use std::borrow::Cow; use std::cmp::Ordering; use std::fmt; use core::hash::{Hash, Hasher}; use itertools::Itertools; use rustc_ast::ast::{self, UseTreeKind}; use rustc_span::{ symbol::{self, sym}, BytePos, Span, DUMMY_SP, }; use crate::comment::combine_strs_with_missing_comments; use crate::config::lists::*; use crate::config::ImportGranularity; use crate::config::{Edition, IndentStyle, Version}; use crate::lists::{ definitive_tactic, itemize_list, write_list, ListFormatting, ListItem, Separator, }; use crate::rewrite::{Rewrite, RewriteContext}; use crate::shape::Shape; use crate::source_map::SpanUtils; use crate::spanned::Spanned; use crate::utils::{is_same_visibility, mk_sp, rewrite_ident}; use crate::visitor::FmtVisitor; /// Returns a name imported by a `use` declaration. /// E.g., returns `Ordering` for `std::cmp::Ordering` and `self` for `std::cmp::self`. pub(crate) fn path_to_imported_ident(path: &ast::Path) -> symbol::Ident { path.segments.last().unwrap().ident } impl<'a> FmtVisitor<'a> { pub(crate) fn format_import(&mut self, item: &ast::Item, tree: &ast::UseTree) { let span = item.span(); let shape = self.shape(); let rw = UseTree::from_ast( &self.get_context(), tree, None, Some(item.vis.clone()), Some(item.span.lo()), Some(item.attrs.clone()), ) .rewrite_top_level(&self.get_context(), shape); match rw { Some(ref s) if s.is_empty() => { // Format up to last newline let prev_span = mk_sp(self.last_pos, source!(self, span).lo()); let trimmed_snippet = self.snippet(prev_span).trim_end(); let span_end = self.last_pos + BytePos(trimmed_snippet.len() as u32); self.format_missing(span_end); // We have an excessive newline from the removed import. if self.buffer.ends_with('\n') { self.buffer.pop(); self.line_number -= 1; } self.last_pos = source!(self, span).hi(); } Some(ref s) => { self.format_missing_with_indent(source!(self, span).lo()); self.push_str(s); self.last_pos = source!(self, span).hi(); } None => { self.format_missing_with_indent(source!(self, span).lo()); self.format_missing(source!(self, span).hi()); } } } } // Ordering of imports // We order imports by translating to our own representation and then sorting. // The Rust AST data structures are really bad for this. Rustfmt applies a bunch // of normalisations to imports and since we want to sort based on the result // of these (and to maintain idempotence) we must apply the same normalisations // to the data structures for sorting. // // We sort `self` and `super` before other imports, then identifier imports, // then glob imports, then lists of imports. We do not take aliases into account // when ordering unless the imports are identical except for the alias (rare in // practice). // FIXME(#2531): we should unify the comparison code here with the formatting // code elsewhere since we are essentially string-ifying twice. Furthermore, by // parsing to our own format on comparison, we repeat a lot of work when // sorting. // FIXME we do a lot of allocation to make our own representation. #[derive(Clone, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)] pub(crate) enum UseSegmentKind { Ident(String, Option), Slf(Option), Super(Option), Crate(Option), Glob, List(Vec), } #[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq)] pub(crate) struct UseSegment { pub(crate) kind: UseSegmentKind, pub(crate) version: Version, } #[derive(Clone)] pub(crate) struct UseTree { pub(crate) path: Vec, pub(crate) span: Span, // Comment information within nested use tree. pub(crate) list_item: Option, // Additional fields for top level use items. // Should we have another struct for top-level use items rather than reusing this? visibility: Option, attrs: Option, } impl PartialEq for UseTree { fn eq(&self, other: &UseTree) -> bool { self.path == other.path } } impl Eq for UseTree {} impl Spanned for UseTree { fn span(&self) -> Span { let lo = if let Some(ref attrs) = self.attrs { attrs.iter().next().map_or(self.span.lo(), |a| a.span.lo()) } else { self.span.lo() }; mk_sp(lo, self.span.hi()) } } impl UseSegment { // Clone a version of self with any top-level alias removed. fn remove_alias(&self) -> UseSegment { let kind = match self.kind { UseSegmentKind::Ident(ref s, _) => UseSegmentKind::Ident(s.clone(), None), UseSegmentKind::Slf(_) => UseSegmentKind::Slf(None), UseSegmentKind::Super(_) => UseSegmentKind::Super(None), UseSegmentKind::Crate(_) => UseSegmentKind::Crate(None), _ => return self.clone(), }; UseSegment { kind, version: self.version, } } // Check if self == other with their aliases removed. fn equal_except_alias(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { match (&self.kind, &other.kind) { (UseSegmentKind::Ident(ref s1, _), UseSegmentKind::Ident(ref s2, _)) => s1 == s2, (UseSegmentKind::Slf(_), UseSegmentKind::Slf(_)) | (UseSegmentKind::Super(_), UseSegmentKind::Super(_)) | (UseSegmentKind::Crate(_), UseSegmentKind::Crate(_)) | (UseSegmentKind::Glob, UseSegmentKind::Glob) => true, (UseSegmentKind::List(ref list1), UseSegmentKind::List(ref list2)) => list1 == list2, _ => false, } } fn get_alias(&self) -> Option<&str> { match &self.kind { UseSegmentKind::Ident(_, a) | UseSegmentKind::Slf(a) | UseSegmentKind::Super(a) | UseSegmentKind::Crate(a) => a.as_deref(), _ => None, } } fn from_path_segment( context: &RewriteContext<'_>, path_seg: &ast::PathSegment, modsep: bool, ) -> Option { let name = rewrite_ident(context, path_seg.ident); if name.is_empty() || name == "{{root}}" { return None; } let kind = match name { "self" => UseSegmentKind::Slf(None), "super" => UseSegmentKind::Super(None), "crate" => UseSegmentKind::Crate(None), _ => { let mod_sep = if modsep { "::" } else { "" }; UseSegmentKind::Ident(format!("{}{}", mod_sep, name), None) } }; Some(UseSegment { kind, version: context.config.version(), }) } fn contains_comment(&self) -> bool { if let UseSegmentKind::List(list) = &self.kind { list.iter().any(|subtree| subtree.contains_comment()) } else { false } } } pub(crate) fn normalize_use_trees_with_granularity( use_trees: Vec, import_granularity: ImportGranularity, ) -> Vec { let merge_by = match import_granularity { ImportGranularity::Item => return flatten_use_trees(use_trees, ImportGranularity::Item), ImportGranularity::Preserve => return use_trees, ImportGranularity::Crate => SharedPrefix::Crate, ImportGranularity::Module => SharedPrefix::Module, ImportGranularity::One => SharedPrefix::One, }; let mut result = Vec::with_capacity(use_trees.len()); for use_tree in use_trees { if use_tree.contains_comment() || use_tree.attrs.is_some() { result.push(use_tree); continue; } for mut flattened in use_tree.flatten(import_granularity) { if let Some(tree) = result .iter_mut() .find(|tree| tree.share_prefix(&flattened, merge_by)) { tree.merge(&flattened, merge_by); } else { // If this is the first tree with this prefix, handle potential trailing ::self if merge_by == SharedPrefix::Module { flattened = flattened.nest_trailing_self(); } result.push(flattened); } } } result } fn flatten_use_trees( use_trees: Vec, import_granularity: ImportGranularity, ) -> Vec { // Return non-sorted single occurrence of the use-trees text string; // order is by first occurrence of the use-tree. use_trees .into_iter() .flat_map(|tree| tree.flatten(import_granularity)) .map(UseTree::nest_trailing_self) .unique() .collect() } impl fmt::Debug for UseTree { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { fmt::Display::fmt(self, f) } } impl fmt::Debug for UseSegment { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { fmt::Display::fmt(&self.kind, f) } } impl fmt::Display for UseSegment { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { fmt::Display::fmt(&self.kind, f) } } impl Hash for UseSegment { fn hash(&self, state: &mut H) { self.kind.hash(state); } } impl fmt::Debug for UseSegmentKind { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { fmt::Display::fmt(self, f) } } impl fmt::Display for UseSegmentKind { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { match *self { UseSegmentKind::Glob => write!(f, "*"), UseSegmentKind::Ident(ref s, Some(ref alias)) => write!(f, "{} as {}", s, alias), UseSegmentKind::Ident(ref s, None) => write!(f, "{}", s), UseSegmentKind::Slf(..) => write!(f, "self"), UseSegmentKind::Super(..) => write!(f, "super"), UseSegmentKind::Crate(..) => write!(f, "crate"), UseSegmentKind::List(ref list) => { write!(f, "{{")?; for (i, item) in list.iter().enumerate() { if i != 0 { write!(f, ", ")?; } write!(f, "{}", item)?; } write!(f, "}}") } } } } impl fmt::Display for UseTree { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { for (i, segment) in self.path.iter().enumerate() { if i != 0 { write!(f, "::")?; } write!