//! There are many AstNodes, but only a few tokens, so we hand-write them here. use std::borrow::Cow; use rustc_lexer::unescape::{unescape_byte, unescape_char, unescape_literal, Mode}; use crate::{ ast::{self, AstToken}, TextRange, TextSize, }; impl ast::Comment { pub fn kind(&self) -> CommentKind { CommentKind::from_text(self.text()) } pub fn is_doc(&self) -> bool { self.kind().doc.is_some() } pub fn is_inner(&self) -> bool { self.kind().doc == Some(CommentPlacement::Inner) } pub fn is_outer(&self) -> bool { self.kind().doc == Some(CommentPlacement::Outer) } pub fn prefix(&self) -> &'static str { let &(prefix, _kind) = CommentKind::BY_PREFIX .iter() .find(|&(prefix, kind)| self.kind() == *kind && self.text().starts_with(prefix)) .unwrap(); prefix } /// Returns the textual content of a doc comment node as a single string with prefix and suffix /// removed. pub fn doc_comment(&self) -> Option<&str> { let kind = self.kind(); match kind { CommentKind { shape, doc: Some(_) } => { let prefix = kind.prefix(); let text = &self.text()[prefix.len()..]; let text = if shape == CommentShape::Block { text.strip_suffix("*/").unwrap_or(text) } else { text }; Some(text) } _ => None, } } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)] pub struct CommentKind { pub shape: CommentShape, pub doc: Option, } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)] pub enum CommentShape { Line, Block, } impl CommentShape { pub fn is_line(self) -> bool { self == CommentShape::Line } pub fn is_block(self) -> bool { self == CommentShape::Block } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)] pub enum CommentPlacement { Inner, Outer, } impl CommentKind { const BY_PREFIX: [(&'static str, CommentKind); 9] = [ ("/**/", CommentKind { shape: CommentShape::Block, doc: None }), ("/***", CommentKind { shape: CommentShape::Block, doc: None }), ("////", CommentKind { shape: CommentShape::Line, doc: None }), ("///", CommentKind { shape: CommentShape::Line, doc: Some(CommentPlacement::Outer) }), ("//!", CommentKind { shape: CommentShape::Line, doc: Some(CommentPlacement::Inner) }), ("/**", CommentKind { shape: CommentShape::Block, doc: Some(CommentPlacement::Outer) }), ("/*!", CommentKind { shape: CommentShape::Block, doc: Some(CommentPlacement::Inner) }), ("//", CommentKind { shape: CommentShape::Line, doc: None }), ("/*", CommentKind { shape: CommentShape::Block, doc: None }), ]; pub(crate) fn from_text(text: &str) -> CommentKind { let &(_prefix, kind) = CommentKind::BY_PREFIX .iter() .find(|&(prefix, _kind)| text.starts_with(prefix)) .unwrap(); kind } pub fn prefix(&self) -> &'static str { let &(prefix, _) = CommentKind::BY_PREFIX.iter().rev().find(|(_, kind)| kind == self).unwrap(); prefix } } impl ast::Whitespace { pub fn spans_multiple_lines(&self) -> bool { let text = self.text(); text.find('\n').map_or(false, |idx| text[idx + 1..].contains('\n')) } } pub struct QuoteOffsets { pub quotes: (TextRange, TextRange), pub contents: TextRange, } impl QuoteOffsets { fn new(literal: &str) -> Option { let left_quote = literal.find('"')?; let right_quote = literal.rfind('"')?; if left_quote == right_quote { // `literal` only contains one quote return None; } let start = TextSize::from(0); let left_quote = TextSize::try_from(left_quote).unwrap() + TextSize::of('"'); let right_quote = TextSize::try_from(right_quote).unwrap(); let end = TextSize::of(literal); let res = QuoteOffsets { quotes: (TextRange::new(start, left_quote), TextRange::new(right_quote, end)), contents: TextRange::new(left_quote, right_quote), }; Some(res) } } pub trait IsString: AstToken { fn quote_offsets(&self) -> Option { let text = self.text(); let offsets = QuoteOffsets::new(text)?; let o = self.syntax().text_range().start(); let offsets = QuoteOffsets { quotes: (offsets.quotes.0 + o, offsets.quotes.1 + o), contents: offsets.contents + o, }; Some(offsets) } fn text_range_between_quotes(&self) -> Option { self.quote_offsets().map(|it| it.contents) } fn open_quote_text_range(&self) -> Option { self.quote_offsets().map(|it| it.quotes.0) } fn close_quote_text_range(&self) -> Option { self.quote_offsets().map(|it| it.quotes.1) } fn escaped_char_ranges( &self, cb: &mut dyn FnMut(TextRange, Result), ) { let text_range_no_quotes = match self.text_range_between_quotes() { Some(it) => it, None => return, }; let start = self.syntax().text_range().start(); let text = &self.text()[text_range_no_quotes - start]; let offset = text_range_no_quotes.start() - start; unescape_literal(text, Mode::Str, &mut |range, unescaped_char| { let text_range = TextRange::new(range.start.try_into().unwrap(), range.end.try_into().unwrap()); cb(text_range + offset, unescaped_char); }); } } impl IsString for ast::String {} impl ast::String { pub fn is_raw(&self) -> bool { self.text().starts_with('r') } pub fn map_range_up(&self, range: TextRange) -> Option { let contents_range = self.text_range_between_quotes()?; assert!(TextRange::up_to(contents_range.len()).contains_range(range)); Some(range + contents_range.start()) } pub fn value(&self) -> Option> { if self.is_raw() { let text = self.text(); let text = &text[self.text_range_between_quotes()? - self.syntax().text_range().start()]; return Some(Cow::Borrowed(text)); } let text = self.text(); let text = &text[self.text_range_between_quotes()? - self.syntax().text_range().start()]; let mut buf = String::new(); let mut text_iter = text.chars(); let mut has_error = false; unescape_literal(text, Mode::Str, &mut |char_range, unescaped_char| match ( unescaped_char, buf.capacity() == 0, ) { (Ok(c), false) => buf.push(c), (Ok(c), true) if char_range.len() == 1 && Some(c) == text_iter.next() => (), (Ok(c), true) => { buf.reserve_exact(text.len()); buf.push_str(&text[..char_range.start]); buf.push(c); } (Err(_), _) => has_error = true, }); match (has_error, buf.capacity() == 0) { (true, _) => None, (false, true) => Some(Cow::Borrowed(text)), (false, false) => Some(Cow::Owned(buf)), } } } impl IsString for ast::ByteString {} impl ast::ByteString { pub fn is_raw(&self) -> bool { self.text().starts_with("br") } pub fn value(&self) -> Option> { if self.is_raw() { let text = self.text(); let text = &text[self.text_range_between_quotes()? - self.syntax().text_range().start()]; return Some(Cow::Borrowed(text.as_bytes())); } let text = self.text(); let text = &text[self.text_range_between_quotes()? - self.syntax().text_range().start()]; let mut buf: Vec = Vec::new(); let mut text_iter = text.chars(); let mut has_error = false; unescape_literal(text, Mode::ByteStr, &mut |char_range, unescaped_char| match ( unescaped_char, buf.capacity() == 0, ) { (Ok(c), false) => buf.push(c as u8), (Ok(c), true) if char_range.len() == 1 && Some(c) == text_iter.next() => (), (Ok(c), true) => { buf.reserve_exact(text.len()); buf.extend_from_slice(text[..char_range.start].as_bytes()); buf.push(c as u8); } (Err(_), _) => has_error = true, }); match (has_error, buf.capacity() == 0) { (true, _) => None, (false, true) => Some(Cow::Borrowed(text.as_bytes())), (false, false) => Some(Cow::Owned(buf)), } } } impl ast::IntNumber { pub fn radix(&self) -> Radix { match self.text().get(..2).unwrap_or_default() { "0b" => Radix::Binary, "0o" => Radix::Octal, "0x" => Radix::Hexadecimal, _ => Radix::Decimal, } } pub fn split_into_parts(&self) -> (&str, &str, &str) { let radix = self.radix(); let (prefix, mut text) = self.text().split_at(radix.prefix_len()); let is_suffix_start: fn(&(usize, char)) -> bool = match radix { Radix::Hexadecimal => |(_, c)| matches!(c, 'g'..='z' | 'G'..