// rustfmt-wrap_comments: true fn foo() { let s = "this line goes to 100: ͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶͶ"; let s = 42; // a comment of length 80, with the starting sigil: ҘҘҘҘҘҘҘҘҘҘ ҘҘҘҘҘҘҘҘҘҘҘҘҘҘ let s = 42; } pub fn bar(config: &Config) { let csv = RefCell::new(create_csv(config, "foo")); { let mut csv = csv.borrow_mut(); for (i1, i2, i3) in iproduct!(0..2, 0..3, 0..3) { csv.write_field(format!("γ[{}.{}.{}]", i1, i2, i3)).unwrap(); csv.write_field(format!("d[{}.{}.{}]", i1, i2, i3)).unwrap(); csv.write_field(format!("i[{}.{}.{}]", i1, i2, i3)).unwrap(); } csv.write_record(None::<&[u8]>).unwrap(); } } // The NotUnicode line is below 100 wrt chars but over it wrt String::len fn baz() { let our_error_b = result_b_from_func.or_else(|e| match e { NotPresent => Err(e).chain_err(|| "env var wasn't provided"), NotUnicode(_) => Err(e).chain_err(|| "env var was very very very bork文字化ã"), }); }