LL| |#![allow(unused_assignments)] LL| | LL| 1|fn main() { LL| 1| // Initialize test constants in a way that cannot be determined at compile time, to ensure LL| 1| // rustc and LLVM cannot optimize out statements (or coverage counters) downstream from LL| 1| // dependent conditions. LL| 1| let is_true = std::env::args().len() == 1; LL| 1| LL| 1| let mut countdown = 0; LL| 1| LL| 1| if LL| 1| is_true LL| 1| { LL| 1| countdown LL| 1| = LL| 1| 10 LL| 1| ; LL| 1| } ^0 LL| | LL| | loop LL| | { LL| | if LL| 11| countdown LL| 11| == LL| 11| 0 LL| | { LL| 1| break LL| | ; LL| 10| } LL| 10| countdown LL| 10| -= LL| 10| 1 LL| | ; LL| | } LL| 1|}