// compile-flags: -C opt-level=3 -C no-prepopulate-passes #![crate_type = "lib"] // Test for the absence of `readonly` on the argument when it is mutated via `&raw const`. // See . // CHECK: i8 @foo(ptr noalias nocapture noundef align 1 dereferenceable(128) %x) #[no_mangle] pub fn foo(x: [u8; 128]) -> u8 { let ptr = core::ptr::addr_of!(x).cast_mut(); unsafe { (*ptr)[0] = 1; } x[0] } // CHECK: i1 @second(ptr noalias nocapture noundef align {{[0-9]+}} dereferenceable({{[0-9]+}}) %a_ptr_and_b) #[no_mangle] pub unsafe fn second(a_ptr_and_b: (*mut (i32, bool), (i64, bool))) -> bool { let b_bool_ptr = core::ptr::addr_of!(a_ptr_and_b.1.1).cast_mut(); (*b_bool_ptr) = true; a_ptr_and_b.1.1 } // If going through a deref (and there are no other mutating accesses), then `readonly` is fine. // CHECK: i1 @third(ptr noalias nocapture noundef readonly align {{[0-9]+}} dereferenceable({{[0-9]+}}) %a_ptr_and_b) #[no_mangle] pub unsafe fn third(a_ptr_and_b: (*mut (i32, bool), (i64, bool))) -> bool { let b_bool_ptr = core::ptr::addr_of!((*a_ptr_and_b.0).1).cast_mut(); (*b_bool_ptr) = true; a_ptr_and_b.1.1 }