//! See [`patch_json_for_outdated_configs`] use serde_json::{json, Value}; /// This function patches the json config to the new expected keys. /// That is we try to load old known config keys here and convert them to the new ones. /// See https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-analyzer/pull/12010 /// /// We already have an alias system for simple cases, but if we make structural changes /// the alias infra fails down. pub(super) fn patch_json_for_outdated_configs(json: &mut Value) { let copy = json.clone(); macro_rules! patch { ($( $($src:ident).+ -> $($dst:ident).+ ; )+) => { $( match copy.pointer(concat!($("/", stringify!($src)),+)).cloned() { Some(Value::Object(_)) | None => (), Some(it) => { let mut last = it; for segment in [$(stringify!($dst)),+].into_iter().rev() { last = Value::Object(serde_json::Map::from_iter(std::iter::once((segment.to_string(), last)))); } merge(json, last); }, } )+ }; } patch! { assist.allowMergingIntoGlobImports -> imports.merge.glob; assist.exprFillDefault -> assist.expressionFillDefault; assist.importEnforceGranularity -> imports.granularity.enforce; assist.importGranularity -> imports.granularity.group; assist.importMergeBehavior -> imports.granularity.group; assist.importMergeBehaviour -> imports.granularity.group; assist.importGroup -> imports.group.enable; assist.importPrefix -> imports.prefix; primeCaches.enable -> cachePriming.enable; cache.warmup -> cachePriming.enable; cargo.loadOutDirsFromCheck -> cargo.buildScripts.enable; cargo.runBuildScripts -> cargo.buildScripts.enable; cargo.runBuildScriptsCommand -> cargo.buildScripts.overrideCommand; cargo.useRustcWrapperForBuildScripts -> cargo.buildScripts.useRustcWrapper; diagnostics.enableExperimental -> diagnostics.experimental.enable; experimental.procAttrMacros -> procMacro.attributes.enable; highlighting.strings -> semanticHighlighting.strings.enable; highlightRelated.breakPoints -> semanticHighlighting.breakPoints.enable; highlightRelated.exitPoints -> semanticHighlighting.exitPoints.enable; highlightRelated.yieldPoints -> semanticHighlighting.yieldPoints.enable; highlightRelated.references -> semanticHighlighting.references.enable; hover.documentation -> hover.documentation.enable; hover.linksInHover -> hover.links.enable; hoverActions.linksInHover -> hover.links.enable; hoverActions.debug -> hover.actions.debug.enable; hoverActions.enable -> hover.actions.enable; hoverActions.gotoTypeDef -> hover.actions.gotoTypeDef.enable; hoverActions.implementations -> hover.actions.implementations.enable; hoverActions.references -> hover.actions.references.enable; hoverActions.run -> hover.actions.run.enable; inlayHints.chainingHints -> inlayHints.chainingHints.enable; inlayHints.closureReturnTypeHints -> inlayHints.closureReturnTypeHints.enable; inlayHints.hideNamedConstructorHints -> inlayHints.typeHints.hideNamedConstructorHints; inlayHints.parameterHints -> inlayHints.parameterHints.enable; inlayHints.reborrowHints -> inlayHints.reborrowHints.enable; inlayHints.typeHints -> inlayHints.typeHints.enable; lruCapacity -> lru.capacity; runnables.cargoExtraArgs -> runnables.extraArgs ; runnables.overrideCargo -> runnables.command ; rustcSource -> rustc.source; rustfmt.enableRangeFormatting -> rustfmt.rangeFormatting.enable; } // completion.snippets -> completion.snippets.custom; if let Some(Value::Object(obj)) = copy.pointer("/completion/snippets").cloned() { if obj.len() != 1 || obj.get("custom").is_none() { merge( json, json! {{ "completion": { "snippets": { "custom": obj }, }, }}, ); } } // callInfo_full -> signatureInfo_detail, signatureInfo_documentation_enable if let Some(Value::Bool(b)) = copy.pointer("/callInfo/full") { let sig_info = match b { true => json!({ "signatureInfo": { "documentation": {"enable": true}}, "detail": "full" }), false => json!({ "signatureInfo": { "documentation": {"enable": false}}, "detail": "parameters" }), }; merge(json, sig_info); } // cargo_allFeatures, cargo_features -> cargo_features if let Some(Value::Bool(true)) = copy.pointer("/cargo/allFeatures") { merge(json, json!({ "cargo": { "features": "all" } })); } // checkOnSave_allFeatures, checkOnSave_features -> check_features if let Some(Value::Bool(true)) = copy.pointer("/checkOnSave/allFeatures") { merge(json, json!({ "check": { "features": "all" } })); } // completion_addCallArgumentSnippets completion_addCallParenthesis -> completion_callable_snippets 'completion: { let res = match ( copy.pointer("/completion/addCallArgumentSnippets"), copy.pointer("/completion/addCallParenthesis"), ) { (Some(Value::Bool(true)), Some(Value::Bool(true))) => json!("fill_arguments"), (_, Some(Value::Bool(true))) => json!("add_parentheses"), (Some(Value::Bool(false)), Some(Value::Bool(false))) => json!("none"), (_, _) => break 'completion, }; merge(json, json!({ "completion": { "callable": {"snippets": res }} })); } // We need to do this due to the checkOnSave_enable -> checkOnSave change, as that key now can either be an object or a bool // checkOnSave_* -> check_* if let Some(Value::Object(obj)) = copy.pointer("/checkOnSave") { // checkOnSave_enable -> checkOnSave if let Some(b @ Value::Bool(_)) = obj.get("enable") { merge(json, json!({ "checkOnSave": b })); } merge(json, json!({ "check": obj })); } } fn merge(dst: &mut Value, src: Value) { match (dst, src) { (Value::Object(dst), Value::Object(src)) => { for (k, v) in src { merge(dst.entry(k).or_insert(v.clone()), v) } } (dst, src) => *dst = src, } } #[test] fn check_on_save_patching() { let mut json = json!({ "checkOnSave": { "overrideCommand": "foo" }}); patch_json_for_outdated_configs(&mut json); assert_eq!( json, json!({ "checkOnSave": { "overrideCommand": "foo" }, "check": { "overrideCommand": "foo" }}) ); } #[test] fn check_on_save_patching_enable() { let mut json = json!({ "checkOnSave": { "enable": true, "overrideCommand": "foo" }}); patch_json_for_outdated_configs(&mut json); assert_eq!( json, json!({ "checkOnSave": true, "check": { "enable": true, "overrideCommand": "foo" }}) ); }