(f, "{}", segment)?; } Ok(()) } } impl UseTree { // Rewrite use tree with `use ` and a trailing `;`. pub(crate) fn rewrite_top_level( &self, context: &RewriteContext<'_>, shape: Shape, ) -> Option { let vis = self.visibility.as_ref().map_or(Cow::from(""), |vis| { crate::utils::format_visibility(context, vis) }); let use_str = self .rewrite(context, shape.offset_left(vis.len())?) .map(|s| { if s.is_empty() { s } else { format!("{}use {};", vis, s) } })?; match self.attrs { Some(ref attrs) if !attrs.is_empty() => { let attr_str = attrs.rewrite(context, shape)?; let lo = attrs.last().as_ref()?.span.hi(); let hi = self.span.lo(); let span = mk_sp(lo, hi); let allow_extend = if attrs.len() == 1 { let line_len = attr_str.len() + 1 + use_str.len(); !attrs.first().unwrap().is_doc_comment() && context.config.inline_attribute_width() >= line_len } else { false }; combine_strs_with_missing_comments( context, &attr_str, &use_str, span, shape, allow_extend, ) } _ => Some(use_str), } } // FIXME: Use correct span? // The given span is essentially incorrect, since we are reconstructing // use-statements. This should not be a problem, though, since we have // already tried to extract comment and observed that there are no comment // around the given use item, and the span will not be used afterward. fn from_path(path: Vec, span: Span) -> UseTree { UseTree { path, span, list_item: None, visibility: None, attrs: None, } } pub(crate) fn from_ast_with_normalization( context: &RewriteContext<'_>, item: &ast::Item, ) -> Option { match item.kind { ast::ItemKind::Use(ref use_tree) => Some( UseTree::from_ast( context, use_tree, None, Some(item.vis.clone()), Some(item.span.lo()), if item.attrs.is_empty() { None } else { Some(item.attrs.clone()) }, ) .normalize(), ), _ => None, } } fn from_ast( context: &RewriteContext<'_>, a: &ast::UseTree, list_item: Option, visibility: Option, opt_lo: Option, attrs: Option, ) -> UseTree { let span = if let Some(lo) = opt_lo { mk_sp(lo, a.span.hi()) } else { a.span }; let mut result = UseTree { path: vec![], span, list_item, visibility, attrs, }; let leading_modsep = context.config.edition() >= Edition::Edition2018 && a.prefix.is_global(); let mut modsep = leading_modsep; for p in &a.prefix.segments { if let Some(use_segment) = UseSegment::from_path_segment(context, p, modsep) { result.path.push(use_segment); modsep = false; } } let version = context.config.version(); match a.kind { UseTreeKind::Glob => { // in case of a global path and the glob starts at the root, e.g., "::*" if a.prefix.segments.len() == 1 && leading_modsep { let kind = UseSegmentKind::Ident("".to_owned(), None); result.path.push(UseSegment { kind, version }); } result.path.push(UseSegment { kind: UseSegmentKind::Glob, version, }); } UseTreeKind::Nested(ref list) => { // Extract comments between nested use items. // This needs to be done before sorting use items. let items = itemize_list( context.snippet_provider, list.iter().map(|(tree, _)| tree), "}", ",", |tree| tree.span.lo(), |tree| tree.span.hi(), |_| Some("".to_owned()), // We only need comments for now. context.snippet_provider.span_after(a.span, "{"), a.span.hi(), false, ); // in case of a global path and the nested list starts at the root, // e.g., "::{foo, bar}" if a.prefix.segments.len() == 1 && leading_modsep { let kind = UseSegmentKind::Ident("".to_owned(), None); result.path.push(UseSegment { kind, version }); } let kind = UseSegmentKind::List( list.iter() .zip(items) .map(|(t, list_item)| { Self::from_ast(context, &t.0, Some(list_item), None, None, None) }) .collect(), ); result.path.push(UseSegment { kind, version }); } UseTreeKind::Simple(ref rename) => { // If the path has leading double colons and is composed of only 2 segments, then we // bypass the call to path_to_imported_ident which would get only the ident and // lose the path root, e.g., `that` in `::that`. // The span of `a.prefix` contains the leading colons. let name = if a.prefix.segments.len() == 2 && leading_modsep { context.snippet(a.prefix.span).to_owned() } else { rewrite_ident(context, path_to_imported_ident(&a.prefix)).to_owned() }; let alias = rename.and_then(|ident| { if == sym::underscore_imports { // for impl-only-use Some("_".to_owned()) } else if ident == path_to_imported_ident(&a.prefix) { None } else { Some(rewrite_ident(context, ident).to_owned()) } }); let kind = match name.as_ref() { "self" => UseSegmentKind::Slf(alias), "super" => UseSegmentKind::Super(alias), "crate" => UseSegmentKind::Crate(alias), _ => UseSegmentKind::Ident(name, alias), }; let segment = UseSegment { kind, version }; // `name` is already in result. result.path.pop(); result.path.push(segment); } } result } // Do the adjustments that rustfmt does elsewhere to use paths. pub(crate) fn normalize(mut self) -> UseTree { let mut last = self.path.pop().expect("Empty use tree?"); // Hack around borrow checker. let mut normalize_sole_list = false; let mut aliased_self = false; // Remove foo::{} or self without attributes. match last.kind { _ if self.attrs.is_some() => (), UseSegmentKind::List(ref list) if list.is_empty() => { self.path = vec![]; return self; } UseSegmentKind::Slf(None) if self.path.is_empty() && self.visibility.is_some() => { self.path = vec![]; return self; } _ => (), } // Normalise foo::self -> foo. if let UseSegmentKind::Slf(None) = last.kind { if !self.path.is_empty() { return self; } } // Normalise foo::self as bar -> foo as bar. if let UseSegmentKind::Slf(_) = last.kind { if let Some(UseSegment { kind: UseSegmentKind::Ident(_, None), .. }) = self.path.last() { aliased_self = true; } } let mut done = false; if aliased_self { match self.path.last_mut() { Some(UseSegment { kind: UseSegmentKind::Ident(_, ref mut old_rename), .. }) => { assert!(old_rename.is_none()); if let UseSegmentKind::Slf(Some(rename)) = last.clone().kind { *old_rename = Some(rename); done = true; } } _ => unreachable!(), } } if done { return self; } // Normalise foo::{bar} -> foo::bar if let UseSegmentKind::List(ref list) = last.kind { if list.len() == 1 && list[0].to_string() != "self" { normalize_sole_list = true; } } if normalize_sole_list { match last.kind { UseSegmentKind::List(list) => { for seg in &list[0].path { self.path.push(seg.clone()); } return self.normalize(); } _ => unreachable!(), } } // Recursively normalize elements of a list use (including sorting the list). if let UseSegmentKind::List(list) = last.kind { let mut list = list.into_iter().map(UseTree::normalize).collect::>(); list.sort(); last = UseSegment { kind: UseSegmentKind::List(list), version: last.version, }; } self.path.push(last); self } fn has_comment(&self) -> bool { self.list_item.as_ref().map_or(false, ListItem::has_comment) } fn contains_comment(&self) -> bool { self.has_comment() || self.path.iter().any(|path| path.contains_comment()) } fn same_visibility(&self, other: &UseTree) -> bool { match (&self.visibility, &other.visibility) { ( Some(ast::Visibility { kind: ast::VisibilityKind::Inherited, .. }), None, ) | ( None, Some(ast::Visibility { kind: ast::VisibilityKind::Inherited, .. }), ) | (None, None) => true, (Some(ref a), Some(ref b)) => is_same_visibility(a, b), _ => false, } } fn share_prefix(&self, other: &UseTree, shared_prefix: SharedPrefix) -> bool { if self.path.is_empty() || other.path.is_empty() || self.attrs.is_some() || self.contains_comment() || !self.same_visibility(other) { false } else { match shared_prefix { SharedPrefix::Crate => self.path[0] == other.path[0], SharedPrefix::Module => { self.path[..self.path.len() - 1] == other.path[..other.path.len() - 1] } SharedPrefix::One => true, } } } fn flatten(self, import_granularity: ImportGranularity) -> Vec { if self.path.is_empty() || self.contains_comment() { return vec![self]; } match &self.path.clone().last().unwrap().kind { UseSegmentKind::List(list) => { if list.len() == 1 && list[0].path.len() == 1 { if let UseSegmentKind::Slf(..) = list[0].path[0].kind { return vec![self]; }; } let prefix = &self.path[..self.path.len() - 1]; let mut result = vec![]; for nested_use_tree in list { for flattend in &mut nested_use_tree.clone().flatten(import_granularity) { let mut new_path = prefix.to_vec(); new_path.append(&mut flattend.path); result.push(UseTree { path: new_path, span: self.span, list_item: None, visibility: self.visibility.clone(), // only retain attributes for `ImportGranularity::Item` attrs: match import_granularity { ImportGranularity::Item => self.attrs.clone(), _ => None, }, }); } } result } _ => vec![self], } } fn merge(&mut self, other: &UseTree, merge_by: SharedPrefix) { let mut prefix = 0; for (a, b) in self.path.iter().zip(other.path.iter()) { // only discard the alias at the root of the tree if (prefix == 0 && a.equal_except_alias(b)) || a == b { prefix += 1; } else { break; } } if let Some(new_path) = merge_rest(&self.path, &other.path, prefix, merge_by) { self.path = new_path; self.span =; } } /// If