr) sn call function(expr) sn dbg dbg!(expr) sn dbgr dbg!(&expr) sn if if expr {} sn let let sn letm let mut sn match match expr {} sn not !expr sn ref &expr sn refm &mut expr sn unsafe unsafe {} sn while while expr {} "#]], ); } #[test] fn option_iflet() { check_edit( "ifl", r#" //- minicore: option fn main() { let bar = Some(true); bar.$0 } "#, r#" fn main() { let bar = Some(true); if let Some($1) = bar { $0 } } "#, ); } #[test] fn result_match() { check_edit( "match", r#" //- minicore: result fn main() { let bar = Ok(true); bar.$0 } "#, r#" fn main() { let bar = Ok(true); match bar { Ok(${1:_}) => {$2}, Err(${3:_}) => {$0}, } } "#, ); } #[test] fn postfix_completion_works_for_ambiguous_float_literal() { check_edit("refm", r#"fn main() { 42.$0 }"#, r#"fn main() { &mut 42 }"#) } #[test] fn works_in_simple_macro() { check_edit( "dbg", r#" macro_rules! m { ($e:expr) => { $e } } fn main() { let bar: u8 = 12; m!(bar.d$0) } "#, r#" macro_rules! m { ($e:expr) => { $e } } fn main() { let bar: u8 = 12; m!(dbg!(bar)) } "#, ); } #[test] fn postfix_completion_for_references() { check_edit("dbg", r#"fn main() { &&42.$0 }"#, r#"fn main() { dbg!(&&42) }"#); check_edit("refm", r#"fn main() { &&42.$0 }"#, r#"fn main() { &&&mut 42 }"#); check_edit( "ifl", r#" //- minicore: option fn main() { let bar = &Some(true); bar.$0 } "#, r#" fn main() { let bar = &Some(true); if let Some($1) = bar { $0 } } "#, ) } #[test] fn postfix_completion_for_unsafe() { check_edit("unsafe", r#"fn main() { foo.$0 }"#, r#"fn main() { unsafe { foo } }"#); check_edit("unsafe", r#"fn main() { { foo }.$0 }"#, r#"fn main() { unsafe { foo } }"#); check_edit( "unsafe", r#"fn main() { if x { foo }.$0 }"#, r#"fn main() { unsafe { if x { foo } } }"#, ); check_edit( "unsafe", r#"fn main() { loop { foo }.$0 }"#, r#"fn main() { unsafe { loop { foo } } }"#, ); check_edit( "unsafe", r#"fn main() { if true {}.$0 }"#, r#"fn main() { unsafe { if true {} } }"#, ); check_edit( "unsafe", r#"fn main() { while true {}.$0 }"#, r#"fn main() { unsafe { while true {} } }"#, ); check_edit( "unsafe", r#"fn main() { for i in 0..10 {}.$0 }"#, r#"fn main() { unsafe { for i in 0..10 {} } }"#, ); check_edit( "unsafe", r#"fn main() { let x = if true {1} else {2}.$0 }"#, r#"fn main() { let x = unsafe { if true {1} else {2} } }"#, ); // completion will not be triggered check_edit( "unsafe", r#"fn main() { let x = true else {panic!()}.$0}"#, r#"fn main() { let x = true else {panic!()}.unsafe}"#, ); } #[test] fn custom_postfix_completion() { let config = CompletionConfig { snippets: vec![Snippet::new( &[], &["break".into()], &["ControlFlow::Break(${receiver})".into()], "", &["core::ops::ControlFlow".into()], crate::SnippetScope::Expr, ) .unwrap()], ..TEST_CONFIG }; check_edit_with_config( config.clone(), "break", r#" //- minicore: try fn main() { 42.$0 } "#, r#" use core::ops::ControlFlow; fn main() { ControlFlow::Break(42) } "#, ); // The receiver texts should be escaped, see comments in `get_receiver_text()` // for detail. // // Note that the last argument is what *lsp clients would see* rather than // what users would see. Unescaping happens thereafter. check_edit_with_config( config.clone(), "break", r#" //- minicore: try fn main() { '\\'.$0 } "#, r#" use core::ops::ControlFlow; fn main() { ControlFlow::Break('\\\\') } "#, ); check_edit_with_config( config, "break", r#" //- minicore: try fn main() { match true { true => "${1:placeholder}", false => "\$", }.$0 } "#, r#" use core::ops::ControlFlow; fn main() { ControlFlow::Break(match true { true => "\${1:placeholder}", false => "\\\$", }) } "#, ); } #[test] fn postfix_completion_for_format_like_strings() { check_edit( "format", r#"fn main() { "{some_var:?}".$0 }"#, r#"fn main() { format!("{some_var:?}") }"#, ); check_edit( "panic", r#"fn main() { "Panic with {a}".$0 }"#, r#"fn main() { panic!("Panic with {a}") }"#, ); check_edit( "println", r#"fn main() { "{ 2+2 } { SomeStruct { val: 1, other: 32 } :?}".$0 }"#, r#"fn main() { println!("{} {:?}", 2+2, SomeStruct { val: 1, other: 32 }) }"#, ); check_edit( "loge", r#"fn main() { "{2+2}".$0 }"#, r#"fn main() { log::error!("{}", 2+2) }"#, ); check_edit( "logt", r#"fn main() { "{2+2}".$0 }"#, r#"fn main() { log::trace!("{}", 2+2) }"#, ); check_edit( "logd", r#"fn main() { "{2+2}".$0 }"#, r#"fn main() { log::debug!("{}", 2+2) }"#, ); check_edit("logi", r#"fn main() { "{2+2}".$0 }"#, r#"fn main() { log::info!("{}", 2+2) }"#); check_edit("logw", r#"fn main() { "{2+2}".$0 }"#, r#"fn main() { log::warn!("{}", 2+2) }"#); check_edit( "loge", r#"fn main() { "{2+2}".$0 }"#, r#"fn main() { log::error!("{}", 2+2) }"#, ); } #[test] fn postfix_custom_snippets_completion_for_references() { // https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-analyzer/issues/7929 let snippet = Snippet::new( &[], &["ok".into()], &["Ok(${receiver})".into()], "", &[], crate::SnippetScope::Expr, ) .unwrap(); check_edit_with_config( CompletionConfig { snippets: vec![snippet.clone()], ..TEST_CONFIG }, "ok", r#"fn main() { &&42.o$0 }"#, r#"fn main() { Ok(&&42) }"#, ); check_edit_with_config( CompletionConfig { snippets: vec![snippet.clone()], ..TEST_CONFIG }, "ok", r#"fn main() { &&42.$0 }"#, r#"fn main() { Ok(&&42) }"#, ); check_edit_with_config( CompletionConfig { snippets: vec![snippet], ..TEST_CONFIG }, "ok", r#" struct A { a: i32, } fn main() { let a = A {a :1}; &a.a.$0 } "#, r#" struct A { a: i32, } fn main() { let a = A {a :1}; Ok(&a.a) } "#, ); } #[test] fn no_postfix_completions_in_if_block_that_has_an_else() { check( r#" fn test() { if true {}.$0 else {} } "#, expect![[r#""#]], ); } }