//! Implementation of "adjustment" inlay hints: //! ```no_run //! let _: u32 = /* */ loop {}; //! let _: &u32 = /* &* */ &mut 0; //! ``` use hir::{Adjust, AutoBorrow, Mutability, OverloadedDeref, PointerCast, Safety, Semantics}; use ide_db::RootDatabase; use syntax::{ ast::{self, make, AstNode}, ted, }; use crate::{AdjustmentHints, AdjustmentHintsMode, InlayHint, InlayHintsConfig, InlayKind}; pub(super) fn hints( acc: &mut Vec, sema: &Semantics<'_, RootDatabase>, config: &InlayHintsConfig, expr: &ast::Expr, ) -> Option<()> { if config.adjustment_hints_hide_outside_unsafe && !sema.is_inside_unsafe(expr) { return None; } if config.adjustment_hints == AdjustmentHints::Never { return None; } // These inherit from the inner expression which would result in duplicate hints if let ast::Expr::ParenExpr(_) | ast::Expr::IfExpr(_) | ast::Expr::BlockExpr(_) | ast::Expr::MatchExpr(_) = expr { return None; } let descended = sema.descend_node_into_attributes(expr.clone()).pop(); let desc_expr = descended.as_ref().unwrap_or(expr); let adjustments = sema.expr_adjustments(desc_expr).filter(|it| !it.is_empty())?; let (postfix, needs_outer_parens, needs_inner_parens) = mode_and_needs_parens_for_adjustment_hints(expr, config.adjustment_hints_mode); if needs_outer_parens { acc.push(InlayHint { range: expr.syntax().text_range(), kind: InlayKind::OpeningParenthesis, label: "(".into(), tooltip: None, }); } if postfix && needs_inner_parens { acc.push(InlayHint { range: expr.syntax().text_range(), kind: InlayKind::OpeningParenthesis, label: "(".into(), tooltip: None, }); acc.push(InlayHint { range: expr.syntax().text_range(), kind: InlayKind::ClosingParenthesis, label: ")".into(), tooltip: None, }); } let (mut tmp0, mut tmp1); let iter: &mut dyn Iterator = if postfix { tmp0 = adjustments.into_iter(); &mut tmp0 } else { tmp1 = adjustments.into_iter().rev(); &mut tmp1 }; for adjustment in iter { if adjustment.source == adjustment.target { continue; } // FIXME: Add some nicer tooltips to each of these let text = match adjustment.kind { Adjust::NeverToAny if config.adjustment_hints == AdjustmentHints::Always => { "" } Adjust::Deref(None) => "*", Adjust::Deref(Some(OverloadedDeref(Mutability::Mut))) => "*", Adjust::Deref(Some(OverloadedDeref(Mutability::Shared))) => "*", Adjust::Borrow(AutoBorrow::Ref(Mutability::Shared)) => "&", Adjust::Borrow(AutoBorrow::Ref(Mutability::Mut)) => "&mut ", Adjust::Borrow(AutoBorrow::RawPtr(Mutability::Shared)) => "&raw const ", Adjust::Borrow(AutoBorrow::RawPtr(Mutability::Mut)) => "&raw mut ", // some of these could be represented via `as` casts, but that's not too nice and // handling everything as a prefix expr makes the `(` and `)` insertion easier Adjust::Pointer(cast) if config.adjustment_hints == AdjustmentHints::Always => { match cast { PointerCast::ReifyFnPointer => "", PointerCast::UnsafeFnPointer => "", PointerCast::ClosureFnPointer(Safety::Unsafe) => { "" } PointerCast::ClosureFnPointer(Safety::Safe) => "", PointerCast::MutToConstPointer => "", PointerCast::ArrayToPointer => "", PointerCast::Unsize => "", } } _ => continue, }; acc.push(InlayHint { range: expr.syntax().text_range(), kind: if postfix { InlayKind::AdjustmentHintPostfix } else { InlayKind::AdjustmentHint }, label: if postfix { format!(".