this tree ends in `::self`, rewrite it to `::{self}`. fn nest_trailing_self(mut self) -> UseTree { if let Some(UseSegment { kind: UseSegmentKind::Slf(..), .. }) = self.path.last() { let self_segment = self.path.pop().unwrap(); let version = self_segment.version; let kind = UseSegmentKind::List(vec![UseTree::from_path(vec![self_segment], DUMMY_SP)]); self.path.push(UseSegment { kind, version }); } self } } fn merge_rest( a: &[UseSegment], b: &[UseSegment], mut len: usize, merge_by: SharedPrefix, ) -> Option> { if a.len() == len && b.len() == len { return None; } if a.len() != len && b.len() != len { let version = a[len].version; if let UseSegmentKind::List(ref list) = a[len].kind { let mut list = list.clone(); merge_use_trees_inner( &mut list, UseTree::from_path(b[len..].to_vec(), DUMMY_SP), merge_by, ); let mut new_path = b[..len].to_vec(); let kind = UseSegmentKind::List(list); new_path.push(UseSegment { kind, version }); return Some(new_path); } } else if len == 1 { let (common, rest) = if a.len() == len { (&a[0], &b[1..]) } else { (&b[0], &a[1..]) }; let kind = UseSegmentKind::Slf(common.get_alias().map(ToString::to_string)); let version = a[0].version; let mut list = vec![UseTree::from_path( vec![UseSegment { kind, version }], DUMMY_SP, )]; match rest { [ UseSegment { kind: UseSegmentKind::List(rest_list), .. }, ] => list.extend(rest_list.clone()), _ => list.push(UseTree::from_path(rest.to_vec(), DUMMY_SP)), } return Some(vec![ b[0].clone(), UseSegment { kind: UseSegmentKind::List(list), version, }, ]); } else { len -= 1; } let mut list = vec![ UseTree::from_path(a[len..].to_vec(), DUMMY_SP), UseTree::from_path(b[len..].to_vec(), DUMMY_SP), ]; list.sort(); let mut new_path = b[..len].to_vec(); let kind = UseSegmentKind::List(list); let version = a[0].version; new_path.push(UseSegment { kind, version }); Some(new_path) } fn merge_use_trees_inner(trees: &mut Vec, use_tree: UseTree, merge_by: SharedPrefix) { struct SimilarTree<'a> { similarity: usize, path_len: usize, tree: &'a mut UseTree, } let similar_trees = trees.iter_mut().filter_map(|tree| { if tree.share_prefix(&use_tree, merge_by) { // In the case of `SharedPrefix::One`, `similarity` is used for deciding with which // tree `use_tree` should be merge. // In other cases `similarity` won't be used, so set it to `0` as a dummy value. let similarity = if merge_by == SharedPrefix::One { tree.path .iter() .zip(&use_tree.path) .take_while(|(a, b)| a.equal_except_alias(b)) .count() } else { 0 }; let path_len = tree.path.len(); Some(SimilarTree { similarity, tree, path_len, }) } else { None } }); if use_tree.path.len() == 1 && merge_by == SharedPrefix::Crate { if let Some(tree) = similar_trees.min_by_key(|tree| tree.path_len) { if tree.path_len == 1 { return; } } } else if merge_by == SharedPrefix::One { if let Some(sim_tree) = similar_trees.max_by_key(|tree| tree.similarity) { if sim_tree.similarity > 0 { sim_tree.tree.merge(&use_tree, merge_by); return; } } } else if let Some(sim_tree) = similar_trees.max_by_key(|tree| tree.path_len) { if sim_tree.path_len > 1 { sim_tree.tree.merge(&use_tree, merge_by); return; } } trees.push(use_tree); trees.sort(); } impl Hash for UseTree { fn hash(&self, state: &mut H) { self.path.hash(state); } } impl PartialOrd for UseSegment { fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &UseSegment) -> Option { Some(self.cmp(other)) } } impl PartialOrd for UseTree { fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &UseTree) -> Option { Some(self.cmp(other)) } } impl Ord for UseSegment { fn cmp(&self, other: &UseSegment) -> Ordering { use self::UseSegmentKind::*; fn is_upper_snake_case(s: &str) -> bool { s.chars() .all(|c| c.is_uppercase() || c == '_' || c.is_numeric()) } match (&self.kind, &other.kind) { (Slf(ref a), Slf(ref b)) | (Super(ref a), Super(ref b)) | (Crate(ref a), Crate(ref b)) => match (a, b) { (Some(sa), Some(sb)) => { if self.version == Version::Two { sa.trim_start_matches("r#").cmp(sb.trim_start_matches("r#")) } else { a.cmp(b) } } (_, _) => a.cmp(b), }, (Glob, Glob) => Ordering::Equal, (Ident(ref pia, ref aa), Ident(ref pib, ref ab)) => { let (ia, ib) = if self.version == Version::Two { (pia.trim_start_matches("r#"), pib.trim_start_matches("r#")) } else { (pia.as_str(), pib.as_str()) }; // snake_case < CamelCase < UPPER_SNAKE_CASE if ia.starts_with(char::is_uppercase) && ib.starts_with(char::is_lowercase) { return