='Z'), _ => |(_, c)| c.is_ascii_alphabetic(), }; let mut suffix = ""; if let Some((suffix_start, _)) = text.char_indices().find(is_suffix_start) { let (text2, suffix2) = text.split_at(suffix_start); text = text2; suffix = suffix2; }; (prefix, text, suffix) } pub fn value(&self) -> Option { let (_, text, _) = self.split_into_parts(); let value = u128::from_str_radix(&text.replace('_', ""), self.radix() as u32).ok()?; Some(value) } pub fn suffix(&self) -> Option<&str> { let (_, _, suffix) = self.split_into_parts(); if suffix.is_empty() { None } else { Some(suffix) } } pub fn float_value(&self) -> Option { let (_, text, _) = self.split_into_parts(); text.replace('_', "").parse::().ok() } } impl ast::FloatNumber { pub fn split_into_parts(&self) -> (&str, &str) { let text = self.text(); let mut float_text = self.text(); let mut suffix = ""; let mut indices = text.char_indices(); if let Some((mut suffix_start, c)) = indices.by_ref().find(|(_, c)| c.is_ascii_alphabetic()) { if c == 'e' || c == 'E' { if let Some(suffix_start_tuple) = indices.find(|(_, c)| c.is_ascii_alphabetic()) { suffix_start = suffix_start_tuple.0; float_text = &text[..suffix_start]; suffix = &text[suffix_start..]; } } else { float_text = &text[..suffix_start]; suffix = &text[suffix_start..]; } } (float_text, suffix) } pub fn suffix(&self) -> Option<&str> { let (_, suffix) = self.split_into_parts(); if suffix.is_empty() { None } else { Some(suffix) } } pub fn value(&self) -> Option { let (text, _) = self.split_into_parts(); text.replace('_', "").parse::().ok() } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone)] pub enum Radix { Binary = 2, Octal = 8, Decimal = 10, Hexadecimal = 16, } impl Radix { pub const ALL: &'static [Radix] = &[Radix::Binary, Radix::Octal, Radix::Decimal, Radix::Hexadecimal]; const fn prefix_len(self) -> usize { match self { Self::Decimal => 0, _ => 2, } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use crate::ast::{self, make, FloatNumber, IntNumber}; fn check_float_suffix<'a>(lit: &str, expected: impl Into>) { assert_eq!(FloatNumber { syntax: make::tokens::literal(lit) }.suffix(), expected.into()); } fn check_int_suffix<'a>(lit: &str, expected: impl Into>) { assert_eq!(IntNumber { syntax: make::tokens::literal(lit) }.suffix(), expected.into()); } fn check_float_value(lit: &str, expected: impl Into> + Copy) { assert_eq!(FloatNumber { syntax: make::tokens::literal(lit) }.value(), expected.into()); assert_eq!(IntNumber { syntax: make::tokens::literal(lit) }.float_value(), expected.into()); } fn check_int_value(lit: &str, expected: impl Into>) { assert_eq!(IntNumber { syntax: make::tokens::literal(lit) }.value(), expected.into()); } #[test] fn test_float_number_suffix() { check_float_suffix("123.0", None); check_float_suffix("123f32", "f32"); check_float_suffix("123.0e", None); check_float_suffix("123.0e4", None); check_float_suffix("123.0ef32", "f32"); check_float_suffix("123.0E4f32", "f32"); check_float_suffix("1_2_3.0_f32", "f32"); } #[test] fn test_int_number_suffix() { check_int_suffix("123", None); check_int_suffix("123i32", "i32"); check_int_suffix("1_0_1_l_o_l", "l_o_l"); check_int_suffix("0b11", None); check_int_suffix("0o11", None); check_int_suffix("0xff", None); check_int_suffix("0b11u32", "u32"); check_int_suffix("0o11u32", "u32"); check_int_suffix("0xffu32", "u32"); } fn check_string_value<'a>(lit: &str, expected: impl Into>) { assert_eq!( ast::String { syntax: make::tokens::literal(&format!("\"{}\"", lit)) } .value() .as_deref(), expected.into() ); } #[test] fn test_string_escape() { check_string_value(r"foobar", "foobar"); check_string_value(r"\foobar", None); check_string_value(r"\nfoobar", "\nfoobar"); check_string_value(r"C:\\Windows\\System32\\", "C:\\Windows\\System32\\"); } #[test] fn test_value_underscores() { check_float_value("3.141592653589793_f64", 3.141592653589793_f64); check_float_value("1__0.__0__f32", 10.0); check_int_value("0b__1_0_", 2); check_int_value("1_1_1_1_1_1", 111111); } } impl ast::Char { pub fn value(&self) -> Option { let mut text = self.text(); if text.starts_with('\'') { text = &text[1..]; } else { return None; } if text.ends_with('\'') { text = &text[0..text.len() - 1]; } unescape_char(text).ok() } } impl ast::Byte { pub fn value(&self) -> Option { let mut text = self.text(); if text.starts_with("b\'") { text = &text[2..]; } else { return None; } if text.ends_with('\'') { text = &text[0..text.len() - 1]; } unescape_byte(text).ok() } }