to enjoy
this crate even more!
Enable the feature some-feature
to enjoy
this crate even more!
Enable the feature some-feature
to enjoy
this crate even more!
Also, stop using `bar` as it's deprecated.
Also, stop using `bar` as it's deprecated.
Also, stop using `bar` as it's deprecated.
Finally, you can use `quz` only on Unix or x86-64
Finally, you can use `quz` only on Unix or x86-64
use std::convert::AsRef;
use std::fmt;
/// Basic function with some code examples:
/// ```
/// println!("nothing fancy");
/// println!("but with two lines!");
/// ```
/// A failing to compile one:
/// ```compile_fail
/// println!("where did my argument {} go? :'(");
/// ```
/// An ignored one:
/// ```ignore (it's a test)
/// Let's say I'm just some text will ya?
/// ```
/// A failing to run one:
/// ```should_panic
/// panic!("tadam");
/// ```
/// An inlined `code`!
pub fn foo() {}
/// Just a normal struct.
pub struct Foo;
impl Foo {
pub fn must_use(&self) -> bool {
impl AsRef