Ordering::Greater; } if ia.starts_with(char::is_lowercase) && ib.starts_with(char::is_uppercase) { return Ordering::Less; } if is_upper_snake_case(ia) && !is_upper_snake_case(ib) { return Ordering::Greater; } if !is_upper_snake_case(ia) && is_upper_snake_case(ib) { return Ordering::Less; } let ident_ord = ia.cmp(ib); if ident_ord != Ordering::Equal { return ident_ord; } match (aa, ab) { (None, Some(_)) => Ordering::Less, (Some(_), None) => Ordering::Greater, (Some(aas), Some(abs)) => { if self.version == Version::Two { aas.trim_start_matches("r#") .cmp(abs.trim_start_matches("r#")) } else { aas.cmp(abs) } } (None, None) => Ordering::Equal, } } (List(ref a), List(ref b)) => { for (a, b) in a.iter().zip(b.iter()) { let ord = a.cmp(b); if ord != Ordering::Equal { return ord; } } a.len().cmp(&b.len()) } (Slf(_), _) => Ordering::Less, (_, Slf(_)) => Ordering::Greater, (Super(_), _) => Ordering::Less, (_, Super(_)) => Ordering::Greater, (Crate(_), _) => Ordering::Less, (_, Crate(_)) => Ordering::Greater, (Ident(..), _) => Ordering::Less, (_, Ident(..)) => Ordering::Greater, (Glob, _) => Ordering::Less, (_, Glob) => Ordering::Greater, } } } impl Ord for UseTree { fn cmp(&self, other: &UseTree) -> Ordering { for (a, b) in self.path.iter().zip(other.path.iter()) { let ord = a.cmp(b); // The comparison without aliases is a hack to avoid situations like // comparing `a::b` to `a as c` - where the latter should be ordered // first since it is shorter. if ord != Ordering::Equal && a.remove_alias().cmp(&b.remove_alias()) != Ordering::Equal { return ord; } } self.path.len().cmp(&other.path.len()) } } fn rewrite_nested_use_tree( context: &RewriteContext<'_>, use_tree_list: &[UseTree], shape: Shape, ) -> Option { let mut list_items = Vec::with_capacity(use_tree_list.len()); let nested_shape = match context.config.imports_indent() { IndentStyle::Block => shape .block_indent(context.config.tab_spaces()) .with_max_width(context.config) .sub_width(1)?, IndentStyle::Visual => shape.visual_indent(0), }; for use_tree in use_tree_list { if let Some(mut list_item) = use_tree.list_item.clone() { list_item.item = use_tree.rewrite(context, nested_shape); list_items.push(list_item); } else { list_items.push(ListItem::from_str(use_tree.rewrite(context, nested_shape)?)); } } let has_nested_list = use_tree_list.iter().any(|use_segment| { use_segment.path.last().map_or(false, |last_segment| { matches!(last_segment.kind, UseSegmentKind::List(..)) }) }); let remaining_width = if has_nested_list { 0 } else { shape.width.saturating_sub(2) }; let tactic = definitive_tactic( &list_items, context.config.imports_layout(), Separator::Comma, remaining_width, ); let ends_with_newline = context.config.imports_indent() == IndentStyle::Block && tactic != DefinitiveListTactic::Horizontal; let trailing_separator = if ends_with_newline { context.config.trailing_comma() } else { SeparatorTactic::Never }; let fmt = ListFormatting::new(nested_shape, context.config) .tactic(tactic) .trailing_separator(trailing_separator) .ends_with_newline(ends_with_newline) .preserve_newline(true) .nested(has_nested_list); let list_str = write_list(&list_items, &fmt)?; let result = if (list_str.contains('\n') || list_str.len() > remaining_width) && context.config.imports_indent() == IndentStyle::Block { format!( "{{\n{}{}\n{}}}", nested_shape.indent.to_string(context.config), list_str, shape.indent.to_string(context.config) ) } else { format!("{{{}}}", list_str) }; Some(result) } impl Rewrite for UseSegment { fn rewrite(&self, context: &RewriteContext<'_>, shape: Shape) -> Option { Some(match self.kind { UseSegmentKind::Ident(ref ident, Some(ref rename)) => { format!("{} as {}", ident, rename) } UseSegmentKind::Ident(ref ident, None) => ident.clone(), UseSegmentKind::Slf(Some(ref rename)) => format!("self as {}", rename), UseSegmentKind::Slf(None) => "self".to_owned(), UseSegmentKind::Super(Some(ref rename)) => format!("super as {}", rename), UseSegmentKind::Super(None) => "super".to_owned(), UseSegmentKind::Crate(Some(ref rename)) => format!