{}", text.trim_end()).into() } else { text.into() }, tooltip: None, }); } if !postfix && needs_inner_parens { acc.push(InlayHint { range: expr.syntax().text_range(), kind: InlayKind::OpeningParenthesis, label: "(".into(), tooltip: None, }); acc.push(InlayHint { range: expr.syntax().text_range(), kind: InlayKind::ClosingParenthesis, label: ")".into(), tooltip: None, }); } if needs_outer_parens { acc.push(InlayHint { range: expr.syntax().text_range(), kind: InlayKind::ClosingParenthesis, label: ")".into(), tooltip: None, }); } Some(()) } /// Returns whatever the hint should be postfix and if we need to add paretheses on the inside and/or outside of `expr`, /// if we are going to add (`postfix`) adjustments hints to it. fn mode_and_needs_parens_for_adjustment_hints( expr: &ast::Expr, mode: AdjustmentHintsMode, ) -> (bool, bool, bool) { use {std::cmp::Ordering::*, AdjustmentHintsMode::*}; match mode { Prefix | Postfix => { let postfix = matches!(mode, Postfix); let (inside, outside) = needs_parens_for_adjustment_hints(expr, postfix); (postfix, inside, outside) } PreferPrefix | PreferPostfix => { let prefer_postfix = matches!(mode, PreferPostfix); let (pre_inside, pre_outside) = needs_parens_for_adjustment_hints(expr, false); let prefix = (false, pre_inside, pre_outside); let pre_count = pre_inside as u8 + pre_outside as u8; let (post_inside, post_outside) = needs_parens_for_adjustment_hints(expr, true); let postfix = (true, post_inside, post_outside); let post_count = post_inside as u8 + post_outside as u8; match pre_count.cmp(&post_count) { Less => prefix, Greater => postfix, Equal if prefer_postfix => postfix, Equal => prefix, } } } } /// Returns whatever we need to add paretheses on the inside and/or outside of `expr`, /// if we are going to add (`postfix`) adjustments hints to it. fn needs_parens_for_adjustment_hints(expr: &ast::Expr, postfix: bool) -> (bool, bool) { // This is a very miserable pile of hacks... // // `Expr::needs_parens_in` requires that the expression is the child of the other expression, // that is supposed to be its parent. // // But we want to check what would happen if we add `*`/`.*` to the inner expression. // To check for inner we need `` expr.needs_parens_in(`*expr`) ``, // to check for outer we need `` `*expr`.needs_parens_in(parent) ``, // where "expr" is the `expr` parameter, `*expr` is the editted `expr`, // and "parent" is the parent of the original expression... // // For this we utilize mutable mutable trees, which is a HACK, but it works. // // FIXME: comeup with a better API for `needs_parens_in`, so that we don't have to do *this* // Make `&expr`/`expr?` let dummy_expr = { // `make::*` function go through a string, so they parse wrongly. // for example `` make::expr_try(`|| a`) `` would result in a // `|| (a?)` and not `(|| a)?`. // // Thus we need dummy parens to preserve the relationship we want. // The parens are then simply ignored by the following code. let dummy_paren = make::expr_paren(expr.clone()); if postfix { make::expr_try(dummy_paren) } else { make::expr_ref(dummy_paren, false) } }; // Do the dark mutable tree magic. // This essentially makes `dummy_expr` and `expr` switch places (families), // so that `expr`'s parent is not `dummy_expr`'s parent. let dummy_expr = dummy_expr.clone_for_update(); let expr = expr.clone_for_update(); ted::replace(expr.syntax(), dummy_expr.syntax()); let parent = dummy_expr.syntax().parent(); let expr = if postfix { let ast::Expr::TryExpr(e) = &dummy_expr else { unreachable!