// Regression test for #83026. // The goal of this test is to ensure that impl blocks inside // const expressions are documented as well. #![crate_name = "foo"] // @has 'foo/struct.A.html' // @has - '//*[@id="method.new"]/*[@class="code-header"]' 'pub fn new() -> A' // @has - '//*[@id="method.bar"]/*[@class="code-header"]' 'pub fn bar(&self)' // @has - '//*[@id="method.woo"]/*[@class="code-header"]' 'pub fn woo(&self)' // @has - '//*[@id="method.yoo"]/*[@class="code-header"]' 'pub fn yoo()' // @has - '//*[@id="method.yuu"]/*[@class="code-header"]' 'pub fn yuu()' pub struct A; const _: () = { impl A { const FOO: () = { impl A { pub fn woo(&self) {} } }; pub fn new() -> A { A } } }; pub const X: () = { impl A { pub fn bar(&self) {} } }; fn foo() { impl A { pub fn yoo() {} } const _: () = { impl A { pub fn yuu() {} } }; }