("crate as {}", rename), UseSegmentKind::Crate(None) => "crate".to_owned(), UseSegmentKind::Glob => "*".to_owned(), UseSegmentKind::List(ref use_tree_list) => rewrite_nested_use_tree( context, use_tree_list, // 1 = "{" and "}" shape.offset_left(1)?.sub_width(1)?, )?, }) } } impl Rewrite for UseTree { // This does NOT format attributes and visibility or add a trailing `;`. fn rewrite(&self, context: &RewriteContext<'_>, mut shape: Shape) -> Option { let mut result = String::with_capacity(256); let mut iter = self.path.iter().peekable(); while let Some(segment) = { let segment_str = segment.rewrite(context, shape)?; result.push_str(&segment_str); if iter.peek().is_some() { result.push_str("::"); // 2 = "::" shape = shape.offset_left(2 + segment_str.len())?; } } Some(result) } } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] enum SharedPrefix { Crate, Module, One, } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::*; use rustc_span::DUMMY_SP; // Parse the path part of an import. This parser is not robust and is only // suitable for use in a test harness. fn parse_use_tree(s: &str) -> UseTree { use std::iter::Peekable; use std::mem::swap; use std::str::Chars; struct Parser<'a> { input: Peekable>, version: Version, } impl<'a> Parser<'a> { fn bump(&mut self) {; } fn eat(&mut self, c: char) { assert_eq!(, c); } fn push_segment( &self, result: &mut Vec, buf: &mut String, alias_buf: &mut Option, ) { let version = self.version; if !buf.is_empty() { let mut alias = None; swap(alias_buf, &mut alias); match buf.as_ref() { "self" => { let kind = UseSegmentKind::Slf(alias); result.push(UseSegment { kind, version }); *buf = String::new(); *alias_buf = None; } "super" => { let kind = UseSegmentKind::Super(alias); result.push(UseSegment { kind, version }); *buf = String::new(); *alias_buf = None; } "crate" => { let kind = UseSegmentKind::Crate(alias); result.push(UseSegment { kind, version }); *buf = String::new(); *alias_buf = None; } _ => { let mut name = String::new(); swap(buf, &mut name); let kind = UseSegmentKind::Ident(name, alias); result.push(UseSegment { kind, version }); } } } } fn parse_in_list(&mut self) -> UseTree { let mut result = vec![]; let mut buf = String::new(); let mut alias_buf = None; while let Some(&c) = self.input.peek() { match c { '{' => { assert!(buf.is_empty()); self.bump(); let kind = UseSegmentKind::List(self.parse_list()); result.push(UseSegment { kind, version: self.version, });'}'); } '*' => { assert!(buf.is_empty()); self.bump(); let kind = UseSegmentKind::Glob; result.push(UseSegment { kind, version: self.version, }); } ':' => { self.bump();':'); self.push_segment(&mut result, &mut buf, &mut alias_buf); } '}' | ',' => { self.push_segment(&mut result, &mut buf, &mut alias_buf); return UseTree { path: result, span: DUMMY_SP, list_item: None, visibility: None, attrs: None, }; } ' ' => { self.bump();'a');'s');' '); alias_buf = Some(String::new()); } c => { self.bump(); if let Some(ref mut buf) = alias_buf { buf.push(c); } else { buf.push(c); } } } } self.push_segment(&mut result, &mut buf, &mut alias_buf); UseTree { path: result, span: DUMMY_SP, list_item: None, visibility: None, attrs: None, } } fn parse_list(&mut self) -> Vec { let mut result = vec![]; loop { match self.input.peek().unwrap() { ',' | ' ' => self.bump(), '}' => { return result; } _ => result.push(self.parse_in_list()), } } } } let mut parser = Parser { input: s.chars().peekable(), version: Version::One, }; parser.parse_in_list() } macro_rules! parse_use_trees { ($($s:expr),* $(,)*) => { vec![ $(parse_use_tree($s),)* ] } } macro_rules! test_merge { ($by:ident, [$($input:expr),* $(,)*], [$($output:expr),* $(,)*]) => { assert_eq!( normalize_use_trees_with_granularity( parse_use_trees!($($input,)*), ImportGranularity::$by, ), parse_use_trees!($($output,)*), ); } } #[test] fn test_use_tree_merge_crate() { test_merge!( Crate, ["a::b::{c, d}", "a::b::{e, f}"], ["a::b::{c, d, e, f}"] ); test_merge!(Crate, ["a::b::c", "a::b"], ["a::{b, b::c}"]); test_merge!(Crate, ["a::b", "a::b"], ["a::b"]); test_merge!(Crate, ["a", "a::b", "a::b::c"], ["a::{self, b, b::c}"]); test_merge!( Crate, ["a", "a::b", "a::b::c", "a::b::c::d"], ["a::{self, b, b::{c, c::d}}"] ); test_merge!( Crate, ["a", "a::b", "a::b::c", "a::b"], ["a::{self, b, b::c}"] ); test_merge!( Crate, ["a::{b::{self, c}, d::e}", "a::d::f"], ["a::{b::{self, c}, d::{e, f}}"] ); test_merge!( Crate, ["a::d::f", "a::{b::{self, c}, d::e}"], ["a::{b::{self, c}, d::{e, f}}"] ); test_merge!( Crate, ["a::{c, d, b}", "a::{d, e, b, a, f}", "a::{f, g, c}"], ["a::{a, b, c, d, e, f, g}"] ); test_merge!( Crate, ["a::{self}", "b::{self as foo}"], ["a::{self}", "b::{self as foo}"] ); } #[test] fn test_use_tree_merge_module() { test_merge!