// This test ensures that the type declaration content overflow is handled inside the
go-to: "file://" + |DOC_PATH| + "/lib2/long_table/struct.Foo.html"
// We set a fixed size so there is no chance of "random" resize.
set-window-size: (1100, 800)
// Logically, the ".docblock" and the "

" should have the same scroll width. compare-elements-property: (".top-doc .docblock", ".top-doc .docblock > p", ["scrollWidth"]) assert-property: (".top-doc .docblock", {"scrollWidth": "816"}) // However, since there is overflow in the , its scroll width is bigger. assert-property: (".top-doc .docblock table", {"scrollWidth": "1572"}) // Checking it works on other doc blocks as well... // Logically, the ".docblock" and the "

" should have the same scroll width. compare-elements-property: ( "#implementations-list > details .docblock", "#implementations-list > details .docblock > p", ["scrollWidth"], ) assert-property: ("#implementations-list > details .docblock", {"scrollWidth": "816"}) // However, since there is overflow in the

, its scroll width is bigger. assert-property: ("#implementations-list > details .docblock table", {"scrollWidth": "1572"})