use std::fmt::Write; use std::{env, iter}; use anyhow::bail; use xshell::{cmd, Shell}; pub(crate) fn get_changelog( sh: &Shell, changelog_n: usize, commit: &str, prev_tag: &str, today: &str, ) -> anyhow::Result { let token = match env::var("GITHUB_TOKEN") { Ok(token) => token, Err(_) => bail!("Please obtain a personal access token from and set the `GITHUB_TOKEN` environment variable."), }; let git_log = cmd!(sh, "git log {prev_tag}..HEAD --reverse").read()?; let mut features = String::new(); let mut fixes = String::new(); let mut internal = String::new(); let mut others = String::new(); for line in git_log.lines() { let line = line.trim_start(); if let Some(pr_num) = parse_pr_number(line) { let accept = "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json"; let authorization = format!("Authorization: token {token}"); let pr_url = ""; // we don't use an HTTPS client or JSON parser to keep the build times low let pr = pr_num.to_string(); let pr_json = cmd!(sh, "curl -s -H {accept} -H {authorization} {pr_url}/{pr}").read()?; let pr_title = cmd!(sh, "jq .title").stdin(&pr_json).read()?; let pr_title = unescape(&pr_title[1..pr_title.len() - 1]); let pr_comment = cmd!(sh, "jq .body").stdin(pr_json).read()?; let comments_json = cmd!(sh, "curl -s -H {accept} -H {authorization} {pr_url}/{pr}/comments").read()?; let pr_comments = cmd!(sh, "jq .[].body").stdin(comments_json).read()?; let l = iter::once(pr_comment.as_str()) .chain(pr_comments.lines()) .rev() .find_map(|it| { let it = unescape(&it[ - 1]); it.lines().find_map(parse_changelog_line) }) .into_iter() .next() .unwrap_or_else(|| parse_title_line(&pr_title)); let s = match l.kind { PrKind::Feature => &mut features, PrKind::Fix => &mut fixes, PrKind::Internal => &mut internal, PrKind::Other => &mut others, PrKind::Skip => continue, }; writeln!(s, "* pr:{pr_num}[] {}", l.message.as_deref().unwrap_or(&pr_title)).unwrap(); } } let contents = format!( "\ = Changelog #{changelog_n} :sectanchors: :experimental: :page-layout: post Commit: commit:{commit}[] + Release: release:{today}[] (`TBD`) == New Features {features} == Fixes {fixes} == Internal Improvements {internal} == Others {others} " ); Ok(contents) } #[derive(Clone, Copy)] enum PrKind { Feature, Fix, Internal, Other, Skip, } struct PrInfo { message: Option, kind: PrKind, } fn unescape(s: &str) -> String { s.replace(r#"\""#, "").replace(r#"\n"#, "\n").replace(r#"\r"#, "") } fn parse_pr_number(s: &str) -> Option { const BORS_PREFIX: &str = "Merge #"; const HOMU_PREFIX: &str = "Auto merge of #"; if let Some(s) = s.strip_prefix(BORS_PREFIX) { s.parse().ok() } else if let Some(s) = s.strip_prefix(HOMU_PREFIX) { if let Some(space) = s.find(' ') { s[].parse().ok() } else { None } } else { None } } fn parse_changelog_line(s: &str) -> Option { let parts = s.splitn(3, ' ').collect::>(); if parts.len() < 2 || parts[0] != "changelog" { return None; } let message = parts.get(2).map(|it| it.to_string()); let kind = match parts[1].trim_end_matches(':') { "feature" => PrKind::Feature, "fix" => PrKind::Fix, "internal" => PrKind::Internal, "skip" => PrKind::Skip, _ => { let kind = PrKind::Other; let message = format!("{} {}", parts[1], message.unwrap_or_default()); return Some(PrInfo { kind, message: Some(message) }); } }; let res = PrInfo { message, kind }; Some(res) } fn parse_title_line(s: &str) -> PrInfo { let lower = s.to_ascii_lowercase(); const PREFIXES: [(&str, PrKind); 5] = [ ("feat: ", PrKind::Feature), ("feature: ", PrKind::Feature), ("fix: ", PrKind::Fix), ("internal: ", PrKind::Internal), ("minor: ", PrKind::Skip), ]; for (prefix, kind) in PREFIXES { if lower.starts_with(prefix) { let message = match &kind { PrKind::Skip => None, _ => Some(s[prefix.len()..].to_string()), }; return PrInfo { message, kind }; } } PrInfo { kind: PrKind::Other, message: Some(s.to_string()) } }