// Check that the hash for a method call is sensitive to the traits in // scope. // revisions: rpass1 rpass2 // compile-flags: -Z query-dep-graph #![feature(rustc_attrs)] fn test() { } trait Trait1 { fn method(&self) { } } impl Trait1 for () { } trait Trait2 { fn method(&self) { } } impl Trait2 for () { } mod mod3 { #[cfg(rpass1)] use Trait1; #[cfg(rpass2)] use Trait2; #[rustc_clean(except="typeck", cfg="rpass2")] fn bar() { ().method(); } #[rustc_clean(cfg="rpass2")] fn baz() { 22; // no method call, traits in scope don't matter } } fn main() { }