( Module, ["foo::b", "foo::{a, c, d::e}"], ["foo::{a, b, c}", "foo::d::e"] ); test_merge!( Module, ["foo::{a::b, a::c, d::e, d::f}"], ["foo::a::{b, c}", "foo::d::{e, f}"] ); } #[test] fn test_use_tree_merge_one() { test_merge!(One, ["a", "b"], ["{a, b}"]); test_merge!(One, ["a::{aa, ab}", "b", "a"], ["{a::{self, aa, ab}, b}"]); test_merge!(One, ["a as x", "b as y"], ["{a as x, b as y}"]); test_merge!( One, ["a::{aa as xa, ab}", "b", "a"], ["{a::{self, aa as xa, ab}, b}"] ); test_merge!( One, ["a", "a::{aa, ab::{aba, abb}}"], ["a::{self, aa, ab::{aba, abb}}"] ); test_merge!(One, ["a", "b::{ba, *}"], ["{a, b::{ba, *}}"]); test_merge!(One, ["a", "b", "a::aa"], ["{a::{self, aa}, b}"]); test_merge!( One, ["a::aa::aaa", "a::ac::aca", "a::aa::*"], ["a::{aa::{aaa, *}, ac::aca}"] ); test_merge!( One, ["a", "b::{ba, bb}", "a::{aa::*, ab::aba}"], ["{a::{self, aa::*, ab::aba}, b::{ba, bb}}"] ); test_merge!( One, ["b", "a::ac::{aca, acb}", "a::{aa::*, ab}"], ["{a::{aa::*, ab, ac::{aca, acb}}, b}"] ); } #[test] fn test_flatten_use_trees() { assert_eq!( flatten_use_trees( parse_use_trees!["foo::{a::{b, c}, d::e}"], ImportGranularity::Item ), parse_use_trees!["foo::a::b", "foo::a::c", "foo::d::e"] ); assert_eq!( flatten_use_trees( parse_use_trees!["foo::{self, a, b::{c, d}, e::*}"], ImportGranularity::Item ), parse_use_trees![ "foo::{self}", "foo::a", "foo::b::c", "foo::b::d", "foo::e::*" ] ); } #[test] fn test_use_tree_flatten() { assert_eq!( parse_use_tree("a::b::{c, d, e, f}").flatten(ImportGranularity::Item), parse_use_trees!("a::b::c", "a::b::d", "a::b::e", "a::b::f",) ); assert_eq!( parse_use_tree("a::b::{c::{d, e, f}, g, h::{i, j, k}}") .flatten(ImportGranularity::Item), parse_use_trees![ "a::b::c::d", "a::b::c::e", "a::b::c::f", "a::b::g", "a::b::h::i", "a::b::h::j", "a::b::h::k", ] ); } #[test] fn test_use_tree_normalize() { assert_eq!(parse_use_tree("a::self").normalize(), parse_use_tree("a")); assert_eq!( parse_use_tree("a::self as foo").normalize(), parse_use_tree("a as foo") ); assert_eq!( parse_use_tree("a::{self}").normalize(), parse_use_tree("a::{self}") ); assert_eq!(parse_use_tree("a::{b}").normalize(), parse_use_tree("a::b")); assert_eq!( parse_use_tree("a::{b, c::self}").normalize(), parse_use_tree("a::{b, c}") ); assert_eq!( parse_use_tree("a::{b as bar, c::self}").normalize(), parse_use_tree("a::{b as bar, c}") ); } #[test] fn test_use_tree_ord() { assert!(parse_use_tree("a").normalize() < parse_use_tree("aa").normalize()); assert!(parse_use_tree("a").normalize() < parse_use_tree("a::a").normalize()); assert!(parse_use_tree("a").normalize() < parse_use_tree("*").normalize()); assert!(parse_use_tree("a").normalize() < parse_use_tree("{a, b}").normalize()); assert!(parse_use_tree("*").normalize() < parse_use_tree("{a, b}").normalize()); assert!( parse_use_tree("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa::{bb, cc, dddddddd}").normalize() < parse_use_tree("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa::{bb, cc, ddddddddd}").normalize() ); assert!( parse_use_tree("serde::de::{Deserialize}").normalize() < parse_use_tree("serde_json").normalize() ); assert!(parse_use_tree("a::b::c").normalize() < parse_use_tree("a::b::*").normalize()); assert!( parse_use_tree("foo::{Bar, Baz}").normalize() < parse_use_tree("{Bar, Baz}").normalize() ); assert!( parse_use_tree("foo::{qux as bar}").normalize() < parse_use_tree("foo::{self as bar}").normalize() ); assert!( parse_use_tree("foo::{qux as bar}").normalize() < parse_use_tree("foo::{baz, qux as bar}").normalize() ); assert!( parse_use_tree("foo::{self as bar, baz}").normalize() < parse_use_tree("foo::{baz, qux as bar}").normalize() ); assert!(parse_use_tree("foo").normalize() < parse_use_tree("Foo").normalize()); assert!(parse_use_tree("foo").normalize() < parse_use_tree("foo::Bar").normalize()); assert!( parse_use_tree("std::cmp::{d, c, b, a}").normalize() < parse_use_tree("std::cmp::{b, e, g, f}").normalize() ); } #[test] fn test_use_tree_nest_trailing_self() { assert_eq!( parse_use_tree("a::b::self").nest_trailing_self(), parse_use_tree("a::b::{self}") ); assert_eq!( parse_use_tree("a::b::c").nest_trailing_self(), parse_use_tree("a::b::c") ); assert_eq!( parse_use_tree("a::b::{c, d}").nest_trailing_self(), parse_use_tree("a::b::{c, d}") ); assert_eq!( parse_use_tree("a::b::{self, c}").nest_trailing_self(), parse_use_tree("a::b::{self, c}") ); } }