// compile-flags: -C no-prepopulate-passes -Zmir-opt-level=0 -Copt-level=0 #![crate_type = "lib"] // Hack to get the correct size for the length part in slices // CHECK: @helper([[USIZE:i[0-9]+]] %_1) #[no_mangle] pub fn helper(_: usize) { } // CHECK-LABEL: @ref_dst #[no_mangle] pub fn ref_dst(s: &[u8]) { // We used to generate an extra alloca and memcpy to ref the dst, so check that we copy // directly to the alloca for "x" // CHECK: [[X0:%[0-9]+]] = getelementptr inbounds { {{\[0 x i8\]\*|ptr}}, [[USIZE]] }, {{.*}} %x, i32 0, i32 0 // CHECK: store {{\[0 x i8\]\*|ptr}} %s.0, {{.*}} [[X0]] // CHECK: [[X1:%[0-9]+]] = getelementptr inbounds { {{\[0 x i8\]\*|ptr}}, [[USIZE]] }, {{.*}} %x, i32 0, i32 1 // CHECK: store [[USIZE]] %s.1, {{.*}} [[X1]] let x = &*s; &x; // keep variable in an alloca }