() }; let Some(ast::Expr::ParenExpr(e)) = e.expr() else { unreachable!() }; e.expr().unwrap() } else { let ast::Expr::RefExpr(e) = &dummy_expr else { unreachable!() }; let Some(ast::Expr::ParenExpr(e)) = e.expr() else { unreachable!() }; e.expr().unwrap() }; // At this point // - `parent` is the parrent of the original expression // - `dummy_expr` is the original expression wrapped in the operator we want (`*`/`.*`) // - `expr` is the clone of the original expression (with `dummy_expr` as the parent) let needs_outer_parens = parent.map_or(false, |p| dummy_expr.needs_parens_in(p)); let needs_inner_parens = expr.needs_parens_in(dummy_expr.syntax().clone()); (needs_outer_parens, needs_inner_parens) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use crate::{ inlay_hints::tests::{check_with_config, DISABLED_CONFIG}, AdjustmentHints, AdjustmentHintsMode, InlayHintsConfig, }; #[test] fn adjustment_hints() { check_with_config( InlayHintsConfig { adjustment_hints: AdjustmentHints::Always, ..DISABLED_CONFIG }, r#" //- minicore: coerce_unsized, fn fn main() { let _: u32 = loop {}; //^^^^^^^ let _: &u32 = &mut 0; //^^^^^^& //^^^^^^* let _: &mut u32 = &mut 0; //^^^^^^&mut $ //^^^^^^* let _: *const u32 = &mut 0; //^^^^^^&raw const $ //^^^^^^* let _: *mut u32 = &mut 0; //^^^^^^&raw mut $ //^^^^^^* let _: fn() = main; //^^^^ let _: unsafe fn() = main; //^^^^ //^^^^ let _: unsafe fn() = main as fn(); //^^^^^^^^^^^^ //^^^^^^^^^^^^( //^^^^^^^^^^^^) let _: fn() = || {}; //^^^^^ let _: unsafe fn() = || {}; //^^^^^ let _: *const u32 = &mut 0u32 as *mut u32; //^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ //^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^( //^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^) let _: &mut [_] = &mut [0; 0]; //^^^^^^^^^^^ //^^^^^^^^^^^&mut $ //^^^^^^^^^^^* Struct.consume(); Struct.by_ref(); //^^^^^^( //^^^^^^& //^^^^^^) Struct.by_ref_mut(); //^^^^^^( //^^^^^^&mut $ //^^^^^^) (&Struct).consume(); //^^^^^^^* (&Struct).by_ref(); (&mut Struct).consume(); //^^^^^^^^^^^* (&mut Struct).by_ref(); //^^^^^^^^^^^& //^^^^^^^^^^^* (&mut Struct).by_ref_mut(); // Check that block-like expressions don't duplicate hints let _: &mut [u32] = (&mut []); //^^^^^^^ //^^^^^^^&mut $ //^^^^^^^* let _: &mut [u32] = { &mut [] }; //^^^^^^^ //^^^^^^^&mut $ //^^^^^^^* let _: &mut [u32] = unsafe { &mut [] }; //^^^^^^^ //^^^^^^^&mut $ //^^^^^^^* let _: &mut [u32] = if true { &mut [] //^^^^^^^ //^^^^^^^&mut $ //^^^^^^^* } else { loop {} //^^^^^^^ }; let _: &mut [u32] = match () { () => &mut [] } //^^^^^^^ //^^^^^^^&mut $ //^^^^^^^* let _: &mut dyn Fn() = &mut || (); //^^^^^^^^^^ //^^^^^^^^^^&mut $ //^^^^^^^^^^* } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] struct Struct; impl Struct { fn consume(self) {} fn by_ref(&self) {} fn by_ref_mut(&mut self) {} } "#, ) } #[test] fn adjustment_hints_postfix() { check_with_config( InlayHintsConfig { adjustment_hints: AdjustmentHints::Always, adjustment_hints_mode: AdjustmentHintsMode::Postfix, ..DISABLED_CONFIG }, r#" //- minicore: coerce_unsized, fn fn main() { Struct.consume(); Struct.by_ref(); //^^^^^^.& Struct.by_ref_mut(); //^^^^^^.