// compile-flags: -O // only-64bit (because the LLVM type of i64 for usize shows up) // ignore-debug: the debug assertions get in the way #![crate_type = "lib"] use std::ops::Range; // CHECK-LABEL: @index_by_range( #[no_mangle] pub fn index_by_range(x: &[u16], r: Range) -> &[u16] { // CHECK: sub nuw i64 &x[r] } // CHECK-LABEL: @get_unchecked_by_range( #[no_mangle] pub unsafe fn get_unchecked_by_range(x: &[u16], r: Range) -> &[u16] { // CHECK: sub nuw i64 x.get_unchecked(r) } // CHECK-LABEL: @index_mut_by_range( #[no_mangle] pub fn index_mut_by_range(x: &mut [i32], r: Range) -> &mut [i32] { // CHECK: sub nuw i64 &mut x[r] } // CHECK-LABEL: @get_unchecked_mut_by_range( #[no_mangle] pub unsafe fn get_unchecked_mut_by_range(x: &mut [i32], r: Range) -> &mut [i32] { // CHECK: sub nuw i64 x.get_unchecked_mut(r) }