//! Tidy checks source code in this repository. //! //! This program runs all of the various tidy checks for style, cleanliness, //! etc. This is run by default on `./x.py test` and as part of the auto //! builders. The tidy checks can be executed with `./x.py test tidy`. use tidy::*; use std::collections::VecDeque; use std::env; use std::num::NonZeroUsize; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::process; use std::str::FromStr; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}; use std::thread::{scope, ScopedJoinHandle}; fn main() { let root_path: PathBuf = env::args_os().nth(1).expect("need path to root of repo").into(); let cargo: PathBuf = env::args_os().nth(2).expect("need path to cargo").into(); let output_directory: PathBuf = env::args_os().nth(3).expect("need path to output directory").into(); let concurrency: NonZeroUsize = FromStr::from_str(&env::args().nth(4).expect("need concurrency")) .expect("concurrency must be a number"); let src_path = root_path.join("src"); let library_path = root_path.join("library"); let compiler_path = root_path.join("compiler"); let args: Vec = env::args().skip(1).collect(); let verbose = args.iter().any(|s| *s == "--verbose"); let bless = args.iter().any(|s| *s == "--bless"); let bad = std::sync::Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)); scope(|s| { let mut handles: VecDeque> = VecDeque::with_capacity(concurrency.get()); macro_rules! check { ($p:ident $(, $args:expr)* ) => { while handles.len() >= concurrency.get() { handles.pop_front().unwrap().join().unwrap(); } let handle = s.spawn(|| { let mut flag = false; $p::check($($args),* , &mut flag); if (flag) { bad.store(true, Ordering::Relaxed); } }); handles.push_back(handle); } } check!(target_specific_tests, &src_path); // Checks that are done on the cargo workspace. check!(deps, &root_path, &cargo); check!(extdeps, &root_path); // Checks over tests. check!(debug_artifacts, &src_path); check!(ui_tests, &src_path); check!(mir_opt_tests, &src_path, bless); // Checks that only make sense for the compiler. check!(errors, &compiler_path); check!(error_codes_check, &[&src_path, &compiler_path]); // Checks that only make sense for the std libs. check!(pal, &library_path); check!(primitive_docs, &library_path); // Checks that need to be done for both the compiler and std libraries. check!(unit_tests, &src_path); check!(unit_tests, &compiler_path); check!(unit_tests, &library_path); if bins::check_filesystem_support(&[&root_path], &output_directory) { check!(bins, &root_path); } check!(style, &src_path); check!(style, &compiler_path); check!(style, &library_path); check!(edition, &src_path); check!(edition, &compiler_path); check!(edition, &library_path); check!(alphabetical, &src_path); check!(alphabetical, &compiler_path); check!(alphabetical, &library_path); let collected = { while handles.len() >= concurrency.get() { handles.pop_front().unwrap().join().unwrap(); } let mut flag = false; let r = features::check(&src_path, &compiler_path, &library_path, &mut flag, verbose); if flag { bad.store(true, Ordering::Relaxed); } r }; check!(unstable_book, &src_path, collected); }); if bad.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { eprintln!("some tidy checks failed"); process::exit(1); } }