&mut (&Struct).consume(); //^^^^^^^( //^^^^^^^) //^^^^^^^.* (&Struct).by_ref(); (&mut Struct).consume(); //^^^^^^^^^^^( //^^^^^^^^^^^) //^^^^^^^^^^^.* (&mut Struct).by_ref(); //^^^^^^^^^^^( //^^^^^^^^^^^) //^^^^^^^^^^^.* //^^^^^^^^^^^.& (&mut Struct).by_ref_mut(); // Check that block-like expressions don't duplicate hints let _: &mut [u32] = (&mut []); //^^^^^^^( //^^^^^^^) //^^^^^^^.* //^^^^^^^.&mut //^^^^^^^. let _: &mut [u32] = { &mut [] }; //^^^^^^^( //^^^^^^^) //^^^^^^^.* //^^^^^^^.&mut //^^^^^^^. let _: &mut [u32] = unsafe { &mut [] }; //^^^^^^^( //^^^^^^^) //^^^^^^^.* //^^^^^^^.&mut //^^^^^^^. let _: &mut [u32] = if true { &mut [] //^^^^^^^( //^^^^^^^) //^^^^^^^.* //^^^^^^^.&mut //^^^^^^^. } else { loop {} //^^^^^^^. }; let _: &mut [u32] = match () { () => &mut [] } //^^^^^^^( //^^^^^^^) //^^^^^^^.* //^^^^^^^.&mut //^^^^^^^. let _: &mut dyn Fn() = &mut || (); //^^^^^^^^^^( //^^^^^^^^^^) //^^^^^^^^^^.* //^^^^^^^^^^.&mut //^^^^^^^^^^. } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] struct Struct; impl Struct { fn consume(self) {} fn by_ref(&self) {} fn by_ref_mut(&mut self) {} } "#, ); } #[test] fn adjustment_hints_prefer_prefix() { check_with_config( InlayHintsConfig { adjustment_hints: AdjustmentHints::Always, adjustment_hints_mode: AdjustmentHintsMode::PreferPrefix, ..DISABLED_CONFIG }, r#" fn main() { let _: u32 = loop {}; //^^^^^^^ Struct.by_ref(); //^^^^^^.& let (): () = return (); //^^^^^^^^^ struct Struct; impl Struct { fn by_ref(&self) {} } } "#, ) } #[test] fn adjustment_hints_prefer_postfix() { check_with_config( InlayHintsConfig { adjustment_hints: AdjustmentHints::Always, adjustment_hints_mode: AdjustmentHintsMode::PreferPostfix, ..DISABLED_CONFIG }, r#" fn main() { let _: u32 = loop {}; //^^^^^^^. Struct.by_ref(); //^^^^^^.& let (): () = return (); //^^^^^^^^^ struct Struct; impl Struct { fn by_ref(&self) {} } } "#, ) } #[test] fn never_to_never_is_never_shown() { check_with_config( InlayHintsConfig { adjustment_hints: AdjustmentHints::Always, ..DISABLED_CONFIG }, r#" fn never() -> ! { return loop {}; } fn or_else() { let () = () else { return }; } "#, ) } #[test] fn adjustment_hints_unsafe_only() { check_with_config( InlayHintsConfig { adjustment_hints: AdjustmentHints::Always, adjustment_hints_hide_outside_unsafe: true, ..DISABLED_CONFIG }, r#" unsafe fn enabled() { f(&&()); //^^^^& //^^^^* //^^^^* } fn disabled() { f(&&()); } fn mixed() { f(&&()); unsafe { f(&&()); //^^^^& //^^^^* //^^^^* } } const _: () = { f(&&()); unsafe { f(&&()); //^^^^& //^^^^* //^^^^* } }; static STATIC: () = { f(&&()); unsafe { f(&&()); //^^^^& //^^^^* //^^^^* } }; enum E { Disable = { f(&&()); 0 }, Enable = unsafe { f(&&()); 1 }, //^^^^& //^^^^* //^^^^* } const fn f(_: &()) {} "#, ) } #[test] fn adjustment_hints_unsafe_only_with_item() { check_with_config( InlayHintsConfig { adjustment_hints: AdjustmentHints::Always, adjustment_hints_hide_outside_unsafe: true, ..DISABLED_CONFIG }, r#" fn a() { struct Struct; impl Struct { fn by_ref(&self) {} } _ = Struct.by_ref(); _ = unsafe { Struct.by_ref() }; //^^^^^^( //^^^^^^& //^^^^^^) } "#, ); } #[test] fn bug() { check_with_config( InlayHintsConfig { adjustment_hints: AdjustmentHints::Always, ..DISABLED_CONFIG }, r#" fn main() { // These should be identical, but they are not... let () = return; let (): () = return; //^^^^^^ } "#, ) } }