// This package needs to be install: // // ``` // npm install browser-ui-test // ``` const fs = require("fs"); const path = require("path"); const os = require("os"); const {Options, runTest} = require("browser-ui-test"); // If a test fails or errors, we will retry it two more times in case it was a flaky failure. const NB_RETRY = 3; function showHelp() { console.log("rustdoc-js options:"); console.log(" --doc-folder [PATH] : location of the generated doc folder"); console.log(" --file [PATH] : file to run (can be repeated)"); console.log(" --debug : show extra information about script run"); console.log(" --show-text : render font in pages"); console.log(" --no-headless : disable headless mode"); console.log(" --no-sandbox : disable sandbox mode"); console.log(" --help : show this message then quit"); console.log(" --tests-folder [PATH] : location of the .GOML tests folder"); console.log(" --jobs [NUMBER] : number of threads to run tests on"); console.log(" --executable-path [PATH] : path of the browser's executable to be used"); } function isNumeric(s) { return /^\d+$/.test(s); } function parseOptions(args) { const opts = { "doc_folder": "", "tests_folder": "", "files": [], "debug": false, "show_text": false, "no_headless": false, "jobs": -1, "executable_path": null, "no_sandbox": false, }; const correspondences = { "--doc-folder": "doc_folder", "--tests-folder": "tests_folder", "--debug": "debug", "--show-text": "show_text", "--no-headless": "no_headless", "--executable-path": "executable_path", "--no-sandbox": "no_sandbox", }; for (let i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) { const arg = args[i]; if (arg === "--doc-folder" || arg === "--tests-folder" || arg === "--file" || arg === "--jobs" || arg === "--executable-path") { i += 1; if (i >= args.length) { console.log("Missing argument after `" + arg + "` option."); return null; } const arg_value = args[i]; if (arg === "--jobs") { if (!isNumeric(arg_value)) { console.log( "`--jobs` option expects a positive number, found `" + arg_value + "`"); return null; } opts["jobs"] = parseInt(arg_value); } else if (arg !== "--file") { opts[correspondences[arg]] = arg_value; } else { opts["files"].push(arg_value); } } else if (arg === "--help") { showHelp(); process.exit(0); } else if (arg === "--no-sandbox") { console.log("`--no-sandbox` is being used. Be very careful!"); opts[correspondences[arg]] = true; } else if (correspondences[arg]) { opts[correspondences[arg]] = true; } else { console.log("Unknown option `" + arg + "`."); console.log("Use `--help` to see the list of options"); return null; } } if (opts["tests_folder"].length < 1) { console.log("Missing `--tests-folder` option."); } else if (opts["doc_folder"].length < 1) { console.log("Missing `--doc-folder` option."); } else { return opts; } return null; } /// Print single char status information without \n function char_printer(n_tests) { const max_per_line = 10; let current = 0; return { successful: function() { current += 1; if (current % max_per_line === 0) { process.stdout.write(`. (${current}/${n_tests})${os.EOL}`); } else { process.stdout.write("."); } }, erroneous: function() { current += 1; if (current % max_per_line === 0) { process.stderr.write(`F (${current}/${n_tests})${os.EOL}`); } else { process.stderr.write("F"); } }, finish: function() { if (current % max_per_line === 0) { // Don't output if we are already at a matching line end console.log(""); } else { const spaces = " ".repeat(max_per_line - (current % max_per_line)); process.stdout.write(`${spaces} (${current}/${n_tests})${os.EOL}${os.EOL}`); } }, }; } // Sort array by .file_name property function by_filename(a, b) { return a.file_name - b.file_name; } async function runTests(opts, framework_options, files, results, status_bar, showTestFailures) { const tests_queue = []; for (const testPath of files) { const callback = runTest(testPath, {"options": framework_options}) .then(out => { const [output, nb_failures] = out; results[nb_failures === 0 ? "successful" : "failed"].push({ file_name: testPath, output: output, }); if (nb_failures === 0) { status_bar.successful(); } else if (showTestFailures) { status_bar.erroneous(); } }) .catch(err => { results.errored.push({ file_name: testPath, output: err, }); if (showTestFailures) { status_bar.erroneous(); } }) .finally(() => { // We now remove the promise from the tests_queue. tests_queue.splice(tests_queue.indexOf(callback), 1); }); tests_queue.push(callback); if (opts["jobs"] > 0 && tests_queue.length >= opts["jobs"]) { await Promise.race(tests_queue); } } if (tests_queue.length > 0) { await Promise.all(tests_queue); } } function createEmptyResults() { return { successful: [], failed: [], errored: [], }; } async function main(argv) { const opts = parseOptions(argv.slice(2)); if (opts === null) { process.exit(1); } // Print successful tests too let debug = false; // Run tests in sequentially let headless = true; const framework_options = new Options(); try { // This is more convenient that setting fields one by one. const args = [ "--variable", "DOC_PATH", opts["doc_folder"], "--enable-fail-on-js-error", "--allow-file-access-from-files", ]; if (opts["debug"]) { debug = true; args.push("--debug"); } if (opts["show_text"]) { args.push("--show-text"); } if (opts["no_sandbox"]) { args.push("--no-sandbox"); } if (opts["no_headless"]) { args.push("--no-headless"); headless = false; } if (opts["executable_path"] !== null) { args.push("--executable-path"); args.push(opts["executable_path"]); } framework_options.parseArguments(args); } catch (error) { console.error(`invalid argument: ${error}`); process.exit(1); } let files; if (opts["files"].length === 0) { files = fs.readdirSync(opts["tests_folder"]); } else { files = opts["files"]; } files = files.filter(file => path.extname(file) === ".goml"); if (files.length === 0) { console.error("rustdoc-gui: No test selected"); process.exit(2); } files.forEach((file_name, index) => { files[index] = path.join(opts["tests_folder"], file_name); }); files.sort(); if (!headless) { opts["jobs"] = 1; console.log("`--no-headless` option is active, disabling concurrency for running tests."); } console.log(`Running ${files.length} rustdoc-gui (${opts["jobs"]} concurrently) ...`); if (opts["jobs"] < 1) { process.setMaxListeners(files.length + 1); } else if (headless) { process.setMaxListeners(opts["jobs"] + 1); } // We catch this "event" to display a nicer message in case of unexpected exit (because of a // missing `--no-sandbox`). const exitHandling = () => { if (!opts["no_sandbox"]) { console.log(""); console.log( "`browser-ui-test` crashed unexpectedly. Please try again with adding `--test-args \ --no-sandbox` at the end. For example: `x.py test tests/rustdoc-gui --test-args --no-sandbox`"); console.log(""); } }; process.on("exit", exitHandling); const originalFilesLen = files.length; const results = createEmptyResults(); const status_bar = char_printer(files.length); let new_results; for (let it = 0; it < NB_RETRY && files.length > 0; ++it) { new_results = createEmptyResults(); await runTests(opts, framework_options, files, new_results, status_bar, it + 1 >= NB_RETRY); Array.prototype.push.apply(results.successful, new_results.successful); // We generate the new list of files with the previously failing tests. files = Array.prototype.concat(new_results.failed, new_results.errored).map( f => f["file_name"]); if (files.length > originalFilesLen / 2) { // If we have too many failing tests, it's very likely not flaky failures anymore so // no need to retry. break; } } status_bar.finish(); Array.prototype.push.apply(results.failed, new_results.failed); Array.prototype.push.apply(results.errored, new_results.errored); // We don't need this listener anymore. process.removeListener("exit", exitHandling); if (debug) { results.successful.sort(by_filename); results.successful.forEach(r => { console.log(r.output); }); } if (results.failed.length > 0) { console.log(""); results.failed.sort(by_filename); results.failed.forEach(r => { console.log(r.file_name, r.output); }); } if (results.errored.length > 0) { console.log(os.EOL); // print run errors on the bottom so developers see them better results.errored.sort(by_filename); results.errored.forEach(r => { console.error(r.file_name, r.output); }); } if (results.failed.length > 0 || results.errored.length > 0) { process.exit(1); } process.exit(0); } main(process.argv);