// Verifies that `Session::default_hidden_visibility` is affected when using the related cmdline // flag. This is a regression test for https://github.com/rust-lang/compiler-team/issues/656. See // also https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/73295 and // https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/37530. // revisions:DEFAULT YES NO //[YES] compile-flags: -Zdefault-hidden-visibility=yes //[NO] compile-flags: -Zdefault-hidden-visibility=no // The test scenario is specifically about visibility of symbols exported out of dynamically linked // libraries. #![crate_type = "dylib"] // The test scenario needs to use a Rust-public, but non-explicitly-exported symbol // (e.g. the test doesn't use `#[no_mangle]`, because currently it implies that // the symbol should be exported; we don't want that - we want to test the *default* // export setting instead). #[used] pub static tested_symbol: [u8; 6] = *b"foobar"; // Exact LLVM IR differs depending on the target triple (e.g. `hidden constant` // vs `internal constant` vs `constant`). Because of this, we only apply the // specific test expectations below to one specific target triple. If needed, // additional targets can be covered by adding copies of this test file with // a different `only-X` directive. // // only-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu // DEFAULT: @{{.*}}default_hidden_visibility{{.*}}tested_symbol{{.*}} = constant // YES: @{{.*}}default_hidden_visibility{{.*}}tested_symbol{{.*}} = hidden constant // NO: @{{.*}}default_hidden_visibility{{.*}}tested_symbol{{.*}} = constant