struct Struct { // Multiline comment // should be formatted // properly. } struct Struct2 { // This formatting // Should be changed } struct Struct3( // This // is // correct ); struct Struct4( // This // is // not // correct ); struct Struct5 { /* Comment block with many lines. */ } struct Struct6( /* Comment block with many lines. */ ); struct Struct7 { /* Invalid format */ } struct Struct8( /* Invalid format */ ); struct Struct9 { /* bar */ } struct Struct10 { /* bar baz */ } mod module { struct Struct { // Multiline comment // should be formatted // properly. } struct Struct2 { // This formatting // Should be changed } struct Struct3( // This // is // correct ); struct Struct4( // This // is // not // correct ); struct Struct5 { /* Comment block with many lines. */ } struct Struct6( /* Comment block with many lines. */ ); struct Struct7 { /* Invalid format */ } struct Struct8( /* Invalid format */ ); struct Struct9 { /* bar */ } }