use super::*; // test use_item // use std::collections; pub(super) fn use_(p: &mut Parser<'_>, m: Marker) { p.bump(T![use]); use_tree(p, true); p.expect(T![;]); m.complete(p, USE); } // test use_tree // use outer::tree::{inner::tree}; fn use_tree(p: &mut Parser<'_>, top_level: bool) { let m = p.start(); match p.current() { // test use_tree_star // use *; // use std::{*}; T![*] => p.bump(T![*]), // test use_tree_abs_star // use ::*; // use std::{::*}; T![:] if![::]) && p.nth(2) == T![*] => { p.bump(T![::]); p.bump(T![*]); } T!['{'] => use_tree_list(p), T![:] if![::]) && p.nth(2) == T!['{'] => { p.bump(T![::]); use_tree_list(p); } // test use_tree_path // use ::std; // use std::collections; // // use self::m; // use super::m; // use crate::m; _ if paths::is_use_path_start(p) => { paths::use_path(p); match p.current() { // test use_tree_alias // use std as stdlib; // use Trait as _; T![as] => opt_rename(p), T![:] if![::]) => { p.bump(T![::]); match p.current() { // test use_tree_path_star // use std::*; T![*] => p.bump(T![*]), // test use_tree_path_use_tree // use std::{collections}; T!['{'] => use_tree_list(p), _ => p.error("expected `{` or `*`"), } } _ => (), } } _ => { m.abandon(p); let msg = "expected one of `*`, `::`, `{`, `self`, `super` or an identifier"; if top_level { p.err_recover(msg, ITEM_RECOVERY_SET); } else { // if we are parsing a nested tree, we have to eat a token to // main balanced `{}` p.err_and_bump(msg); } return; } } m.complete(p, USE_TREE); } // test use_tree_list // use {a, b, c}; pub(crate) fn use_tree_list(p: &mut Parser<'_>) { assert!(!['{'])); let m = p.start(); p.bump(T!['{']); while ! && !!['}']) { use_tree(p, false); if !!['}']) { p.expect(T![,]); } } p.expect(T!['}']); m.complete(p, USE_TREE_LIST); }